View Full Version : A question...

01-04-2011, 09:21 AM
Has anyone else had dreams of Jesus..I dont need details I dont feel like sharing the details of my dreams of him. Because to me they are personal. The details I will give is I felt the most love I have ever felt in my life. More love then anyone on this earth can give. I am curious if anyone else has experienced this? How did you feel when you woke up during the dream? I felt whole and at peace. Part of me misses my experience like I want to be with him now. But I know I have a life here also..All I can say is Jesus is the greatest ever and so wonderful. The dream wasnt like a I need proof Jesus exists kind of thing. I have believed without seeing my whole life. Why he had shown himself to me I do not know but I accept the gift!!!!!!

01-04-2011, 10:19 AM
Yes Light .. A vision I saw many years ago in early 1990's.
The beauty and love is beyond anything I can write :)


:) xox

01-04-2011, 10:26 AM
Oh and I had one yesterday Light.. as I closed my eyes a woman ..a stranger insisted I sit in the chapel for a minute ..I was racing around doing hosp rounds.
