View Full Version : I was summoned

19-10-2006, 08:42 AM
I have experienced what you call Astral Projection a few times in this life. Each time it happens so fast, as if I was called or summoned. I'm always in the middle of doing something like walking, driving, or cleaning I suppose the reason for me being in motion is so I wont deny it when I return. A couple times I was summoned while driving, all my senses left the vehicle even my ability to feel the steering wheel. Yet when I return I am miles down the road as if I continue to drive safely down the highway. Its similar to a black out yet my physical self is still in control yet feels frozen or empty to me.

I have tried to practice Astral Projection, I began to feel light as if I am lifting, and it is a frightening feeling so I stop. No I have yet to do it through practice or sitting quite. Yes, I sleep with the glass of water each night and still wake up feeling dry. My mother told me the water would help keep the negative out during a time when I am most vulnerable. My sleep is the same feeling I get when I am summoned. No sense of smell, taste, hearing, sight, or touch. Am not conscious of my surroundings when I am sleep, although it is better now than in the past, being a single mother I must listen out for the children. Now I will wake up if you yell in my ear, or put a wet towel on my face. In past I would not wake up until I did, no matter what you do.

I would like to learn how get past the fear of lifting, as I shared earlier in the forum I was returned to my body because of doubt. As I stood on the cloud questioning the presence that was speaking to me, the only words I was able to retain from his communication was "there is not room for doubt" Where in I was quickly returned to my body. All senses were restored the shell could move again. After being out of body returning feels like captivity, lock down. And you know without a shadow of a doubt there is life beyond laying this body to rest, giving up the shell is bliss.


19-10-2006, 09:07 AM
Hi cw, you sound like a truly blessed individual who has the capacity to do amazing things. We all have this capacity but you sound to be someone who has a good heart and is open to it. Grasp the nettle, dare to dream, do not worry about your doubts, they will come and go, allow them to come and go. Focus on what you really want, imagine your dream life, helping bring love into the world, encouraging others to express themselves in which ever way your talents would truly be satisfied, spend time each day imagining this dream life, allow yourself to be exited at the joy you would bring to the world and slowly but surely it will come to pass. Give yourself time and space to overcome your doubts, as you realise your potential to bring joy into the world your doubts will fade. You are amazing, all you have to do is relax, enjoy this moment in which your whole life happens and dare to dream (if you are so inclined).

19-10-2006, 01:39 PM
Thanks Dreamer

CW apprciate your encouraging words of doubt dissapation, I remain teachable. What is the circle? Is this a place were I can feel safe to practice Astral Projection? I don't feel safe alone, the most uncomfortable feeling about trying to project alone is feeling myself leaving. When I am summoned it happens so fast I don't have time to feel myself leaving, only on the return, I realize I've been gone by things I saw out side.

Hi cw, you sound like a truly blessed individual who has the capacity to do amazing things. We all have this capacity but you sound to be someone who has a good heart and is open to it. Grasp the nettle, dare to dream, do not worry about your doubts, they will come and go, allow them to come and go. Focus on what you really want, imagine your dream life, helping bring love into the world, encouraging others to express themselves in which ever way your talents would truly be satisfied, spend time each day imagining this dream life, allow yourself to be exited at the joy you would bring to the world and slowly but surely it will come to pass. Give yourself time and space to overcome your doubts, as you realise your potential to bring joy into the world your doubts will fade. You are amazing, all you have to do is relax, enjoy this moment in which your whole life happens and dare to dream (if you are so inclined).

21-10-2006, 05:59 AM
hello cweiters!

I experience astral projection all the time w.o trying. it just comes naturally to me. I know what you are talking about when you say you're afraid. That is just a normal signal your spirit gives your physical body " i am dying" so you freeze ( astral catalepsy) i was stuck in the astral catalepsy stage for YEARS (since i was 12) until i say Sylvia Browne explain to another person who experienced the same thing as I did that we aren't going to die. Just relax, and yoiu will find yourself comming out of your body it will feel like you're under water. I am still afraid to astrally travel sometimes.

last night i was floating to outer space, i was curious on how everything looked that close, but then i went back inside my body because i was still afraid. When it comes to travelling to friends/family's places, or just anywhere in my area i feel fine, but i have not yet felt comfortable to travel THAT far, even though time and distance do not exist in the spiritual world.

I hope I helped! ( and take my own advice) we just need to relax, and trust that our spirits need a break from these earthly bodies.