View Full Version : Fearful of the afterlife...

31-07-2017, 09:26 PM
Most near death experiences tell about those''new age'' kind of NDE where there is no eternal damnation, devil, hell, or a strict tyrannical judgmental god but only a god of love that accepts everyone whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or even gay. NDE's involving reincarnation are not unheard of neither. Sounds all cheerful, right? Well yes, if it wasn't for those few people who experienced a fundamentalism Christian type NDE where everyone who isn't a Christian and/or accepted Jesus as their savior goes to hell forever. Of course, it's easy to debunk them as untruth because you don't have Christianity based beliefs. But just because you don't approve of them doesn't mean they should be overlooked... I don't know why people have those different types of NDEs that contradict one another. If there is a God, why would he deceive one person into having a fundamental Christian-type NDE while another person a cheerful New Age kind of NDE? Is he doing this to troll us? Thinking about it makes me extremely fearful about checking out of this life. Obviously none of us know the truth until we experience death for ourselves, but is there anyone here who holds a reasonable explanation? Preferably other than a ''your afterlife experience depends on your beliefs'' and ''you create your own afterlife'' related theory, since it barely makes any sense.

31-07-2017, 09:53 PM
Most near death experiences tell about those''new age'' kind of NDE where there is no eternal damnation, devil, hell, or a strict tyrannical judgmental god but only a god of love that accepts everyone whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or even gay. NDE's involving reincarnation are not unheard of neither. Sounds all cheerful, right? Well yes, if it wasn't for those few people who experienced a fundamentalism Christian type NDE where everyone who isn't a Christian and/or accepted Jesus as their savior goes to hell forever. Of course, it's easy to debunk them as untruth because you don't have Christianity based beliefs. But just because you don't approve of them doesn't mean they should be overlooked... I don't know why people have those different types of NDEs that contradict one another. If there is a God, why would he deceive one person into having a fundamental Christian-type NDE while another person a cheerful New Age kind of NDE? Is he doing this to troll us? Thinking about it makes me extremely fearful about checking out of this life. Obviously none of us know the truth until we experience death for ourselves, but is there anyone here who holds a reasonable explanation? Preferably other than a ''your afterlife experience depends on your beliefs'' and ''you create your own afterlife'' related theory, since it barely makes any sense.
If you're confused by what others claim, and untrusting about potential replies, I suggest you try yourself to find answers by accessing altered states of consciousness. It would provide you some relief.

Regarding "fear", while still alive do always whatever YOU think is right, and you'll get what you deserve, instead of making mistakes by following others!

31-07-2017, 10:06 PM
If you're confused by what others claim, and untrusting about potential replies, I suggest you try yourself to find answers by accessing altered states of consciousness. It would provide you some relief.

What do you mean with altered states of consciousness? Just saying, if it involves any kind of drugs (like someone suggested me here before) then forget it.

Regarding "fear", while still alive do always whatever YOU think is right, and you'll get what you deserve, instead of making mistakes by following others

I will. And I'm defintely not the type of person who follows the crowd.

31-07-2017, 11:40 PM
What do you mean with altered states of consciousness? Just saying, if it involves any kind of drugs (like someone suggested me here before) then forget it.

I will. And I'm defintely not the type of person who follows the crowd.I use self-hypnosis.

31-07-2017, 11:53 PM
SlayerOfLight: Preferably other than a ''your afterlife experience depends on your beliefs'' and ''you create your own afterlife'' related theory, since it barely makes any sense.
how is it that these theories appear nonsensical to you?

there are thoughts which support empowerment, and those which do not.
why does it seem confusing to imagine yourself as having autonomy?
where do you imagine the power for what you experience resides?
outside of yourself? are you a pawn on someone else's chessboard?

01-08-2017, 12:17 AM
how is it that these theories appear nonsensical to you?

there are thoughts which support empowerment, and those which do not.
why does it seem confusing to imagine yourself as having autonomy?
where do you imagine the power for what you experience resides?
outside of yourself? are you a pawn on someone else's chessboard?

Mainly because there are atheists who obviously don't believe in an afterlife and after returning from a NDE their beliefs changed completely. Besides that I have read many NDEs but so far none of the ones I encountered did confirm a thought-created afterlife theory. Many NDE's seem similar to each other, like encountering a supreme deity or universal god that manifests as a brillant light, life reviews, a black void, so all of this kinda eliminates those theories that everyone has a unique NDE which takes the shape of their own beliefs.

And to answer your other questions, it certainly feels like I am a single pawn on a chessboard among many other pawns that isn't being moved but left standing in a corner while many other pieces are moved forward.

01-08-2017, 01:04 AM
When people have OBEs, lucid dreams, regressions, they find out that they're in a thought-responsive realm. Whatever they think immediately materializes. To explore what is over there independent of your thoughts and emotions, you have to learn to control your thoughts and emotions. If you can't, or won't, your emotions, especially fears, will quickly spin out of control, and you'll either wake up, or slip in a nightmare.

01-08-2017, 03:15 AM
Mainly because there are atheists who obviously don't believe in an afterlife and after returning from a NDE their beliefs changed completely. Besides that I have read many NDEs but so far none of the ones I encountered did confirm a thought-created afterlife theory. Many NDE's seem similar to each other, like encountering a supreme deity or universal god that manifests as a brillant light, life reviews, a black void, so all of this kinda eliminates those theories that everyone has a unique NDE which takes the shape of their own beliefs.

And to answer your other questions, it certainly feels like I am a single pawn on a chessboard among many other pawns that isn't being moved but left standing in a corner while many other pieces are moved forward.

i see what you're saying.
perhaps some of the 'inconsistencies' might be explained as people not truly
believing what they've thought themselves to believe. the conscious mind is
like the visible portion of an iceberg; the majority of the mind resides in the
subconscious, below the threshold of observation available to consciousness.
just because a conscious proclamation may be made doesn't mean that the
totality of thought stands in unison on that thought.
i think it's swell that you're sitting in a corner while all those other pieces
move around. it means that you're not getting pushed and pulled by factors
out of your control. you're probably looking for some sensible things to put
your energies into service of; and searching for the means to exercise your

02-08-2017, 01:42 PM
Regarding what is experienced during a NDE some speak of a 'Silver Thread', that is, the ego is still intact. When this silver thread is severed, there will be no returning of consciousness to it's human body host. Until that happens, we are still under some influence of what we have been taught and think regarding the human mind, so if that's true (and I think it is) it's bound to have some effect in what we experience in a NDE/OBE or some other spiritual experience.

02-08-2017, 10:21 PM
Please don't be afraid of the afterlife, Slayer. I don't have endless universal knowledge (lol) but from what I have received from my loved ones who have passed over they are okay indeed. And these were not 'perfect' while they lived here! And no, they didn't meditate or have amazing thought control either!

03-08-2017, 01:44 PM
Please don't be afraid of the afterlife, Slayer. I don't have endless universal knowledge (lol) but from what I have received from my loved ones who have passed over they are okay indeed. And these were not 'perfect' while they lived here! And no, they didn't meditate or have amazing thought control either!

I'm right there with you on that, Tobi...judging from my experience. There's absolutely nothing to fear about the afterlife. There's no judgement (I know that because I rejected Christianity and I'm gay...two sure fire ways to get eternal damnation according to most religions...!). Instead, I found extreme peace and joy, and heightened perception of existence.

03-08-2017, 03:42 PM
Obviously none of us know the truth until we experience death for ourselves, but is there anyone here who holds a reasonable explanation? Preferably other than a ''your afterlife experience depends on your beliefs'' and ''you create your own afterlife'' related theory, since it barely makes any sense.

Hello Slayer,
I've had an NDE and am also a Conscious Projector (meaning I can leave the body and travel to anyplace I can get a frequency match with - meaning raising the frequency of my consciousness) I've seen a LOT on the Other Side, more experiences than I can count at this point. Mostly between the 4th and 20th dimension and of that the most trips were into the 5th-8th dimension.
I have also had communication with those on the Other Side of the veil.

There are some Rules of Thumb:
Higher amounts of Love = Higher Dimensions.
Higher amounts of Fear = Lower Dimensions.
Our frequency is determined where we are experiencing on the scale between Fear and the other end of the scale of Love.

The 4th Dimension is most likely what the Catholics call Purgatory and the Buddhist call the Bardo. Whatever our passing thoughts/emotions are reality immediately mirrors that back to us. Lots of fear make it look like a total hell, for people without a belief system around 'life after death' it's just sort of a holding timeless place where little happens of changes until one's frequency rises taking them into a different dimension based on their frequency.
How long this takes doesn't matter, all will rise eventually.

Many faiths and religions state we are Creators, our thoughts making up the reality we experience. That's exactly what it looks like on the other side from what I can tell so far and from those I've communicated with from across the Veil. In that I mean our current emotion which comes from current moment and subconscious belief systems will align us with a realm which has that frequency match of thought - the realm actually exists and the experiences we have in it will be consistent with the predominant energies of that realm.
Imagine Earth type situations/locations and what types of feelings and experiences one would be most likely to have in these places: Disneyland, War Zone, Inner city shopping mall on Black Friday, Camping trip with favorite friends, Refugee Camp, once in a lifetime concert....and so on.
Each place emits an energy which makes some types of experiences more likely and others less likely. One is not likely to have a major spiritual experience in the Walmart predawn line on Black Friday right? Nor is one likely to have a total emotional fetal position melt down on a camping trip with friends into the wonders of nature and the natural world.
Different dimensions support different natures of experience.

All NDE's and OBE's point to the same thing IMHO - we land where we expect to land or have a belief in and match our frequency's to by our love/fear quotient.

This means it would serve us each well to have excitement and anticipation of what lies on the Other Side. A sense of 'Going Home, Returning to Oneness or the Creator God, Reunions with loved ones and friends, a place where we can Understand/Remember what all we forgot while in human body, a place of Answers and Understanding, a Place of abundant Love, Peace and opportunity's of every sort that we can imagine.
The more anticipation/love/excitement there is - the higher frequency zone we'll land in and the shorter trip it will be to migrate further up in dimensions and frequency to Oneness.

05-08-2017, 12:28 PM
Hello Slayer.
This is a sort of footnote. Many years ago (late 70's ?) I happened across a book called "A World Beyond" by Ruth Montgomery I must say the information in it quite simply CLICKED on SO many levels. It completely changed How I perceived Many things (regarding the "afterlife" ) and resonated with Me as in So much of it made utter sense. You might give it a read.

08-09-2017, 11:32 PM
I feel I need to revive this thread, as I just don't understand why there are quite some people having a radical Christian type NDE involving hell and judgment while other's don't. Either one of those is the truth and the other is a deception because why would God give people different types of NDEs?

09-09-2017, 12:04 AM
It might be because the character of NDEs are more about what's strong in our own minds and expectations, and conditionings?
It's interesting to look at the NDEs of young children who are less overlayed with "spiritual" conditioning.

09-09-2017, 12:10 AM
It might be because the character of NDEs are more about what's strong in our own minds and expectations, and conditionings?
It's interesting to look at the NDEs of young children who are less overlayed with "spiritual" conditioning.

I really hope and wish you are right. But what about atheists who never expected or believed anything in an afterlife and became a strict Christian after a hellish NDE?

09-09-2017, 12:17 AM
Right....I can't say I know what would have caused them to have those bad experiences, without knowing their emotional/mental make-up. As far as I know, the neutral/nice ones outnumber the hellish ones...
I always remember too that an NDE (or a vivid out-of-body experience) is not going to be the same as permanently exiting for real.

09-09-2017, 03:39 AM
I feel I need to revive this thread, as I just don't understand why there are quite some people having a radical Christian type NDE involving hell and judgment while other's don't. Either one of those is the truth and the other is a deception because why would God give people different types of NDEs?
"Over There" there's a though responsive environment: what you think, manifests immediately. If you believe there's a hell, then you'll find a hell. If you believe there's a certain God, you'll find that God. It will take a while until you'll liberate yourself from your beliefs.

From this perspective it is interesting to ponder about what will find one that thought there's nothing ... Most likely he will be confused, won't know that he died, and will face the brunt of his fears for a long while.

09-09-2017, 04:52 AM
I really hope and wish you are right. But what about atheists who never expected or believed anything in an afterlife and became a strict Christian after a hellish NDE?

Many of the people who've had NDEs and became Christian afterward tell that they were self absorbed and materialistic before, some had attempted suicide. That's why I find the silver thread a rational idea. What you believe/practice will still have an effect on your experience because the ego is still intact. It doesn't matter what you believe (or don't believe), it's how you treat others in how you live your life. And no one is condemned to eternal punishment for failing because you'll learn very soon after you've left this life what's important, just as those who've returned after having had a NDE have, whether they choose to join a religion or not.

And then...how about me? I was raised Christian, over time completely rejected it and became an atheist believing when you die that's the end of you. When I was a Christian, I was a sincere Christian. After I became atheist, I was still a good person, in that I wasn't materialistic and tried to treat everyone as I'd want to be treated, and sorry when I failed (still follow those, more than ever). When I had my NDE, it was completely wonderful. I saw no hell, no punishment. What I did see/learn is that unconditional love is the most important thing there is. Religion, any religion (or lack of it), means nothing when the Golden Rule is breached.

09-09-2017, 05:31 AM
... When I had my NDE, it was completely wonderful. I saw no hell, no punishment. What I did see/learn is that unconditional love is the most important thing there is. Religion, any religion (or lack of it), means nothing when the Golden Rule is breached.

I understand that you experienced that feeling of love. I did experience it in one of my first obe's. I wonder how did you learned that "unconditional love is the most important thing there is"? Did anybody tell you so? You just knew it?

09-09-2017, 06:30 PM
I understand that you experienced that feeling of love. I did experience it in one of my first obe's. I wonder how did you learned that "unconditional love is the most important thing there is"? Did anybody tell you so? You just knew it?

Anything that came to me seemed to come from within. I asked no questions because there was no one there to answer. Yet, I didn't feel lonely in the least, instead I felt a level of joy and intense state of being I'd never experienced in this life. I knew beyond a line of trees was something so wonderful. I tried to go there but couldn't, that's when I learned I couldn't pass that point because it wasn't time for me to. That was when I saw all the ills of this life, how the vast majority of people become so wrapped up in selfishness, most of them not because they're "evil", but because that's just the way this life operates, that even though love happens for family and partners, the genuine concern for others is ignored in favor of selfish pursuits. It's unconditional love that can change that. I was saddened and disappointed in how humankind came to that at this point, and so much didn't want to come back to this when I learned I had to return. But it wasn't my choice to make...so here I am.

I've read other NDE stories where it's been expressed that if people would practice unconditional love this life could be a paradise. And because of my experience I know that's so true.

(Lol...when I came back into this body I opened my eyes and saw the EMT who revived me. Despite his intense efforts to "save my life" I thought to myself "doggone it, why'd you have to bring me back to this?").

I've never had an OBE...don't really want to because I know what comes next so I'll wait until my body finally gives out...and I do hope it's soon. But I'm happy for those who want to have an OBE and can achieve that. I don't doubt they're much the same as a NDE.

09-09-2017, 06:49 PM
Anything that came to me seemed to come from within. I asked no questions because there was no one there to answer. Yet, I didn't feel lonely in the least, instead I felt a level of joy and intense state of being I'd never experienced in this life. I knew beyond a line of trees was something so wonderful. I tried to go there but couldn't, that's when I learned I couldn't pass that point because it wasn't time for me to. That was when I saw all the ills of this life, how the vast majority of people become so wrapped up in selfishness, most of them not because they're "evil", but because that's just the way this life operates, that even though love happens for family and partners, the genuine concern for others is ignored in favor of selfish pursuits. It's unconditional love that can change that. I was saddened and disappointed in how humankind came to that at this point, and so much didn't want to come back to this when I learned I had to return. But it wasn't my choice to make...so here I am.

I've read other NDE stories where it's been expressed that if people would practice unconditional love this life could be a paradise. And because of my experience I know that's so true.

(Lol...when I came back into this body I opened my eyes and saw the EMT who revived me. Despite his intense efforts to "save my life" I thought to myself "doggone it, why'd you have to bring me back to this?").

I've never had an OBE...don't really want to because I know what comes next so I'll wait until my body finally gives out...and I do hope it's soon. But I'm happy for those who want to have an OBE and can achieve that. I don't doubt they're much the same as a NDE.
Thanks. Your feelings of love describe very much what I was feeling during that obe. At the time, I was just in that present, I had no thought about anything else. In my case, there was a being radiating that love. I just laid down by her side absolutely happy and carefree.

Differently from you, I don't believe that trying to practice "unconditional love" here, in physical, is what we're supposed to learn or do, because of the karmic implications.

09-09-2017, 11:21 PM
Anything that came to me seemed to come from within. I asked no questions because there was no one there to answer. Yet, I didn't feel lonely in the least, instead I felt a level of joy and intense state of being I'd never experienced in this life. I knew beyond a line of trees was something so wonderful. I tried to go there but couldn't, that's when I learned I couldn't pass that point because it wasn't time for me to. That was when I saw all the ills of this life, how the vast majority of people become so wrapped up in selfishness, most of them not because they're "evil", but because that's just the way this life operates, that even though love happens for family and partners, the genuine concern for others is ignored in favor of selfish pursuits. It's unconditional love that can change that. I was saddened and disappointed in how humankind came to that at this point, and so much didn't want to come back to this when I learned I had to return. But it wasn't my choice to make...so here I am.

I've read other NDE stories where it's been expressed that if people would practice unconditional love this life could be a paradise. And because of my experience I know that's so true.

(Lol...when I came back into this body I opened my eyes and saw the EMT who revived me. Despite his intense efforts to "save my life" I thought to myself "doggone it, why'd you have to bring me back to this?").

I've never had an OBE...don't really want to because I know what comes next so I'll wait until my body finally gives out...and I do hope it's soon. But I'm happy for those who want to have an OBE and can achieve that. I don't doubt they're much the same as a NDE.

Mardav, that is so beautiful. What you wrote brings tears to my eyes.

10-09-2017, 02:29 PM
Thanks. Your feelings of love describe very much what I was feeling during that obe. At the time, I was just in that present, I had no thought about anything else. In my case, there was a being radiating that love. I just laid down by her side absolutely happy and carefree.

Differently from you, I don't believe that trying to practice "unconditional love" here, in physical, is what we're supposed to learn or do, because of the karmic implications.

You're welcome, baro-san, but I guess I'm not being clear on my thoughts on unconditional love. I'm not sure that we're supposed to learn or do it. I like to say this 'plane' is like "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". This existence just is what we make it. It isn't the reality of existence, because it isn't eternal. If there are lessons, those lessons apply to this 'plane' and not that plane of reality of existence where there is no punishment for not practicing unconditional love. I do think humankind will come to a point when we realize the importance of it...we just haven't gotten there yet, but I think we may be at the dawn of it. It's an evolution...but not of the spirit (the spirit already knows), but in experiencing this plane. I experienced that feeling of love, you experienced it, and so have many others who've had NDEs or OBEs...that was in that place of reality of existence, free of the ego.
Lol...hope that makes sense...!

10-09-2017, 02:57 PM
Mardav, that is so beautiful. What you wrote brings tears to my eyes.

Oh, Tobi, you're such a beautiful soul. Not because of how you feel about what I've written, but because of what emanates from you. All living creatures (and possibly all things that exist in this plane) have consciousness, soul, spirit...whatever one chooses to call it. You know this because of your dear Misty. I know it because of my sweet doggies, Mitzi and Cookie. We'll be with them again in that place of reality of existence (home), and they've visited us in astounding ways that all too clearly affirm that.

I wish those of us who "know" could somehow impart this to those who fear the afterlife.

11-09-2017, 08:17 AM
Sorry for my late reply here, I've been too busy with life. But I want to thank everyone genuinely for sharing your views, although I'm still fearful of it in the back of my mind.

Many of the people who've had NDEs and became Christian afterward tell that they were self absorbed and materialistic before, some had attempted suicide. That's why I find the silver thread a rational idea. What you believe/practice will still have an effect on your experience because the ego is still intact. It doesn't matter what you believe (or don't believe), it's how you treat others in how you live your life. And no one is condemned to eternal punishment for failing because you'll learn very soon after you've left this life what's important, just as those who've returned after having had a NDE have, whether they choose to join a religion or not.

And then...how about me? I was raised Christian, over time completely rejected it and became an atheist believing when you die that's the end of you. When I was a Christian, I was a sincere Christian. After I became atheist, I was still a good person, in that I wasn't materialistic and tried to treat everyone as I'd want to be treated, and sorry when I failed (still follow those, more than ever). When I had my NDE, it was completely wonderful. I saw no hell, no punishment. What I did see/learn is that unconditional love is the most important thing there is. Religion, any religion (or lack of it), means nothing when the Golden Rule is breached.

That's pretty interesting... You made some fair points for me to take into consideration, especially if you were a former Christian. But the question also goes if there is no hell, then what exactly are demons and where do they come from? Since they obviously don't reside in heaven, doesn't that mean there also has to be some sort of hell in the afterlife?

11-09-2017, 02:32 PM
It's relevant to notice how the cultural background affects the experience. These nde's related by buddhists are not well known in the western world: http://archive.is/N0CH

The encounter with 'yamatoots/yamadutas', the messengers of death, is a recurring theme, as well as visions of different planes of existence.

11-09-2017, 05:24 PM
Sorry for my late reply here, I've been too busy with life. But I want to thank everyone genuinely for sharing your views, although I'm still fearful of it in the back of my mind.

That's pretty interesting... You made some fair points for me to take into consideration, especially if you were a former Christian. But the question also goes if there is no hell, then what exactly are demons and where do they come from? Since they obviously don't reside in heaven, doesn't that mean there also has to be some sort of hell in the afterlife?

It makes sense to me that 'demons' are a product of the ego. The ego is very selfish because it's time is limited and it knows this and therefore will try anything to feed itself while in existence. The more it's fed, the more it demands. Demons can only exist when consciousness has allowed itself to be duped by the ego. Soon as consciousness realizes this the 'demons' vanish. I've read a couple NDEs where people have committed suicide and upon experiencing a hellish place, after expressing concern and passion at other sufferers/demons they saw were instantly drawn up out of that hell. It makes sense to me that those "others" weren't other suffers/demons at all, but mirror reflections of the experiencer's own self/ego. Had they not come to have come to have compassion, they would have remained in that "hell" state, so demons/hell are only a manifestation of the state of consciousness and not an actual place.
Those are my thoughts, anyway. I wonder how many other NDErs or OBErs have contemplated this...?

dream jo
26-10-2017, 04:17 PM
no al is aner jorny chaptr it is

10-11-2017, 02:56 PM
Many faiths and religions state we are Creators, our thoughts making up the reality we experience. That's exactly what it looks like on the other side from what I can tell so far and from those I've communicated with from across the Veil. In that I mean our current emotion which comes from current moment and subconscious belief systems will align us with a realm which has that frequency match of thought - the realm actually exists and the experiences we have in it will be consistent with the predominant energies of that realm.
Imagine Earth type situations/locations and what types of feelings and experiences one would be most likely to have in these places: Disneyland, War Zone, Inner city shopping mall on Black Friday, Camping trip with favorite friends, Refugee Camp, once in a lifetime concert....and so on.

I was fascinated by your description until I ran into this: "Imagine Earth type situations/locations and what types of feelings and experiences one would be most likely to have in these places ... Inner city shopping mall on Black Friday ..."

What kinds of experiences would one have at an inner-city shopping mall on Black Friday? Would they be different from what one would experience in a suburban shopping mall on Black Friday?

19-11-2017, 07:26 PM
I feel I need to revive this thread, as I just don't understand why there are quite some people having a radical Christian type NDE involving hell and judgment while other's don't. Either one of those is the truth and the other is a deception because why would God give people different types of NDEs?

Even in the bible it says "judge not lest the be judged" funny since most of the bible then goes on teaching people how to judge themselves and others... it's not just the christian faith though its our world always judging each other and reinforcing each others judgments.

Anyways this pattern of judgement of self/others can knock people into those lower experiences because they are expecting to be judged.(fear)

This is a pattern in life that follows after death to the 4d/astral Crystal described.

If you are always judging others it has to do with lack of love, something makes them unworthy in your eyes of love, if you feel you are worthy of judgement you are not connected to self compassion or love so its pretty easy in this day and age to end up in a state of fear or judgement. Its a wonder more dont end up in a temporary purgatory or dark place of your egos own creation in a nde. Doesn't mean it lasts. Hell is actually just a mistranslated into english. In hebrew and greek the original meaning was "the grave" or death.

If this doesnt clear anything up I hope you do find what you need. ((hugs)))

19-11-2017, 07:36 PM
Anything that came to me seemed to come from within. I asked no questions because there was no one there to answer. Yet, I didn't feel lonely in the least, instead I felt a level of joy and intense state of being I'd never experienced in this life. I knew beyond a line of trees was something so wonderful. I tried to go there but couldn't, that's when I learned I couldn't pass that point because it wasn't time for me to. That was when I saw all the ills of this life, how the vast majority of people become so wrapped up in selfishness, most of them not because they're "evil", but because that's just the way this life operates, that even though love happens for family and partners, the genuine concern for others is ignored in favor of selfish pursuits. It's unconditional love that can change that. I was saddened and disappointed in how humankind came to that at this point, and so much didn't want to come back to this when I learned I had to return. But it wasn't my choice to make...so here I am.

I've read other NDE stories where it's been expressed that if people would practice unconditional love this life could be a paradise. And because of my experience I know that's so true.

(Lol...when I came back into this body I opened my eyes and saw the EMT who revived me. Despite his intense efforts to "save my life" I thought to myself "doggone it, why'd you have to bring me back to this?").

I've never had an OBE...don't really want to because I know what comes next so I'll wait until my body finally gives out...and I do hope it's soon. But I'm happy for those who want to have an OBE and can achieve that. I don't doubt they're much the same as a NDE.
I experienced the same when I had an experience 2 weeks after asking to see heaven because I couldnt wrap my head around the idea of wanting to be ANYWHERE for eternity.

There were no 3d visuals like trees, but a swirling energy of extreme bliss, overwhelming love, near hysteria of happiness, all was/is one and it is love.

Unconditional love has been a by product of this experience, and like you I would have preferred to stay. Now I move about with people who can only love conditionally and well I certainly do not fear my return to that place of oneness, and full saturation in love/lack of seperation.

19-11-2017, 08:05 PM
Just read the thia nde link. Its funny how often I've read those things from high population density countries and people who are taken are so frequently the wrong person. That must be a cultural expectation at this point as you dont hear that from western nde. Not your time yes but not "oh sorry correct name but wrong person with that name".

Otherwise I found it very sad how all these people around the world have been taught to think God love isn't big enough to love them to the point that their actions here in this 3d minefield of life can be completely irrelevant.

When I meditate I hit that point every time. Anything anyone has done melts away in that love. More and more I can ground that state in life so certainly god/creator can too.

Its all learning and we are all at different stages. Do you punish a child with torture for failing their lessons? No you love them and let them try again.

That's what a loving parent does. Love doesn't ever run out of chances.
Unconditional means just that. If you chose to keep denying the love within you and acting in ways that hurt others you are free to keep moving down that path, but the moment your heart decides it wants something else you are welcome to move ever close again and again to love.

If you are christian the prodigal son story is a great example of gods love.

24-10-2018, 01:06 AM
Hi Slayer,
Crystalsong conveyed the most accurate idea of the afterlife in my opinion..I personally have not experienced NDEs but I do know people who have..And I’ve read the thousands of NDE stories from all over the world on NDErf.org..They’re all saying pretty much similar things..Your Beliefs Create Your Reality..Change your Beliefs and watch your Reality change..;-)..Plus, there are those who saw “hell” in passing while in their NDE have stated that they felt no fear passing through it because they understood that it was the Souls in the “hell” who’ve deemed they deserved it and that they had put themselves in “it”, and all they felt for those Souls in “hell” was compassion..Therefore, you will get some Soul’s NDE experiences to differ from others because of their Beliefs.

It’s great that you’re questioning these things though, it shows that your Soul wants to know..:-)...Have you read Life Regression books by Dr. Michael Newton and Dr. Brian Weiss?..They shed light on what Souls do in between Lives and why they pick lives that they have, etc...You may have come across some IANDS YouTube videos that have many NDErs talk about their experiences and some will see Jesus and others won’t because it’s all based on their Beliefs while embodied...Because, you are a powerful CREATOR, don’t ever discount that..;-).......I wish you light and love in your journey for answers..:-)

11-12-2018, 07:37 AM
Most near death experiences tell about those''new age'' kind of NDE where there is no eternal damnation, devil, hell, or a strict tyrannical judgmental god but only a god of love that accepts everyone whether they are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or even gay. NDE's involving reincarnation are not unheard of neither. Sounds all cheerful, right? Well yes, if it wasn't for those few people who experienced a fundamentalism Christian type NDE where everyone who isn't a Christian and/or accepted Jesus as their savior goes to hell forever. Of course, it's easy to debunk them as untruth because you don't have Christianity based beliefs. But just because you don't approve of them doesn't mean they should be overlooked... I don't know why people have those different types of NDEs that contradict one another. If there is a God, why would he deceive one person into having a fundamental Christian-type NDE while another person a cheerful New Age kind of NDE? Is he doing this to troll us? Thinking about it makes me extremely fearful about checking out of this life. Obviously none of us know the truth until we experience death for ourselves, but is there anyone here who holds a reasonable explanation? Preferably other than a ''your afterlife experience depends on your beliefs'' and ''you create your own afterlife'' related theory, since it barely makes any sense.
The way I see it, there are at least three plausible explanations:
1- We are in a "materialist" world (that isn't very material). This is all we are, and as we get close to death, with little sensory input, our brain hallucinates something which mimics our beliefs... Because that is what we believe in. If the OBE aspect of NDEs turns out to not be verifiable under controlled environments, this could be a plausible argument.
2- Everything is consciousness. Consciousness has thoughts, and creates everything. Once you are liberated from tthe physical vessel, and your thoughts are able to run free, you see/manifest that which you believe in, because all of life is subjective, there is no such thing as objective reality. It is all perception/consciousness/thought. Beings arrive to grew you and you interpret them in the manner that would be most befit your state of mind and beliefs.
3- Similar to number two, but consciousness is able to project itself however it chooses, and your thoughts do the same. While you project the kind of experience you expect, others project themselves to you in a manner that befits your chosen experience, whether it be pleasant or not.

11-12-2018, 07:40 AM
Mainly because there are atheists who obviously don't believe in an afterlife and after returning from a NDE their beliefs changed completely. Besides that I have read many NDEs but so far none of the ones I encountered did confirm a thought-created afterlife theory. Many NDE's seem similar to each other, like encountering a supreme deity or universal god that manifests as a brillant light, life reviews, a black void, so all of this kinda eliminates those theories that everyone has a unique NDE which takes the shape of their own beliefs.

And to answer your other questions, it certainly feels like I am a single pawn on a chessboard among many other pawns that isn't being moved but left standing in a corner while many other pieces are moved forward.
There are several NDEs which do deal with this notion. I've read quite a few where the experiencer is told religion doesn't matter, and beings appear in the manner that is most comfortable to the experiencer.

11-12-2018, 08:14 AM
Hi Slayer,
Crystalsong conveyed the most accurate idea of the afterlife in my opinion..I personally have not experienced NDEs but I do know people who have..And I’ve read the thousands of NDE stories from all over the world on NDErf.org..They’re all saying pretty much similar things..Your Beliefs Create Your Reality..Change your Beliefs and watch your Reality change..;-)..Plus, there are those who saw “hell” in passing while in their NDE have stated that they felt no fear passing through it because they understood that it was the Souls in the “hell” who’ve deemed they deserved it and that they had put themselves in “it”, and all they felt for those Souls in “hell” was compassion..Therefore, you will get some Soul’s NDE experiences to differ from others because of their Beliefs.

It’s great that you’re questioning these things though, it shows that your Soul wants to know..:-)...Have you read Life Regression books by Dr. Michael Newton and Dr. Brian Weiss?..They shed light on what Souls do in between Lives and why they pick lives that they have, etc...You may have come across some IANDS YouTube videos that have many NDErs talk about their experiences and some will see Jesus and others won’t because it’s all based on their Beliefs while embodied...Because, you are a powerful CREATOR, don’t ever discount that..;-).......I wish you light and love in your journey for answers..:-)
I read all of Michael Newton's books and a few others. One thing I found strange is how even with LBL Hypnotherapy, the accounts do vary depending on the hypnotist. So either the hypnotist is sampling from a narrow sample of the population that happens to pick someone like him, and those groups have different types of afterlife experiences, or the hypnotist influences the hypnotized and the tale greatly.
I am not sure what to think of that realm between realms any longer.

Found Goat
04-05-2019, 08:25 PM
Luckily for atheists, they have nothing to fear about the afterlife, although there’ve been cases of atheist NDErs who’ve returned to tell of chilling experiences upon their resuscitation. Some, upon their return, have even taken up the cross, their reports were so disturbing. If foxholes can’t make a believer of God out of some people, perhaps shivery postmortem OBEs can.

In recent years, there’s been a handful of movies released that have portrayed NDEs to be celestial and glorious. Anyone who has researched this topic, as I have, knows that not all NDEs are pleasant. Perhaps not even half are even warm and fuzzy. It’s well-known that most of us dream both nice dreams as well as nightmarish ones. Why should NDEs be any different?

There seems to be a definite suppression of information within the field of afterlife study. Some researchers are unbiased enough to report cases of both heavenly and hellish near-death experiences, as well as everything in-between, whereas there are those who seemingly, via a filtering process of info, want to portray the phenomenon in a favorable light, only.

In one most unsettling NDE anecdote I came across, the experiencer reported seeing Gray Aliens of all beings, snatching away the souls of the recently departed. (Note, not demons, but ETs. Now there’s a new one.)

Who really knows for certain what awaits one upon their crossing over the Great Divide? There’s been accounts of positive NDEs that have turned into negative ones, and vice versa.

There’s certainly a bit of a helpless feeling to it all. We entered this world, many believe, without our agreeing to it, and such ones feel so it is with the next one.

Although I’m of the opinion that possibly half of all NDEs are likely negative (it is thought that negative ones often go unreported due to shame or embarrassment on the part of the experiencer or the aforementioned sifting of reports), I disagree with the fundamentalist Christian perspective that believes these to be glimpses of perdition.

These same Christian fundamentalists also say that positive NDEs, too, are the result of the Devil’s doing (i.e. Lucifer, who transforms himself into an angel of light in order to deceive the masses). I always found this to be a flawed theological concept: the idea that an intrinsically dark entity who’s been banished forevermore from the Light still possesses the means to change itself into a Light Being for the purposes of trickery.

Then there are those who fear what the afterlife may bring, in the way of inconveniences or disappointments totally unrelated to the religiously conceived hereafter of reward and punishment. For solitary types, for example, what if the afterlife turns out to be one where there’s hardly any alone time? Such an immortal disembodied state would truly be unbearable for the creative types among humanity. Imagine drawing one’s last breath and then awakening to a crowded environment resembling a never-ending train terminal, where a sea of incorporeal bodies are jammed together and are continually bumping elbows. Perhaps this scenario sounds most agreeable to gregarious types, but to lonerish and wallflower personalities this would likely seem to them as being utter pandemonium.

What I find most fascinating is the painting, “The Ascent Into The Empyrean” by Hieronymus Bosch. It was painted circa 1500, and depicts the prototypical NDE tunnel with some angelic beings or spirit creatures contained within it. What I want to know is how this painter knew about “the Tunnel” when the medical instruments and machines that allow for people nowadays to be revived were not in existence back at his time.