View Full Version : Tips for preparing for astral travel?

19-02-2011, 05:28 PM
I am looking for advice. I firmly believe in the ability to astral project and I feel that ANYONE can do it. But my problem is that at this moment I feel I am unable to do it because I havent learned the secret, or Im not ready, or I dont know the technique or im not patient enough, etc etc. I have always focused on learning some special technique to get me outside the body. But it has come to my realisation that perhaps it isnt some "special technique" I must find to induce an OBE. Instead, it is my thought patterns and beliefs that are interfering with my all natural ability to astral project. So my question to all of you is what can I do to cause myself to believe I am able to project? I already believe its possible, but Im not confident in my own ability to do it. I find myself very fearless to the thought of projection. But at the same time everytime I come close (which is not very often, remember. I know alot about theory of projection, but actual experience is very limited) I found myself thinking I was going to either die or get stuck outside of my body. And, I realise these are beliefs many people have issues with and that many many people have confirmed that that is not a problem. But for some reason at the brink of projection I find myself afraid of this. I also have issues properly relaxing at night. I think part of it is that I am not patient with the process of projection, I always want to see the results NOW. How can I become patient? What is a proven effective way of relaxing and ignoring the extreme desire to move or scratch something?

Sometimes I feel AP is just not for me. Could this be intuition or just another obstacle in my belief system?

I have asked several questions. I would love to have an answer to each of them. I know my search for AP will not end in this forum. I have been a member for some time (though went dormant for a very long while) and have read alot on techniques and practices, etc. But I always find myself thinking "If I just find that one technique Im missing". I think I've learned that its not JUST the technique that matters, but more so my mind set and belief in my daily life. So if any of you could point me in the right direction, I thank you very much.


19-02-2011, 10:51 PM
In my opinion, there is no secret to AP and everyone is ready if they want to AP. You do not have to have a technique to AP. I prefer to have a technique. Even if you find the right technique, AP does not always happen. You may want to learn to do meditation. Meditation is very useful. Sometimes AP does not happen and you can do everything correct. The mind has to be relaxed as well as your body. If you wait long enough AP will happen. You cannot rush AP. It will happen when it is supposed to happen. One tip is, if you think you cannot AP, say during the day, I can easily AP. Even if you do not succeed, keep saying it. It helps a lot.
Keep practicising to stay relaxed and not to move. Practise to relax every day, even if you feel you are not relaxed. You probably are. Relax for no more than five minutes. Five minutes should be plenty of time. In time you will get so used to it, you will feel relaxed.
In time you will be able to do it for a longer time without moving. You will get used to it and to be more patient.
Having thoughts about going to die or get stuck etc. is not good. Try not to think of that as that can send you back into your body. Fear or excitement can ruin AP.
I have found on occasions all we have to do is spiritually get out of ourselves. There are no signs or anything to know to get out of yourself. Try to get out every now and again. It could work.