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Old 29-01-2015, 07:26 PM
anthony c anthony c is offline
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bad luck cure

Hi there
I don't know if this is the right place for this but I feel that i have been
unlucky with everything i try since May 2013 till now.I don't know if its something that's causing it or just Karma and i deserve it.
I just feel i cant catch a break not just now but my whole life!!!!
I don't want to sound ungreatfull i have had allot what i am great full for
i never been in serious stuff which i thank GOD for but small things and like
i never found my soul mate if i even have one and everything goes wrong these
days.My dad even said to me wow ur so bad luck when something happened.
I am broke again business is going bad no money no friends and big anxiety shyness problems 35 years old how pathetic!!! i really don't have much hope left

OK so that being said, what can i do about it as med don't work?Meditation helped but had to stop because of the antidepressants i want to wean off.
I can't believe i am asking this but i am so desperate
What spells or what can i do to get rid of this bad luckkkk??
yeah spells wow never thought i would do it but...
Don't have money so i cant buy anything so any tips please would be help full
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Old 29-01-2015, 09:12 PM
The Back Seat The Back Seat is offline
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Why did you have to stop meditation to go off antidepressants? But good for you weaning of those meds. Antidepressants will just make you feel better but not solve the issues at hand. I haven't been prescribed antidepressants but have weaned off other meds and the withdrawals can cause confusion in your emotional pattern (so if you notice you feel worse while weaning, remind yourself that it is because of the meds and it will pass with time. Many people run into danger while weaning because they fail to recognize this).

As for spells, this is similar to mediation because it only works with your intention. The cheapest thing I can think of is 1) prayer 2) sage. Sage is relatively cheap and is one of the more common ways of removing negative energy. Maybe you can figure out how to grow sage (I know nothing about that but growing your own plants is very soothing and positive)

Now, as someone with anxiety/stutter/self conscience issues/tension issues/past addiction issues, I understand the ups and downs that come with it. Have you talked with your doc about weaning off? I wouldn't suggest doing it with out their guidance.

I would suggest that you set goals for yourself.
Step 1: wean of the meds with docs approval. During this process, be aware that there will be emotional hurdles that come along with this and that the downs of withdrawal won't last forever.

Step2: get back to meditation (do it with step 1 if possible). You don't have to worry so much as how to meditate. Focus more on relaxing with breathing and other things that are relaxing like music (positive music ofcourse).

Step3: find something to do in public. There are online groups that do things like sports leagues or other activities, which anyone can join. think of anythjng you like to do from sports to playing board games and find a group online that does that activity. Meetup is a networking site that has anything you can think of.

If you have a psychologist, keep going. Don't see the psyc as someone to fix you but as someone for you to channel your emotions too. Tell that psyc everything that on your mind and you will feel a great sense of relief after. I have gone to psychologists when I would get real low and it really helped as an emotional outlet.

Also, going outside helps. Recently got into kayaking and find it soothing even if it's just by myself. I love skateboarding and sometimes go for a long ride on my longboard when I'm feeling stressed/depressed. Volleyball is my go to sport but honestly have been slacking with that and need to get back into it. One thing to remember, when your outside, you are never alone even if no other people are around.
"When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb.". - Pink Floyd

You'll find me here, in the back seat, just taking it all in
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Old 30-01-2015, 09:57 AM
anthony c anthony c is offline
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Originally Posted by The Back Seat
Why did you have to stop meditation to go off antidepressants? But good for you weaning of those meds. Antidepressants will just make you feel better but not solve the issues at hand. I haven't been prescribed antidepressants but have weaned off other meds and the withdrawals can cause confusion in your emotional pattern (so if you notice you feel worse while weaning, remind yourself that it is because of the meds and it will pass with time. Many people run into danger while weaning because they fail to recognize this).

As for spells, this is similar to mediation because it only works with your intention. The cheapest thing I can think of is 1) prayer 2) sage. Sage is relatively cheap and is one of the more common ways of removing negative energy. Maybe you can figure out how to grow sage (I know nothing about that but growing your own plants is very soothing and positive)

Now, as someone with anxiety/stutter/self conscience issues/tension issues/past addiction issues, I understand the ups and downs that come with it. Have you talked with your doc about weaning off? I wouldn't suggest doing it with out their guidance.

I would suggest that you set goals for yourself.
Step 1: wean of the meds with docs approval. During this process, be aware that there will be emotional hurdles that come along with this and that the downs of withdrawal won't last forever.

Step2: get back to meditation (do it with step 1 if possible). You don't have to worry so much as how to meditate. Focus more on relaxing with breathing and other things that are relaxing like music (positive music ofcourse).

Step3: find something to do in public. There are online groups that do things like sports leagues or other activities, which anyone can join. think of anythjng you like to do from sports to playing board games and find a group online that does that activity. Meetup is a networking site that has anything you can think of.

If you have a psychologist, keep going. Don't see the psyc as someone to fix you but as someone for you to channel your emotions too. Tell that psyc everything that on your mind and you will feel a great sense of relief after. I have gone to psychologists when I would get real low and it really helped as an emotional outlet.

Also, going outside helps. Recently got into kayaking and find it soothing even if it's just by myself. I love skateboarding and sometimes go for a long ride on my longboard when I'm feeling stressed/depressed. Volleyball is my go to sport but honestly have been slacking with that and need to get back into it. One thing to remember, when your outside, you are never alone even if no other people are around.
Hi the back seat
I had to stop meditating cause weaning off the meds made me
Feel bad in my head so bad that meditation i could not even sit still
For 1min and felt like my head would explode.
I am almost off the meds then i am going to start again with meditation

As for spells see what i can do with the sage and will start to go outside
More but its so hot here at the moment i will wait for autum
Thanks again
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Old 30-01-2015, 09:59 AM
anthony c anthony c is offline
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Does someone have more spells or a website
Were i can get spells for getting rid of bad luck
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Old 30-01-2015, 04:53 PM
The Back Seat The Back Seat is offline
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Sage can be burned (smudging) to remove negative energy. I use a bowl of broken up sage and burn that. Some people tie the sage together into bundle and burn it that way (more messy with the ash). When I clear out my apartment, I open some windows (so negativity has somewhere to leave), and walk through the entire apartment so the smoke travels everywhere. After, I like to burn insense to replace the negative energy with positive energy. Resighting a prayer at some point during this helps with the intent. I will see if I can find an article that explaining sage smudging.
"When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb.". - Pink Floyd

You'll find me here, in the back seat, just taking it all in
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Old 30-01-2015, 04:59 PM
The Back Seat The Back Seat is offline
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Here is a smudging article I found. It's not the exact way I was doing it but I like their technique. It even includes a prayer you can start with.

The article also talks about crystals and gems. Crystals and gems are a great tools for energy work and different gems have different properties. They are a more expensive way of cleansing though. Tumbled stones would be the cheapest I would think.
"When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb.". - Pink Floyd

You'll find me here, in the back seat, just taking it all in
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Old 31-01-2015, 01:04 AM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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All my best wishes and kind thoughts anthony c. You have had some challenging stuff happening, but have managed to keep hold of gratitude. So many people do forget that.

Your self esteem has taken a few knocks by the sound of it!

No-one is bad luck walking. So please -if you can -try to let go of those worries. Poop does happen to everyone in one way or another. So do blocks in 'what it appears our lives should be'.You are NOT a bad-luck-zone.
But thinking you are, or believing you are can get in your way.

You're doing okay. Start small. Go to local stores, garages, any place you can think of or to your local job center or job recruitment office, and take any work you think you can handle, have the fitness for, and which you have any interest in at all. Even stacking shelves in a supermarket each night, doing checkout, or any task at all. That doesn't have to last forever, but will definitely boost your self esteem, widen your social life (even if only during work hours -and even if you don't have too much in common with your colleagues) And it will bring in a monthly wage. Maybe you could use that as a stepping-stone to at least bring in some cash to help, while you make plans for other ventures which may suit you more completely.

Soul mates can be hard to find but no way impossible! But sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs first....LOL Sometimes soul mates don't always come in the package you expected! And sometimes they can come when you have given up on them, but still have an open heart....and sometimes when you think you're past it already!

Kindest thoughts from me.
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Old 31-01-2015, 05:38 AM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
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Originally Posted by anthony c
Does someone have more spells or a website
Were i can get spells for getting rid of bad luck

You could do an Uncrossing spell - here's a site that can help - forum.luckymojo.com

Here's another site - www.spellcentral.com
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Old 31-01-2015, 11:06 AM
athribiristan athribiristan is offline
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Why do you create this cycle for yourself? That is the question that will open the door to change. Think about this and you will find your answers.
With Love,
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Old 31-01-2015, 01:52 PM
knightofalbion knightofalbion is offline
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You are your own answer, dear Anthony.

You are attracting these negative energies with negative thought.
Change your thinking. Think how lucky you are. Count your blessings for all that you have. Send out love, kind thoughts, words and deeds. Your life will be transformed.

Sounds to me like a lot of this is low self-esteem. You've not found a soul-mate so somehow this makes you a 'failure' in life. Nonsense.
The soul is the most important thing, if you're doing okay here, you're rocking! To find someone to share life's journey with is a bonus.
There are a huge number of single people out there. You have to be proactive. Join some dating sites. Get friends to help you out.

As for Karma (if indeed it is Karma): Karma goes away when the lesson is learned. Maybe all this is the Universe showing you the way out, into a new life ...
All this talk of religion, but it's how you live your life that is the all-important thing.
If you set out each day to do all the goodness and kindness that you can, and to do no harm to man or beast, then you are walking the highest path.
And when your time is up, if you can leave the earth a better place than you found it, then yours will have been a life well lived.

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