It is possible, since money is an issue and the reliability of the practitioner,
to do this yourself...really..we have as much power as anyone else.
But, we have to use our head...
...meaning you have more power by far than any 'entity out of body'(or phase) with us...
but you must know this deeply...have no hesitation or doubt, you see.
A story to consider...A friend, Bob, had an ache for decades between his
shoulder blades...
a medium tells him he sees his brother lunging forward
as shots are being fired ...he grabbed there as Bob grappled up a net up to a ship...
the brother was killed and was still holding on there.

So Bob simply talked to his brother...
"You can let go now, there's nothing here for you, you don't belong here, turn around....
see your loved ones calling to you in the light...go to them they are waiting for you....
I'm going to count to 5 and clap my hands and then GO!"
And he never had another pain there. Voila!
I have other stories...just saying, you have more power than you know.