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Old 23-11-2023, 11:33 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Sky #146

Yes I also like talking and examining the Buddhas teachings after all isn’t that why we are on this thread?
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Old 24-11-2023, 05:23 PM
_Hermes_ _Hermes_ is offline
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A little bit more information about the boddisattva vow:

"There is a latent Kwan-Yin in every human being. It is the voice of conscience at the commonest level. It is the chitkala of the developed disciple. At the highest level it is Nada, the Voice of the Silence, the Soundless Sound, that which is comprehended in initiation, and ceaselessly reverberates in the anahata, the deathless centre of the human body, transformed into a divine temple."

From Pledge of Kwan Yin in Hermes, November 1979
by Raghavan Iyer
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