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Old 13-09-2023, 10:35 PM
Skull Skull is offline
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Buddhism in A Nutshell


By Narada Mahathera
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Old 13-09-2023, 10:40 PM
Skull Skull is offline
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Eleven meditations on "I"


Contemplate—Who am “I”?
Is there an “I”?

The so-called “I” is the source of all troubles, worries, unrest and unhappiness.
When “I” clings to a desirable object there arises attachment or affection.
When “I” is averse to an undesirable object there arise ill-will, anger or hatred.
When “I” is frustrated there arise pain, grief, worry, remorse, unhappiness which might ultimately end in suicide or murder.
When “I” is in danger there arises fear.
When “I” is confined to oneself there arise selfishness, separatism, jealousy, envy.
When “I” is puffed up there arises pride or conceit.

When “I” is expanded and is merged in the whole there arise selflessness, non-separatism, boundless compassion, universal loving-kindness and perfect harmony,
When “I” is crossed or transcended there arise perfect equilibrium and equanimity with no attachment or aversion.
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Old 14-09-2023, 06:57 PM
sky sky is offline
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Thanks Skull, I love the Meditation on 'I'
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Old 15-09-2023, 02:13 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Have downloaded the book, thanks.

‘I’ as in i-dentity or what we call ego, as a necessary interface to navigate duality and then the Absolute I or Self in singularity; identity searches for Self, being a subset of it, having no existence apart from it and so cannot find it, until it* (*ego) disappears, revealing in active cognition what always was, is and will be.

I’m not into scriptures per say although I do read a bit here and there but the point is, we are where our attention is at and so if it is form centric as at this time, the transcendent reality eludes us but if we shift into silence we see it because we are it.

Here in form immanent, it is possible to bilocate, so to speak, to be both ‘here’ and ‘there’ simultaneously or we may say, we can embody the recognition of singularity in duality. To hold the awareness as such is another matter. Bliss energisation helps to focus, if enabled in form as unending rapture, which transmutes as ineffable time dissolved peace in the eternal living light of Self.

Such is my understanding as of direct experience, which I can share on this.
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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