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Old 14-05-2023, 03:04 PM
Starlight053 Starlight053 is offline
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Attachment connected to chakras

Hi late last year I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening which seemed to have gone bad and I think I may have picked up a few attachments from that. I can feel it connects to my root, sacral and heart chakra. How do I remove this? I have tried meditating and protecting/grounding myself in different ways but nothing is working. It is affecting my mental health and physical health.
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Old 14-05-2023, 07:20 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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You could ask Arc Angel Michael to cut the cords of negativity from around you
You could also visualise yourself sitting in a pyramid full of pure white light
for protection.

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
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Old 19-08-2023, 06:26 AM
aiken aiken is offline
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yes guys! Which chakra is associated with attachment...
Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra
As the name implies, the Anahata Chakra is located in the heart region. This chakra is the seat of balance, and it is characterized by emotions of love, attachment, compassion, trust, and passion.
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Old 20-08-2023, 03:42 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
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Hello starlight,

First, it is great news that you had a spontaneous kundalini awakening. I’m assuming you engaged in no practice, otherwise it wouldn't be spontaneous, would it?

So, blockages here and there. What are these blockages? Fear.

I would suggest an orientation of mindful emptiness. This means, witnessing with nonchalance, the problems arising at different energy centres or chakras and weeding away fear correspondent to the frequency of the chakra in question. There may be many interpretations, so you can examine what applies in your case.

For a basic understanding, I’d say that the three chakras below heart, namely, root, sacral and navel ~ they relate to our animal nature or material and the ones above heart to the creative aspects in us or the ethereal. As for the heart, it is where all desires begin and where they are finally culminated.

Offhand I’d suggest looking at fear of death. When body dies, who or what dies? When we are deprived of a material object we seek, who in us seeks that transient object? Contemplating thus, fears related to root should slowly ebb away.

The sacral poses a question ~ would we like to go with lust or love? Lust we know, so what is unconditional love? What are the octaves of love - joy, empathy, compassion, purity, bliss, peace and where are we? Knock on heart’s door, in silence. If you wish, you may visualise the heart chakra symbol - Star of David, essentially two intermeshed triangles, one pointing up, the other down. This is relevant. In which direction are we drawn and why? What is our intent? Remember, love employs no force, so we must use our limited free will to choose.

All this is one way of going about healing by consciousness correction. The other is to recognise kundalini as divine Mother and surrender egoic will to Her, totally. Pray. Ask Her to reduce trauma. In the act of surrender, you can prostrate stretched out on ground if you like. The physical act mirrors mental surrender. Maharishikaa has some videos on kundalini trauma healing.

Transcending all of this, we may see that our identity itself is illusionary and therefore, there is no separation between our awareness and the kundalini (the kinetic aspect of consciousness) and also none between us and space (the potential aspect or the screen of consciousness). However, this is another contemplation.
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 21-10-2023, 04:02 PM
OldChap OldChap is offline
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Perhaps raise your body’s vibration.

Low vibration entities can not attach to nor see higher vibration entities.

Love, that encompasses compassion, benevolence, and joy, is the most powerful and highest vibration energy.

Try putting aside thinking of the low vibration energy and focus more on working to have greater love for yourself and for others.

By design, when we begin to sincerely choose to want to have love it triggers a cascade of benevolent enhancements to our body and mind, giving us far more control over our body’s health, our life, and our reality.

It has always been about love.

Love is far more than just a human emotion.

Fear is the opposite of love.

Fear keeps us in anger, hatred, frustration, confusion, anxiety, worry, and more. All of which are low vibration energies.

All the best!
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