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Old 23-10-2023, 12:12 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Crystals & Skulls Upgraded!

After yesterday's full day webinar many of my crystals have had an upgrade!
It was a very deep/high intense webinar aiming to raise the frequency of the world and to boost ascension.
Before it started I had put a lot of crystals and crystal skulls on my desk before me. The aim being that they could help carry the high energies but also get to bathe in the energies themselves.
I had wanted to put all my crystal skulls on my desk, but I didn't have enough space. I did have some 16 here, aside from many crystals.

The meditations of the webinar were absolutely awesome! We travelled high and far, had an Akashic clearing, third eye clearing and upgrade before starting the real intended work.
After it was all done I sat here, buzzing with energy and in total love and joy, and I looked at my crystals and skulls. I saw that especially the skulls were beaming???
Their luster had increased, their energy too, they seemed to be on an entirely different level!
My white jade skull has had a major upgrade. Now all of my crystals and skulls are high vibrational as it is, so to have an even higher upgrade, wow!
The white jade -feminine in energy- looked and felt deeper/higher yet softer. A deepening of feminine energies and unconditional love. Like a mixture of Mary Magdalene and Mary energies.
Not surprised to see that my Leandro carved (= super high vibration) crystal skull had gone to another higher level, what did surprise me was to see that my medium sized Lemurian golden healer skull (masculine) had had a serious update! His partner is Lemurian clear crystal, already high, and I always felt he was a tad lower in vibration. But not anymore! He's now a true equal, shining a completely different light!

Maybe, just thinking... during the webinar one person anchored the energy from Helios, which is Divine Masculine energy. We've seen a lot of masculine energy the past thousands of years, but this was imbalanced, negative masc. energy.
Maybe the boost of pure Divine Masculine energy helped my skull to also embody this, to anchor it?
Difficult to explain in mere words.

In any case, very happy and beautiful to see and grateful my skulls & crystals received these energies! Also grateful I heeded my intuition by putting them on my desk.
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Old 22-11-2023, 12:21 AM
Bubbles Bubbles is offline
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So many skulls, perhaps it's the best 'memento mori' signal to have :)

I would find that a skull would trigger some mixed signals for me hmmm
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Old 22-11-2023, 09:56 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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That sounds like an Awesome Experience

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Old 22-11-2023, 12:20 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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It was awesome indeed!
And a bit after this another peculiar thing that had never happened before.
I have 2 smaller Walmere crystal skulls, a red golden healer (male) and a yellow golden healer (female). They belong together, a couple.
But approx. last week I noticed they'd begun to move toward each other, as in turning to face each other as if they're kissing!?
They're almost 100% face to face, not entirely. I have not moved them myself. At first it was the male one turning, then she turned too and now they're at exactly the same angle toward each other!

Their energy seems to be higher since that day too. It's as if a veil has lifted from them and they woke up. Like they had dozed off even though they were already high vibrational.
Not anymore! They're awake now :)

I've had that turning & 'kissing' happen with the other couple as well, with the male energy skull that had gotten that massive upgrade, turning to the Lem. female skull as if he was kissing her on the cheek.
No matter where I put these two, he always turned!
He hasn't done that since this upgrade btw.
And he still has that extra luster so it's truly a permanent upgrade and shift in energies :)

I'm very happy about that.
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