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Old 09-11-2023, 02:21 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Excerpt from post #14

Originally Posted by Starman
The relationship between a creation and its Creator is the most intimate and personal relationship possible, ....
Each person grows aware of God’s presence.....experiencing it for themselves.
OMG, if people only knew...if they would experience this personally
...it would knock their socks off how God is closer to us than our own skin!
It is quite a humbling, mouth dropping, eye opening experience...a true life changer.

Funny story, one time on EWTN - a Catholic Channel, a priest said 'we were made to have an intimate relationship with God'...and I thought,
Wow, HE knows that!? (Because I did...and Meister Eckhart, too, in the 13th c.)
Yet, I never got a clue as a Catholic growing up any hint of that statement.
''I need comments especially on the "Problem of Evil" post guys!''-green1

Sorry, you won't find me commenting on evil...esp on a thread about glorifying God.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 09-11-2023, 02:36 PM
green1 green1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
''I need comments especially on the "Problem of Evil" post guys!''-green1[/i]
Sorry, you won't find me commenting on evil...esp on a thread about glorifying God.
But people ask why God does not help against evil (this is the problem of evil). I argue that he does!
If you accept changing for God, he helps.
I am glorifying God here!

What I need to know is: Do people here try to accept changing for God (unconditionally loving, shapeless God all around and inside us)?

I know that "you" (Miss Hepburn) accept changing for God. But I don't know about others.

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Old 09-11-2023, 04:36 PM
kralaro kralaro is offline
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Originally Posted by green1
I need comments especially on the "Problem of Evil" post guys! Find it here:

Alright, my comment:
I don't see evil as something wrong, otherwise God wouldn't have created evil. "Problem" maybe like we've problems to solve in video games, or like gyms have problematic weights to lift.
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Old 09-11-2023, 04:51 PM
green1 green1 is offline
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Originally Posted by kralaro
Alright, my comment:
I don't see evil as something wrong, otherwise God wouldn't have created evil. "Problem" maybe like we've problems to solve in video games, or like gyms have problematic weights to lift.

Thanks for your comment kralaro!

Wouldn't you like if God helped you solve evil, e.g. teach you how to behave against evil?

If you accept to change for God, he helps. Not only about evil but everything.

Do you or would you accept to change for God (unconditionally loving, shapeless God around and inside us)? <- This is my real question.

Thanks again!

I hope I made myself clear.
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Old 09-11-2023, 05:03 PM
kralaro kralaro is offline
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> e.g. teach you how to behave against evil?

If God talked to me about anything i think i would love it :)
If we consider teaching me through other means then i'm happy with whatever he's teaching me.

> Do you or would you accept to change for God (unconditionally loving, shapeless God around and inside us)?

Oh yes of course. In the areas he wants me to change, accepted; in the areas he wants me to stay the same, accepted
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Old 09-11-2023, 05:07 PM
green1 green1 is offline
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Originally Posted by kralaro
If we consider teaching me through other means then i'm happy with whatever he's teaching me.
> Do you or would you accept to change for God (unconditionally loving, shapeless God around and inside us)?
. In the areas he wants me to change, accepted; in the areas he wants me to stay the same, accepted
Great! Good for you. Thanks.

Last edited by Miss Hepburn : 09-11-2023 at 11:30 PM. Reason: Shortened quote as Admin has asked to 2-3 sentences
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Old 09-11-2023, 05:16 PM
kralaro kralaro is offline
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Coincidentally i'm being tested regarding the very thing we're talking about. I know i can help someone with her issues, i offered her help but she isn't interested in it, so i backed off and accepted it. God doesn't want me to deal with that problem, at least not right now, alright.
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Old 09-11-2023, 05:22 PM
green1 green1 is offline
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Originally Posted by kralaro
Coincidentally i'm being tested regarding the very thing we're talking about. I know i can help someone with her issues, i offered her help but she isn't interested in it, so i backed off and accepted it. God doesn't want me to deal with that problem, at least not right now, alright.

This is a great example yes.

May be you can tell her to accept to change for God? So that God may help her directly? I don't know.
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Old 09-11-2023, 08:12 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Having worked in the mental health and substance abuse fields, I will tell you that people do not change until they are really capable and ready to change. We may ask God for help but are we aware enough to recognize that help when it arrives? I have felt evil in my life, and at one time I felt very strongly that I was evil. I am a U.S. Army Vietnam War veteran; basically I am many things but at my core I am overwhelming love and incredible light, as I feel everyone is. I have had lots of amazing grace in my life.

I had to motivate myself, work with God, to move out of the darkness, or that which we might call “evil.” I think the problem with evil is that people tend to call things evil that are not evil. If I intend to hurt you then I intend to hurt myself. Often people ask for things from God and they expect those things to come a certain way, but they appear the way the universe wants them to appear in our best interest not the way we think they should appear.

I go back to what I was sharing earlier about labeling things. We put a label on something and that label becomes a real thing for us. In my opinion, and this is but my opinion, the darkness is nothing more then the shadow of the light. But this is not only my opinion, it is also my experience.

I do not believe in a “Prince of Darkness,” often referred to as “The Devil.” This is my belief, but I do try and respect different points of view outside of my own. In my experience there is light and love everywhere. Yes, people are suffering, many at the hands of others, but I experience that my own inner light protects me from harm. I may see something that may qualify as “evil” but I do not experience evil in my life.

The whole gist about me sharing that “still waters run deep,” is that in inner silence and stillness there is a love that will protect you from what we call “evil.” The problem evil has is that it has no hold on you if you regularly bathe in the loving presence of God. In my opinion the darkness is there to push us towards the light. But some people get comfortable with the darkness and remain there, only willing to change when the pain becomes too unbearable. There are many who die before they are ready to change.
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Old 09-11-2023, 11:01 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by green1
What I need to know is: Do people here try to accept changing for God (unconditionally loving, shapeless God all around and inside us)?
I try to. not sure how well I'm doing though as he mostly lets me make up my own interpretations for things... and I'm used to inflating my ego when I do that sigh....
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