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Old 21-07-2014, 08:18 PM
umbridge umbridge is offline
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What if..

This was shared by one good friend of mine.

What if all women were bigger and stronger than you? And thought they were smarter? What if women were the ones who started wars? What if too many of your friends had been raped by women wielding giant dildos and no K-Y Jelly? What if the state trooper who pulled you over on the New Jersey Turnpike was a woman and carried a gun? What if the ability to menstruate was the prerequisite for most high-paying jobs? What if your attractiveness to women depended on the size of your penis? What if every time women saw you they’d hoot and make jerking motions with their hands? What if women were always making jokes about how ugly penises are and how bad sperm tastes? What if you had to explain what’s wrong with your car to big sweaty women with greasy hands who stared at your crotch in a garage where you are surrounded by posters of naked men with hard-ons? What if men’s magazines featured cover photos of 14-year-old boys with socks tucked into the front of their jeans and articles like: “How to tell if your wife is unfaithful” or “What your doctor won’t tell you about your prostate” or “The truth about impotence”? What if the doctor who examined your prostate was a woman and called you “Honey”? What if you had to inhale your boss’ stale cigar breath as she insisted that sleeping with her was part of the job? What if you couldn’t get away because the company dress code required you wear shoes designed to keep you from running? And what if after all that women still wanted you to love them?
— For The Men Who Still Don’t Get It, Carol Diehl

Just think about it.

take care.
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Old 21-07-2014, 08:45 PM
Volaju Volaju is offline
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What if all women were bigger and stronger than you?
Well, I don't believe in the certainty of all, but I have met plenty of strong and powerful women into martial arts who could kill you quite easily. In fact a women doesn't have to be big and strong to be deadly or masculine or whatever.

And thought they were smarter?
Everyone thinks they are smarter than someone, that's life.

What if women were the ones who started wars?
Queen Sheba? Cleopatra? Wars were started because of these twoand there are many other's behind the scenes of actual wars throughout history.

What if too many of your friends had been raped by women wielding giant dildos and no K-Y Jelly?
The prospect of rape isn't something I like to be lighthearted about. Whether it be men or women, its just wrong.

What if the state trooper who pulled you over on the New Jersey Turnpike was a woman and carried a gun?
... what?

What if the ability to menstruate was the prerequisite for most high-paying jobs?
Does this happen? I there a male equivalent of this?

What if your attractiveness to women depended on the size of your penis?
For some women, it already does. :/ One woman told me she was attracted to me because my penis was larger than most others, I looked at her and said, 'really, that's all?' and she said there were some other things - mostly aesthetic, but that was a plus. And then that was the end of the relationship.

What if every time women saw you they’d hoot and make jerking motions with their hands?
Well, they'd be rather masculine women, and I'd honestly be attracted to them really.

What if women were always making jokes about how ugly penises are and how bad sperm tastes?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

What if you had to explain what’s wrong with your car to big sweaty women with greasy hands who stared at your crotch in a garage where you are surrounded by posters of naked men with hard-ons?
Sounds fun, point me out.

What if men’s magazines featured cover photos of 14-year-old boys with socks tucked into the front of their jeans and articles like: “How to tell if your wife is unfaithful” or “What your doctor won’t tell you about your prostate” or “The truth about impotence”?
I don't really read those anyways, and I wonder why people do period. Most are boring.

What if the doctor who examined your prostate was a woman and called you “Honey”?
That's life? I really wouldn't care. I had female doctor check out skin disorder that started around my crotch I had to get erect - she wasn't ugly or anything,s he was a lot older than me - but she complemented my penis and said it looks very healthy and strong. She also referred to me as 'dear' and 'hun.'

What if you had to inhale your boss’ stale cigar breath as she insisted that sleeping with her was part of the job?
Women who smoke tend to have bad breath, same with men. Depending on how attractive she is, I might do it - but I could care less about work at that point, I'm being blackmailed into sex with someone - whether its a women or man its uncomfortable.

What if you couldn't get away because the company dress code required you wear shoes designed to keep you from running?
I take the shoes, off. I toss them at her face, and then I leave c: Using shoes as an excuse not to run? This is really silly.

And what if after all that women still wanted you to love them?
Something tells me there might actually be women like this out there - and yes I would love them for who they are, that's the nature of love.
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Old 21-07-2014, 09:08 PM
umbridge umbridge is offline
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The thing with shoes.

And I cried.
Men can be sooo sweet!

The point is families went to Disneyland and Jay said to his wife, dont wear high heels, because you gotta lot of walking to do. Gloria still put on her heels. But Jay knows his wife better then she knows herself. (Season 3 Episode 22)
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Old 21-07-2014, 09:12 PM
umbridge umbridge is offline
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Originally Posted by DarkestShadeofGrey
What if all women were bigger and stronger than you?
Well, I don't believe in the certainty of all, but I have met plenty of strong and powerful women into martial arts who could kill you quite easily. In fact a women doesn't have to be big and strong to be deadly or masculine or whatever.

And thought they were smarter?
Everyone thinks they are smarter than someone, that's life.

What if women were the ones who started wars?
Queen Sheba? Cleopatra? Wars were started because of these twoand there are many other's behind the scenes of actual wars throughout history.

What if too many of your friends had been raped by women wielding giant dildos and no K-Y Jelly?
The prospect of rape isn't something I like to be lighthearted about. Whether it be men or women, its just wrong.

What if the state trooper who pulled you over on the New Jersey Turnpike was a woman and carried a gun?
... what?

What if the ability to menstruate was the prerequisite for most high-paying jobs?
Does this happen? I there a male equivalent of this?

What if your attractiveness to women depended on the size of your penis?
For some women, it already does. :/ One woman told me she was attracted to me because my penis was larger than most others, I looked at her and said, 'really, that's all?' and she said there were some other things - mostly aesthetic, but that was a plus. And then that was the end of the relationship.

What if every time women saw you they’d hoot and make jerking motions with their hands?
Well, they'd be rather masculine women, and I'd honestly be attracted to them really.

What if women were always making jokes about how ugly penises are and how bad sperm tastes?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

What if you had to explain what’s wrong with your car to big sweaty women with greasy hands who stared at your crotch in a garage where you are surrounded by posters of naked men with hard-ons?
Sounds fun, point me out.

What if men’s magazines featured cover photos of 14-year-old boys with socks tucked into the front of their jeans and articles like: “How to tell if your wife is unfaithful” or “What your doctor won’t tell you about your prostate” or “The truth about impotence”?
I don't really read those anyways, and I wonder why people do period. Most are boring.

What if the doctor who examined your prostate was a woman and called you “Honey”?
That's life? I really wouldn't care. I had female doctor check out skin disorder that started around my crotch I had to get erect - she wasn't ugly or anything,s he was a lot older than me - but she complemented my penis and said it looks very healthy and strong. She also referred to me as 'dear' and 'hun.'

What if you had to inhale your boss’ stale cigar breath as she insisted that sleeping with her was part of the job?
Women who smoke tend to have bad breath, same with men. Depending on how attractive she is, I might do it - but I could care less about work at that point, I'm being blackmailed into sex with someone - whether its a women or man its uncomfortable.

What if you couldn't get away because the company dress code required you wear shoes designed to keep you from running?
I take the shoes, off. I toss them at her face, and then I leave c: Using shoes as an excuse not to run? This is really silly.

And what if after all that women still wanted you to love them?
Something tells me there might actually be women like this out there - and yes I would love them for who they are, that's the nature of love.

Thank you for sharing your perspective!
take care!
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Old 02-11-2023, 06:10 PM
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