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Old 08-10-2006, 02:06 PM
devolution devolution is offline
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Color What Music are you Listening to at the Moment?

Thought this would be a fun thread to start off in here!

Music is my first love - always searching for emotional and expressive songs and albums...

Right now I am listening to the album Salvation by Alphaville - it's a fabulous homage to synthpop - I love their original album with Forever Young, Big in Japan etc... Yes, I am a child of the 80s ...

Etheral synth sweeps, distant-evoking chords and inspiring syncopation!

I love this....
Everything beautiful must still come to an end,
Even the binding of love will break away,
All that is left... is love of the dark.
Mortality is as fragile as a Rose.
(From a note found on an Altar next to a single red Rose, signed by "The Goth Bride")
Love is the most important thing in the world...
http://www.devolution.co.uk | http://www.mattwarne.com | http://www.voluptas.info
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Old 08-10-2006, 05:21 PM
Honza Honza is offline
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Good question.
At the moment I'm listening to the 'Scissor Sisters' latest album. They are a very funky/poppy band from New York.
Also, and strangely for me, I'm getting into Metal (new and old), I really like the 'Heaviness' and drive.

And for my staple diet of music I have my House Music collection, which I could not be without. As someone once said; "Not everyone understands House Music; its a Soul thing, a Body thing, a Spiritual thing..."
Couldn't agree more!

Cheers, Jan.

The Humility, the Pride and the Humiliation.
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Old 08-10-2006, 08:09 PM
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i like scissor sisters too honza

i've been still thrashing Interpol, an NY band i started listening to last year and can't stop, i love their music.

i've also been guilty of nostallgia and have been listening to a lot of music from last summer in UK like Athelete, Arctic monkeys, Bloc party etc...

i'm relaxing to The Beautiful South's album Blue is the Colour, the Lost in Translation soundtrack and the Boards of Canada...

and downloading old songs that remind me of my childhood for nostalgia again...even rod stewart and the scorpians! i actually burst into tears when i heard Winds of Change again...i finally went to Berlin this year and it now means even more to me.

sorry guys....went on a bit....i adore music. :)
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Old 09-10-2006, 10:28 AM
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I love my genuine native Hawaiian music, and some ethnic(?) music of an African group who did "Boheme"; some Native American CDs; some music from "WingMakers" website; various meditation CDs. Occasionally I'll put on a classic of Beethoven or Mendelsohn or Bach or other traditional CDs.

Over my life, my sanity has been saved several times by having some lovely music to play...
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Old 09-10-2006, 10:34 PM
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hey honza,
was it bad boy bill?? i could almost swear, bad boy bill "said" that (at least one of the first to "say" it). i quite agree though, not everyone understands house music. many try to include break beats and what not into the same genre as house; wrong!!! house is in a class of its own...

music, to me, ...well, bob marley said it: "one good thing about music; when it hits ya, you feel no pain. so hit me with music" ...i coulndt say it better!!
let me play my broken record and say 311 and bob marley are my all time favourties. 311, for there spiritual views, bomb beats and riffs, x-treme energy and unique sound, immitated by many, matched by none!!
bob marley, well, do i really need to advertise bob??

the rest of my top ten... (in no particualr order)...

sublime (groovin, eclectic, soulfull)
blind melon (the live recordings mostly)
david bowie (all of it, but the early stuff a bit more)
fredrick chopin (pained music, but with hope and faith)
robert johnson (the best in delta blues)
rage against the machine (for the fantasticlly creative dissidence)
the stones (older songs)(for there celebration of life)
fleetwood mac (just feels good, instills nastalgia)
janis joplin, nofx, nin (to feed my dark side), "the insider" soundtrack, pink floyd, on and on and on.....

(nothing new lately though):(
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Old 10-10-2006, 01:51 AM
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Get choppin' Poppin'

Recently I have been listenening to:

Yes; first and third albums
Jethro Tull
Klaatu; very much like the beatles
Jet; good australian band
Emerson, Lake and Palmer; synthtown
and Genesis; prog prog prog!

If you are a child of the 80's Devolution, I must be a child of the 70's, I just love 70's music, mostly progressive rock though.

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Old 10-10-2006, 09:27 PM
Ascended Master
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Bob Dylan!
All the way! lol

Especially his new one... Spirit on the Water?
Funnily enough!

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Old 11-10-2006, 09:43 AM
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Old 13-10-2006, 06:18 AM
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i must check out that link soon mikron :)

enlightener....i saw in a post recently that had been hidden again, that you recommended jethro tull because of the celtic influence in their later music. thankyou! i will give them a listen

i have been getting into my old teenage passion of U2 again. bono has always been on a spiritual quest so to speak and i always identified with his search. so i have been loving songs like Gloria, 2 hearts beat as one, beautiful day, city of shining lights,

acrobat from the achtung baby album has always been my favourite. especially when i was in my darkest moments. it helped draw me out and fight for myself again :)
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Old 13-10-2006, 07:37 AM
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Gooj gallywop?

Especially their two albums Songs From the Wood and Heavy Horses, I was listening to it the other day and it was brilliant.

One critic actually said that SFTW was the greatest album he hadd ever listened to.

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