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Old 28-10-2022, 06:16 PM
Bluediamond56 Bluediamond56 is offline
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Question The Key

In one of my last posts, I talked about locking my keys in my car and how 2 weeks prior to that, I thought about locking my keys in the car. That last thought I believe came from divine spirit as a warning. So it came to pass, I locked them in. I got out of the predicament since my window was down an inch. So today I borrowed my neighbor's old car. He handed me a single key with no ring. Right away I think back a month about locking my keys in the car. I don't put the key in my deep jean's pocket but in the little pocket inside the right Jean's pocket. The one you put change in. It was handy when to make calls on the road you would have to look for a pay phone. This was secure place for the key. So I got car back to my neighbor with no problem. So divine spirit sees into the future and figures out a way that I will pay attention to events and make my life a little bit easier. Being lackadaisical about the key could have made my life very hard. So #1 was a thought don't lock key in car.#2 was doing what I didn't want to happen.#3 was the culmination in guarding that neighbor's key. I was totally focused on that key. So this was spread out over 5 weeks. Now a key is a little thing. But divine spirit can work on far bigger things for you. So in my case divine spirit set up my first thought. But you can create the thought your self and then pay attention to everything that happens around you. Start with a small thing, then work up to a bigger thing. It works quite nicely. It's amazing.
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Old 29-10-2022, 01:46 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
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Mindfulness as an ever present orientation has unending layers of recognition. After the physical day to day aspects, like the key you mentioned, it’s plotting different hues of desire and aversion as it arises within. It shouldn’t but it does. So we’re astonished!

Habit patterns. Daily chores. Then, the way we look at other forms. Do we notice social status, colour, age, beauty, gender or look at spirit indwelling in each?

Our instinctive tone and tenor. Ability to forgive and accept that what is, is. Innocence. Joy.

Yet deeper, we wake up in the morning, back to the same body-mind. Is this boon or bane? We can inquire, in silence. Dreams, our responses therein … the list is endless.

Nonchalant observation alters aliveness of awareness itself as it bounces off subject and object till we become void centric.
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 30-10-2022, 12:24 PM
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A beautiful post, though I'm having trouble with this part:
Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Nonchalant observation alters aliveness of awareness itself as it bounces off subject and object till we become void centric.
Is it positive or negative? Is nonchalance good?
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Old 30-10-2022, 01:00 PM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
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Originally Posted by dreamt

Is it positive or negative? Is nonchalance good?

Vibrant nonchalance. Alive, present but unaffected by outcomes. Simply looking at whatever unfolds.

It’s a recognition that whatever is happening here has already happened in the ethereal domain. So we look at it play through linear time like a movie.

Take déjà vu, clairvoyance, premonition ~ seeing an event before it happens or knowing we’ve seen it before when it happens. It follows to reason that this being valid, we can possibly see our entire life in advance, if we tune in to spherical time rather than linear. As such, there is then no need to react to anything, other than infusing in the flow, our heart’s pure intent propelled by bliss radiating from within. Void centric.
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 30-10-2022, 02:21 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Thanks unseeker I mostly resonate with everything you said there except for one thing. What is “void centric”. What is that?
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Old 30-10-2022, 03:28 PM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
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Originally Posted by Redchic12
Thanks unseeker I mostly resonate with everything you said there except for one thing. What is “void centric”. What is that?

Void centric … it’s the gap at the time of polarity interchange, at each half breath, between two thoughts, the gap between starting any action and completing it, looking not at outer form but spirit indwelling, unfocused gaze but alert, agendaless exuberance ~ all aspects of innate aliveness without anticipation, desire or fear … without effort, so it must be an orientation rather than a concentration or meditation.

Or let’s say, we are all that is, the vastness of space, the breath of God, that enables sense of aliveness. So, our aliveness, it’s in the boundary of form, containerised. However consciousness does expand in meditation, doesn’t it? So many have affirmed that it is so, that the universe is within us. Kundalini energisation, bliss, Chi, Holy Spirit, we are That. Now, we cannot get to where we already aren’t. So, we are already the all but not in active cognition. We don’t resist this limitation also for it allows us to feel what would otherwise not have been possible. We just flow, pulsate, with fulcrum of awareness void centric.

Metaphorically, as is said, centre everywhere, circumference nowhere.
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 30-10-2022, 04:14 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Ok thanks for that clarification. But seeker I think it would be a good idea to speak I bit more simply as I feel the average person out there, including myself would find your way of speaking rather confusing and difficult to comprehend. Perhaps write in a way that you would do if we were all young adults. I look forward to your future threads.
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Old 30-10-2022, 05:07 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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I can be proactive or reactive, and those actions usually involve thought. They involve my participation on the stage. The other option is to be removed from the stage and just rest in the audience observing my body being moved by spirit, no thoughts. Knowing that while I am in this world I am not of this world.

Of course another approach is to be as Zen Buddhism teaches and be one with that which you are doing. We are all instruments of something or other, forces that influence us in many different ways depending on what we open up to. We are centers of expression, expressing variations of the one being. Whose center is everywhere. Opposites are different degrees of the same thing.

But to step out of the realm of opposites and into the oneness of being, and be moved by that oneness, seeing the light of creation in everything and everyone. No mistakes, no good or bad, as eventually in time it all counts towards a greater awakening, but in the pure oneness of being time does not exist. Still it is all part of the process, grist for the mill so to speak.
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Old 31-10-2022, 05:58 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Starman, where are all these comments coming from. Is it from your own heart or are you quoting someone else?
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Old 31-10-2022, 07:20 AM
Starman Starman is offline
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Redchic12, If I am quoting someone I will put quotation marks around the quote and name the person I am quoting. What I often post does not come from me rather it comes through me when I quiet my thoughts. It is mostly intuitive but usually it comes from my own experiences, my own perspective.

I have been doing quiet meditation rather regularly for about 45-years, have had lots of spiritual experiences. Followed a Guru from India back in the 1970’s and learned a lot from him. Was ordained a Brother in the Episcopal church, and after leaving the church studied the world’s five most populated religions. But I do not follow any religion. I have had lots of incredible teachers.

I have a graduate degree myself in psychology, was a college professor, and often mix spirituality with psychology, with metaphysics, etc. My spiritual path is a self made mixture of western alchemy and eastern yoga. This works for me, I look for connections of common ground where seemingly none exist. But believe me, I still trip over my own feet, and I am still learning. Thanks for asking.
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