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Old 13-09-2022, 10:18 AM
bobbster2020 bobbster2020 is offline
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physical feeling when a spirit is trying to contact


Sorry for all the questions I keep asking lol. I'm really intrigued by all this and I'm wanting to learn.

Has anyone every experienced physical feelings when a spirit is near by or trying to communicate? What I mean by physical feeling is like vibrations, pulses or mini buzzes that last for a split second but there are several in a row. It's hard to explain. They're only slight and don't hurt at all but they're very noticeable

The reason I ask is because I visited a grave of a loved one yesterday and I was talking out loud about all the memories we had together etc. and then when I got on to a certain subject which I knew was special to her I got these vibrations running from my head to my hands.

I don't know if It was just coincidence or maybe my body reacting to the emotions I was feeling, or the meds I'm on, I dunno but thought I'd ask you guys and see if you had experienced anything like this.

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Old 13-09-2022, 12:42 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Interesting. Spirits will do anything to let you know they are there. :)
My buddy, my uncle - fills the area with ocean smells...I'm in semi arid Colorado, lol.

Smells, tingles, lights blinking...got that one from James Van Praag's client
that kept changing the light bulb...ha, it was his boyfriend
he found out thru seeing James..

But, sure, could have been from something else...monitor when it happens, ha! Let us know.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 13-09-2022, 12:56 PM
bobbster2020 bobbster2020 is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Interesting. Spirits will do anything to let you know they are there. :)
My buddy, my uncle - fills the area with ocean smells...I'm in semi arid Colorado, lol.

Smells, tingles, lights blinking...got that one from James Van Praag's client...
Thanks for the reply Miss Hepburn:) It is amazing how they choose to interact with us like you've just described but unfortunately I don't think mine was a spirit as since making this post I've had it happen a couple more times, I think it could be the medication I'm on. I'm gutted really, I so wanted it to be her spirit.

I'm sorry for messing everyone around with this post.
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Old 13-09-2022, 07:16 PM
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It is not unusual . they will find ways of touching you which you knew to be happen when they were alive, lets say stroking your hair or your cheek or touching your arm.

there could be a smell too just like miss hepburn describes, what ever works for you, what is personal to you, that the two of you know, could be a perfume, a smoke of cigarettes, could even be sweat, I have smelled the sweat, thank you very much..;)

(I'm gonna slip away from the topic now for a bit. when i met my ex there were times i thought he really smelled, like real bad sweat kind of smell and it was confusing as i knew he did not really smell, he had taken a shower and used all sorts of deodorants and perfume not to smell and looked clean cut. years later i got my answer, he had been in a past life of mine then as I suspect an obnoxious brother and he was caught in a barn by the police or someone with authority after having been up to something and he was sweaty and smelling. there could be memories in smells, is my point, they mean something)
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Old 13-09-2022, 09:47 PM
bobbster2020 bobbster2020 is offline
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I will be honest, asearcher, and this might sound weird I don't know but when I was at the grave yesterday I said if you want me to bring a gift to your grave you have to give me a sign as I'm not sure if she had fell out with me or not when she was alive as we'd not spoken for a long time and today I was sat on my bed and i felt something like an insect on my ear, behind the earlobe but nothing was there when i went to scratch it away. Maybe it was a coincidence again I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking everything.

Thank you for the story asearcher, it's really good to hear stories like this as it makes me believe even more in the spirit world/after life etc.
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Old 13-09-2022, 10:15 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Spirit are giving you a sign that they are near but you dismiss it, you are like a Doubting Thomas.
spirit will give you signs they are around you could have your hair itching as though you have something in it but you haven't.
you can feel a breeze you can smell perfume or aftershave. You can smell cigarettes .
they can also play with your lights make them flicker etc
spirit don't need you to take a gift to their graves

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Old 14-09-2022, 05:11 AM
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Hi bobbster2020, you're welcome. Loosing a loved one is very hard. I think once you get over the most intense part of the grief and you go higher up it will be more easy to come in contact.

you could also try meditation. i almost always get touched during meditative state. the feelings are more pure, away from the every day buzz and so is the touch.
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Old 14-09-2022, 09:33 AM
bobbster2020 bobbster2020 is offline
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Ha I really am a doubting Thomas aren't I. That is really nice coming from you, Native spirit that you think it is spirit trying to give me a sign. Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it. I will keep looking out for these signs.

In all my years on earth I have honestly never felt the sensation I got on my ear like I did yesterday, it felt like something was literally on my ear, and I wasn't looking for a sign at that present moment I was totally pre occupied with something else and it didn't click that it could be a sign until a few moments later.

Thank you, asearcher it really is hard when my emotions are all over the place. Like you say hopefully with time and with my learning of spirits I can learn to make contact more clearly.

Yes, I will be honest I've never been one for meditation but I'm definitely going to give it a go if it can help me get a better contact with spirits. I will start doing research and see what I can find:) Thank you for the advice.
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Old 14-09-2022, 04:54 PM
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I think it is only natural you question. I still question. I am still not 100% sure. I think we are raised to question, think critical, our left brain takes over and the thing is the more that part is busy the less one can experience things. Too when one wants it so badly the intensity can ruin it for you.

If and when people have lost it after having had any paranormal experiences I don't think it is the experiences, it is the human left brain with all the thinking and theories that has caught up with them. The trick is not to think. Only to feel. Only let it be what it is. But I know, I know, it's difficult. Been lots of times I have interpret things the wrong way, when finally thinking all my speculating has given me the right answer only to later (even years later) finally understood what it truly was, LOL. Guess my advice is to just relax, let it happen, and only feel.

But you know don't worry about it, there is no time on the other side and your loved one won't give up on you no matter what you do. Just allow yourself to receive. Experience.

Wish you all the best with the healing part and your further experiences.
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Old 14-09-2022, 05:46 PM
bobbster2020 bobbster2020 is offline
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Thanks for the reassuring words, asearcher it's good to know even more experience people here have doubts sometimes.

Yes, that makes a lot of sense I definitely over think things like you explained. I need to be more zen for sure. Like you said before I need to learn meditation and quieten my mind as I'm always worrying so nothing will get through with all my thoughts rattling around my head lol.

Thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it, asearcher and I wish you the best too:)
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