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Old 07-07-2022, 02:18 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Bliss elixir plunges us into trance ~
But now we’re aware of our circumstance
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 08-07-2022, 01:32 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Bliss magnetism deepens meditation ~
Vibrant silence our orientation
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 09-07-2022, 12:49 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Rotating polarity with the void ~
We no longer are then, by ego toyed
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 10-07-2022, 02:21 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Analysing not fulcrum of a sneeze ~
Delight in effervescence of release
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 11-07-2022, 01:30 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Playing our life role, in as is ordained ~
We burn in the void, that cannot be stained
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 12-07-2022, 01:44 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Ceasing to sway, get out of your own way ~
That love and light bursts forth, like a sun ray
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 13-07-2022, 01:48 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Renouncing narrow goals, in our life role ~
Baptised in the stream, our soul’s again whole
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 14-07-2022, 02:23 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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Fulcrum from which we choose to manifest ~
If we’re void-centric, desires are at rest
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 15-07-2022, 12:38 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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As we meld with pain, to cleanse our soul’s stain ~
Nonchalance breaks the cause and effect chain
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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Old 16-07-2022, 01:36 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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We are living light and once we know this ~
We vaporise, becoming mist of bliss
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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