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Old 14-11-2022, 09:42 PM
ReturningMoon ReturningMoon is offline
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Do we really have any control over the way others see us?

Hi everyone. This is something I recently pondered. I think the answer to this is no. I can only really do my best to like the person I see in the mirror. What other people are seeing is more or less just a reflection of themselves.
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Old 14-11-2022, 10:32 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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I control what people see... and I do it well.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 15-11-2022, 06:22 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Quote: What other people think of me is none of my business.

Love it!
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Old 15-11-2022, 12:22 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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I am myself you either like me or loath me
if you have a problem with that , that is up to you

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Old 15-11-2022, 01:36 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I control what people see... and I do it well.
Many think I'm kinda nice.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 15-11-2022, 01:47 PM
Hologram8 Hologram8 is offline
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when I figured out that everyone was evil I lost respect for them all ~ I no longer care what they think
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Old 15-11-2022, 03:34 PM
lemex lemex is offline
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You are talking about 2 things that include observation and what another sees as oppose to what the you I sees (wants to see). You are not the observer and the observer does not make it happen. We all do both as well. Here is an example (of outside seeing). And there are two perspectives. Others may see what I do not. A person steals from another or may be bitter or angry and this has nothing to do with control but what is. One can fear being told because then change has to happen. So it is not always a reflection of another but could be a reflection to themselves. Ironically every person, good or bad, says I can only really do my best. No person will be on any bad list they have that has others. We are exempt. I do not think there is a single person who feels they do (see) wrong and both are to see themselves. For instance sometimes a person needs to hear from others because they do not see what other do. But of course it can be what others say to. I love the question. We are afraid to even ask others what they see for fear of what they might point out. Is there sometimes truth in seeing.

Last edited by lemex : 15-11-2022 at 04:59 PM.
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Old 19-11-2022, 03:18 PM
lostsoul13 lostsoul13 is online now
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You can be whatever you want to be with people: no one knows you like you know of the self???

I’m guaranteed to chicken out of reincarnation but if you asked me I went in with no questions asked~ it wasn’t far from the truth but I loathed every second of it..

Just allowing seems to lessen the struggle
Vampire speed..

Arabic first language (English)—- bear with me and please be patient)
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