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Old 16-08-2020, 03:07 PM
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Week beginning 17/08/20

Think - Storm Fields.
What, in my life, is strong enough to withstand the storm?

Do - Rock Bottom.
Realise that I have options, put the work in and not expect instant gratification.

Challenge - Balancing Act.
Well that's straight forward.....work wise, I'm getting a bit over obligated.

Ally - Education.
I haz skilz, I can rely on my knowledge and understanding to get me through this week (and learn something new too).
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Old 23-08-2020, 05:10 PM
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Week beginning 24/08/20

Think about - Justice.
Taking in all sides of the situation and making a decision based on the facts and not the feels.

Do - 7 of Wands.
Stand my ground.

Challenge - Lovers.
Finding equal partnership.

Ally - 10 of Coins.
Home anc family (the one we're given and the one we choose).
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Old 23-08-2020, 08:27 PM
Anala Anala is offline
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All of the cards were upside down and all were reminders:

1) (upside down) Groundhog Spirit - letting go
2) (upside down) Armadillo spirit - set healthy boundaries
3) (upside down) Parrot Spirit -watch your words
**Step back and trust spirit’s plan.**

The song of the day was, The Sound of Silence”
Cello version by Hauser https://youtu.be/GxwXMxU187c
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Old 24-08-2020, 05:01 PM
Clover Clover is offline
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Beautiful piece, Anala

Think about:The Hermit
What I need to do: 3 Of Cups Reversed
Challenge: Ten of Wands
Ally: The Devil.

Devotion & focus on my craft
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Old 24-08-2020, 10:31 PM
Anala Anala is offline
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Originally Posted by Clover
Beautiful piece, Anala

Think about:The Hermit
What I need to do: 3 Of Cups Reversed
Challenge: Ten of Wands
Ally: The Devil.

Devotion & focus on my craft

Clover, Did I tell you I bought my first deck!

It is a deck with gentle messages! Not ready to swim with the big fishes yet!
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Old 25-08-2020, 03:32 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Originally Posted by Anala
Clover, Did I tell you I bought my first deck!

It is a deck with gentle messages! Not ready to swim with the big fishes yet!

which deck did you get?

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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Old 25-08-2020, 03:42 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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Originally Posted by BigJohn

which deck did you get?

The Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Collette Baron-Reid

There was an on-line deck I used for months and months.
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Old 25-08-2020, 04:18 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Originally Posted by Anala
The Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Collette Baron-Reid

There was an on-line deck I used for months and months.

I think that deck will be ideal for you!

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
   ⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜ ⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜

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Old 25-08-2020, 04:35 PM
Clover Clover is offline
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Thats great, Anala. That is a very pretty deck.

It took me a while to warm up as well. My very first deck was The Soul's Journey Lesson Cardsby James Vaan Praagh, I than moved on to animals cards and than slowly went into tarot....the rest is history
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Old 30-08-2020, 11:19 AM
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Week beginning 31/08/20

Think - 7 of Coins.
Where do I need to be patient.

Do - 4 of Wands.
Celebrate life.

Challenge - King of Wands.
Feeling responsible for others actions.

Ally - Ace of Wands.
Getting a head start on something potentially good.
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