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Old 09-12-2019, 12:42 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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The Spirit Animal Oracle Cards

1) Wolf Spirit - Turn Knowledge into Wisdom

2) Hawk Spirit - Let Spirit be Your Guide (Watch for animals that appear and their symbols)

3) Rabbit Spirit (upside down) - Now is a lucky time - (Vulnerability is required.)

Saw two Sandhill Cranes flying in parallel this week, Stunning!

This spread is a keeper and I am not even sleepy!
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Old 09-12-2019, 02:45 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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What I need to think about: 2 of Pentacles. I need to think about why on earth I feel the need to keep everyone else happy whilst I'm trying to keep on level ground.

What I need to do: 8 of Cups. Run away ... run away ... hahaha. I need to discard what isn't working and leave some of the emotionally draining aspects of my life (easier said than done, I can tell you).

Challenge: The Hermit. The never ending search ... The challenge is finding something worthwhile to replace what I need to walk away from. Either that or I'll come across another snake on the property.


Oh, I forgot.

Blessing/ally: The Star. Yay baby! Something to look forward to, hot tub sex? Only kidding. The universe has my back this week. Time to make a wish methinks.
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Old 30-12-2019, 04:20 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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The spirit Animal Oracle Cards

1) lion spirit - be generous of spirit (upside down) healthy pride, hmmmmm this is going to take some doing.
2) spider spirit - make your dreams real - I like this one but yet a bit scary.
3) bobcat spirit - life is a mystery - you can say that again.

Having used this deck for months, I might just have to get this one as my first deck. unless I wimp out. I do like using the free inline deck, but I do not think it requires much interpretation.....
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Old 12-01-2020, 11:55 AM
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Week beginning 13/01/20

Think about. Queen of Cups.
Am I following my dreams or am I holding on to the dream that I am?

Do. 2 of Coins.
Time to do a pros and cons list, in many areas of my life.

Challenge 2 of Swords.
Oh I love tarot........the challenge is a challenge
Maybe the pros and cons list doesn't really show me what I need to know so I'm still gonna be in catch 22.

Ally 3 of Cups.
At least I have people around me whose opinions I appreciate (although opinions are not facts), it's good to get some input from those I'm close to.
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Old 20-01-2020, 12:31 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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There is something about the week ahead spread that just makes me so happy. The cards are like little nudges to work toward things that I know are there and yet forgotten. Gentle little reminders.

Btw, I got to use a real deck last week! It made me smile

So here is the spread: spirit Animal Oracle Cards

1) Moth spirit - surrender now (everything in moderation)

2) Hummingbird spirit (upside down) be here now (focus on one flower today)

3) dolphin spirit (upside down) this and that are true (fluidity)

It is all about Nizhoni this week.
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Old 26-01-2020, 12:17 PM
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Week beginning 27/01/20

Think about - 10 of Coins.
The areas in my life that are currently fulfilled and settled.

Do - 5 of Spears.
Get my opinions and ideas out there.

Challenge - 9 of Coins.
Feeling too comfortable with where I am and considering to stay out of the 'arena'.

Ally - Knight of Coins.
Having the ability to pick my battles wisely.
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Old 02-02-2020, 12:20 PM
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Week beginning 03/02/20.

Think about - 9 of Spears.
Where I need to make that last blast of effort.

Do - 4 of Cups.
Cut down on the caffeine.

Challenge - King of Spears.
Dealing with the energy 'I need this done'.

Ally - 8 of Spears.
Successful completion as everything falls into place.
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Old 10-02-2020, 04:28 PM
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Week beginning 10/02/20

Think about - 3 of Spears.
Where am I still awaiting results.

Do - High Priestess.
Inner work.

Challenge - The World.
It really is.

Ally - Tower.
Hmmm not something that's appropriate to dicuss on SF, but I get it
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Old 25-02-2020, 08:55 AM
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Week beginning 24/02/20

Think about - 6 of Coins
How/who can I help.

Do - Hermit
Keep it low profile.

Challenge - Justice.
Consequences of my actions.

Ally - Priestess.
The belief I am doing the right thing.
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Old 25-02-2020, 11:49 AM
tealily tealily is offline
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When I did a "week ahead" spread for myself yesterday it basically said "Welp, you're f***ed this week aren't you? Try to palm off whatever you can now..."

Here's hoping this will be better! :)


Think about: 2 of Pentacles. What can I ACTUALLY juggle successfully at this time?

Do: 4 of Cups rev - get things the f*** off my plate

Challenge: The Hermit - being able to go inside and find enough quiet to make the realisations I need to make

Ally: 6 of Pentacles. I don't quite fully get this. Is it about valuing myself? I look at the main figure as he's tossing coins - even the smallest bit of effort is deeply appreciated by the recipient. Perhaps I need to remember how much my time is worth - I'm already not getting paid well enough as is. That might make it easier to step away from things :)
Please do not pm me with a reading request
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