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Old 13-10-2017, 08:34 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by tealily
haha you did! a 7 of Swords, 6 of cups combo anyway.
It sounds like there may be a few offers landing on the table... although whether they are better than my current job is yet to be decided (increased workload Vs better crew).

Ace of Wands, Empress rev

My clair- might be off, but I got the impression of an aunt or uncle who was very encouraging and always told you to go off and try things. They may have passed on.

The impression I get from these cards is perhaps someone who is 'stuck' in their own life for whatever reason, but still finds the capacity to be very encouraging and supportive of others.

Q: What in my life do I need to say NO to?

Feedback for tealily

(Q. Who in my life do I find inspiring?)
Unfortunately I can't place who that might be regarding an aunt or uncle or ones who may have passed on, or someone 'stuck' who finds the capacity to be very encouraging and supportive. I've been racking my brain (what little of it there is, lol) but can't think of anyone who fits the bill at this stage anyway.
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Old 13-10-2017, 08:40 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by tealily
Yikes! I wonder who they are in my life...

4 of Pent, King of Pent
Intriguing; these cards together speak of physical mementos and the accumulation of things grown/built over a long period of time - perhaps the sentimental attachments make it hard to be around.

Q: Describe the culture of my current place of work

Feedback for tealily:

(Q. What makes me feel really unhappy?)

Going through all of Tony's stuff, which has been very gradual when I feel up to it, has been really difficult as I don't like throwing anything of his away, I like to hang on to it all, even though I know I can't and have to cull. So yes, definitely sentimental attachments of Tony's, though not so much hard to be around, more wanting to hold on to it all.

Edit: I missed feedback that I had already written for this one. A week ago I said that I did think it was because his stuff was hard to be around ... the last couple of days though I've had to clear out his old stuff from a container and throw out a lot of it, which I really didn't want to do. So it's now a bit of both, depending on my mood I guess and how well I'm coping on a particular day. Very depressing.
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Old 13-10-2017, 08:51 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Ace of Swords, Knight of Pents.

All talk and no action from someone who could be giving you practical help.

Q. I'm developing a new spread, what is missing from it?

Feedback for Pisces Moon

(Q. What is really annoying me at the moment?)

I've been extremely lucky and have a lot of support. There's no-one I can think of who says they'll help and don't follow through. If I need anything specific (for example I had to ask my son to come and move some furniture so I could finish off painting the loungeroom, he came after work the next day). So I can't think who that would apply to. I can't remember what was annoying me when I posed the question, which isn't very helpful!
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Old 13-10-2017, 10:09 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by PeaceLilly
The Sun, Strength

Your brother admires your peace, strength, and courage.

How can I help my family relationships?

Feedback for PeaceLilly

Although I haven't asked him, it's nice to know that is what my brother would admire about me. I can see that would make sense though, especially regarding comments he's made about caring for my husband when he was dying.
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Old 13-10-2017, 11:00 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by Pandora.
What qualities does my son see in me?

Queen of Pentacles, The Chariot

He sees me as driven to be a mother who is a devoted wife and mother who enjoys creating a solid, stable, loving family environment.

Q. What sort of house would I like to buy when the opportunity arises?

I think this is the next question we're up to.
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Old 15-10-2017, 09:37 AM
tealily tealily is offline
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*Happy tarot
8 of Swords, Judgement

Hmm... kinda looks like you wouldn't like to move at all, it would take being forced out for you to move; there is a strong feeling of wanting to 'stay put' here so you may either way to stay in the area or make a huge change.

Q: (to be checked tomorrow) Was my caseload last week bigger than the previous week's?
Please do not pm me with a reading request
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Old 16-10-2017, 01:34 AM
cosmicsacredheart cosmicsacredheart is offline
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8 of swords and The Hierophant

Very close to the figures last week, from the cards I am not seeing that it is bigger than the previous week. Not sure about what is the caseload you're referring to, but am going ahead with this.

Q: Spirit's guidance on how to best communicate with my family to improve relationships with them
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Old 16-10-2017, 02:32 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by Pandora.
Feedback for tealily

(Q. Who in my life do I find inspiring?)
Unfortunately I can't place who that might be regarding an aunt or uncle or ones who may have passed on, or someone 'stuck' who finds the capacity to be very encouraging and supportive. I've been racking my brain (what little of it there is, lol) but can't think of anyone who fits the bill at this stage anyway.

Additional feedback for tealily
I was thinking about your answer the other night, and I think I know who were referring to. It is someone who has passed on, a cousin who I lived with in Tasmania when I was a teenager, who is the most remarkable woman I've ever known. I was thinking about her and the connection clicked. When you said "stuck", she was blind for the last 8 or so years of her life, and incredibly encouraging and supportive of everyone and everything. Amazing woman. So you were spot on.
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Old 16-10-2017, 02:36 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by tealily
*Happy tarot
8 of Swords, Judgement

Hmm... kinda looks like you wouldn't like to move at all, it would take being forced out for you to move; there is a strong feeling of wanting to 'stay put' here so you may either way to stay in the area or make a huge change.

Q: (to be checked tomorrow) Was my caseload last week bigger than the previous week's?

Feedback for tealily
Oh, this is interesting. I think you are dead right. I think the bank will make me move because they will consider that I don't have the capacity to pay the mortgage. I don't want to leave the friends and community I have here but fear I'll have no choice.

Next question for cosmicsacredheart: Spirit's guidance on how to best communicate with my family to improve relationships with them
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Old 16-10-2017, 06:11 AM
tealily tealily is offline
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Originally Posted by cosmicsacredheart

8 of swords and The Hierophant

Very close to the figures last week, from the cards I am not seeing that it is bigger than the previous week. Not sure about what is the caseload you're referring to, but am going ahead with this.

Q: Spirit's guidance on how to best communicate with my family to improve relationships with them
Very good!! I counted this morning - it turned out to be the exact same number each week.
Please do not pm me with a reading request
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