Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
How do I ever get to the point, where I can make myself not do not doing and then finally get the benefits from that behavior? It is one of those impossible things if you ask me...
Who are we? Spirit* (*living light in singularity), dwelling in form* (* in duality). Hence both, bliocating.
So, the practice is actually only this recognition. Awareness anchored in form, then released in the void, at equal ease in both locales. What is ease? Peace, correspondent with non-doing, simply resting in being-ness.
Taking this body-mind complex as dust, a puppet, controlled by a puppeteer, both us, there then is no attainment to be sought for the puppet, which exists not. What always was, is and will be however, is Spirit or Self.
The ascension process then is simply awakening in form, the light of Self, which we already are. This means that the aspect of us which believes it is this body (ego) is the blockage. But ego is necessary to navigate this realm. So by constantly remaining aware of Self in stillness, the ego thins out, it is instrumentalised, just like any limb, used when needed, otherwise not.
Our attention is held in quanta or packets of time. Stagnation is trance, flowing without clinging is being awake. Save in silence, we are in stupor. Of course that does not mean we should not indulge awhile. Do so but keep flowing in the natural state, which is Self renewing itself within itself.
We can see there is nothing to attain simply because there is no one here. Seeking implies bondage to ego, which we are not. We are the driver, not the car we are driving. It is as simple as that in my view.