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Old 13-09-2024, 01:49 PM
lifensoul lifensoul is offline
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 90
Engines breaking down at and close to a particular location

Hi all, hope all is manageable and fulfilling. I had been on the forum a couple of times - quite angry argumentative and challenging. I do apologise if i had hurt anyone innocent.

I have relogged in to ask a question, not sure of the right forum to post it - large vehicle engines seem to break down and leak engine oil or another oil at a particular location in my land. Its the fourth one, so strting to think it might be more than coincidence. Any ides of why this might be happening? Actually sixth time if the two breakdowns not involving engine breakdowns taken into consideration too...
Thanks in advance for the brainstorming and knowledge
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Old 15-09-2024, 04:13 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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could mean a couple of things. Maybe sometime in the past someone died when an engine broke down there and now a ghost haunts it?

Another thing I thought of is maybe it is telling you something about your own life, maybe in the progression of the kind of life you are in you always get to a point where things break down and you can't go on? And this is just a reminder of what is coming? Or of what has already happened?

Don't really know though there are a lot of possibilities I guess...
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Old 17-09-2024, 11:40 AM
lifensoul lifensoul is offline
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Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
could mean a couple of things. Maybe sometime in the past someone died when an engine broke down there and now a ghost haunts it?

Another thing I thought of is maybe it is telling you something about your own life, maybe in the progression of the kind of life you are in you always get to a point where things break down and you can't go on? And this is just a reminder of what is coming? Or of what has already happened?

Don't really know though there are a lot of possibilities I guess...

Hey, thanks for the reply, exact possibilities that came to my mind too

Whats happening. True.

Confirmation from a total stranger equals confirmation by universe/god whatever ...confirmation that it is most likely close to truth

Hmm...now what...i am being told to do nothing except ask god/universe/source of all through all this...and allow its power to be seen/felt /experienced by those still in the clutches of the antichrist/dajjal/kalki whatever name one wishes to give it. D. Evil. But i am not able to let go of the last straw, those last few hopes and ambitions...wanted to create a food forest and live and eat together with life on earth and earth, i am doing all except that am not able to grow the food for us all ...no help. And alone. Not used to physical work. Tobi here used to live on her own in some kind of a forest i remember ..

Wish had someone to share this weird journey which i had both asked for and am also being dragged on.

Today i can clearly see there is truly no purpose doing anything other than dharma karma, truth, justice righteousness and conscience based living. Short life. Wont have the opportunity after death ..not that i think this way before i act...just realised today ..but the majority of these deception disguised as humans will not stop at anything to stop truth...if it shines..their deception and them ends ....and indeed thats the general reaction...my rule gat i shall jot participate in any form of deception that i can see or take its help doesnt help either

Do what now? Let go and continue to live in a forest of unwanted plants? Give up the hope of creating the food forest as well. All else has been already given up except for very very basic needs at the most basic level...almost close to how the rest of life on earth lives
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Old 17-09-2024, 12:15 PM
lifensoul lifensoul is offline
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Well actually the task is i know very well to learn to poperly pray and heal...through trusting the representation of truth all around and within me and give up thinking of the humans and interaction and live on the untrustworthy deceptive world within my mind. Not an easy task. Its like catch 22...but cycle nearly at breaking point.

Th e dog was unlike at other times barking towards something just before the breakdown.

So its about focussing and trusting truth and purity of the source to seek its help and release the trapped soul. Which is likely. Hmm.

Why is it we chose stress instead of the peace we get with trust and submission to the source of all? Very strongly posessed by the negative mind most of us are. It actually takes a few words to release ourselves of it, but why do we need to remind ourselves of it and if we dont the possessed mind seeps in? What within us makes truth and purity weaker that the deception? Unique to each but must be something general as well. The need to do something. The weakest link, atleast where i stand in my life.
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Old 17-09-2024, 10:48 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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so um i decided at some point, my mind has a lot of whacky ideas about what would be 'best' for me to do to be in service, or whatever goal I have set for myself this month... but sometimes I think, no matter how good those ideas seem, maybe there is more beneficial stuff just by giving them up anyway. I mean obviously there are consequences for not doing whatever the right thing is but am I really so sure I know the full breadth of the consequences of forcing my own hand either? Maybe I need to go back to basics, where I start actually allowing myself to be who I am rather than to be who I'm expecting others want me to be? Or even who I should be if I'm gonna be a 'good' person?

Maybe that is the best way to be of service, to start showing people a way of life where we aren't always lieing about who we are and what we expect instead of this awful mess I've been living in for so long.

So I have this suspicison that sometimes, doing the wrong thing is exactly the right thing. But it takes a lot of faith to go against what I expect to be 'best' in light of the fact of other people....

Anyway yeah living off the land would be great if I were used to it... I kinda miss life closer to the earth.... but quite honestly I'm not used to it now and it would kinda be more playacting to go find a plot of land and try to get food from it lol.... and neither is anyone else who is a city dweller I suppose... i figure these days the best thing is start from where I am, not to try to get to somewhere else before I will try to make a beginning.... if that makes any sense?

The issue isn't really about stress or peace or getting the right feelings or obtaining really anything in my mind... the issue is that if we weren't bound the way we are bound, we would forge a path to our own deaths, and call it life while we were doing it. Even now I see the echoes of that everywhere, hm kinda like walking through the valley of the shado of death i suppose...

lies, deceit it is just ways to behave. I used to hate people being that way but now im more interested in just butting out of other people's business as much as I can, trying not to have opinions on how others should behave. That helps them by me not being mean about what I perceive as their meanness, and it helps me by taking off some weight lol...
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Old 20-09-2024, 06:48 AM
lifensoul lifensoul is offline
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Posts: 90
I live what i preach to the word at all costs, and it does cost everything we seem to consider life...and thats ok..not much that matters after death should matter during life..and do nothing that wee cant change once the body dies, as much as one culd be aware irrespective of re birth hell heaven etc theories. Thats what i shall continue to do. Shed off everything else. Yes, personal aims and goals seem to not matter, but thats a fact, we are here for the journey ...to learn and cleanse through and from the challenges..not try to get used to what is limited by sacrificing what is not.

Thanks for helping me see clearly falling leaves
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