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Old 09-12-2006, 11:56 AM
Posts: n/a

You've been such a big help and I'm sure your input on this site will continue to be insightful and timely. Lapis has indicated my feelings on this topic effectively. I've always been a bit confused about the IMO stance. If what I write isn't my opinion, who's is it? Anyway, John you are a star, a legend, and your input is very welcome. It is important that you have enforced these rules. We do need a framework to ensure good behaviour - but if of all sites we cannot be open, generous and tolerant, even when there are those who lack reflexivity in their own behaviour, then I think there is something fundamentally ill at ease with SF. I agree with you that we do need to have a framework to ensure posts do not get out of hand - we have a good thing and should always be working to keep it a good thing, certainly, if someone is being highly offensive, we do need to have a process for handling that behaviour - but sometimes we have to weigh whether more problems are created through intervention than if we just let it play out and run out of steam on its own.

Well done for all the work you have put into us and yourself. I look forward to many more wonderful and articulate posts from you.

Take care
Old 09-12-2006, 02:54 PM
Posts: n/a
I missed this thread earlier....

Well..... all's well that ends well, so to speak.

Group hug everyone?
Old 14-12-2006, 06:54 PM
Posts: n/a

As others have said we all make mistakes, we're all human...
You admit that you've done wrong and there's nothing wrong with that and I have ultimate respect for people who are mature enough to admit that they have done wrong-or at least realise their errors:)

Of course not many of us can understand how it is like to be in your position but you have shown time and time again what a wise, sensible, intelligent and mature person you are and we show you we trust you by telling you that we have faith in you to do what is right-what more do you need

I am sure that if there is someone offensive then the appropriate action will be taken against them-as what happened recently.

Carry on with the good work
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