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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Spirituality & Beliefs > Indigo, Crystal, & Star Children

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Old 22-03-2015, 05:20 PM
blackcat15 blackcat15 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 212

although i agree about the labeling thing, for me it was a liberation to find some literature about indigos.

i have found it amids a profound spiritual awakening that started last year and that is still continuing. it was no easy ride. i thought i would simply loose my mind by the end of the year.

anyway. for me finding out about indigos was a relief. suddenly all my weird perceptions found some kind of explanation. because i have ALWAYS felt somehow different from everybody else. it is not that i see people. I FEEL people inside me. i look through their eyes and feel their souls. i SENSE things and see PATTERNS that others miss. my skin is very, very thin. I pick up all that is not said and even more. sometimes i read other's thoughts in silence. if somebody is upset I FEEL exactly as they feel. I communicate with animals. i feel the angels.

anyway. for the most part of my life, these things made me a loner. and i experienced a LOT of pain. this is no science fiction. i think I have felt the pain of any person i have met, on top of my own. even from strangers on the bus.

when i was younger, these gifts, were … a torture.

later i have started accepting them and now… i use them. to help poor people. and it is good.

BUT. loneliness remains. it is a lonely journey. because I feel and see the world in a different way. it is not easy to explain. but it is just the way it is.

so, labels are not a good thing, everyone will be different. but for me it was good to realize that perhaps there is some grain of truth in it.

bear in mind that i found out about this only a couple of months ago…AFTER making all the previous experiences. so, well. it is no suggestion.

love to all. black cat
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