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Old 18-02-2015, 05:53 PM
VikingWarriorOnWheels VikingWarriorOnWheels is offline
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These Labels...

I'm having a hard time with these terms: Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow...
After recently becoming intrigued by the notion of naturally gifted individuals being born with an extraordinary role in this life... Can't this be true of anyone? What if, for example, an Indigo is born into a conservative, Christian family that expected academic success, following rules, doing what you're told, etc. and these natural abilities are stifled and deterred before the child can even develop nonconforming thoughts or intuitive abilities? What if they don't discover spirituality until later in life? Does this make them any less of an Indigo than a child who's family raised them in a spiritually supportive environment?
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” --Disney's Mulan
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Old 18-02-2015, 10:40 PM
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People don't need labels to live according to deeper values or to bring something of value to the world by simply being themselves as they respond to experience.
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Old 19-02-2015, 04:52 PM
John32241 John32241 is offline
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Yes at the core of every human is the divine presence. Labels do help some and restrict others. It depends a lot on personal inclinations.

Humanity in general is becoming more aware of their psychic potentials. There is a process of self discovery available to any one who wishes to evolve it. Any divine human can shift their reality perspective at any time, as I see these things.

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Old 19-02-2015, 06:05 PM
l o t u s l o t u s is offline
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They're dumb terms, I know... I used to be bothered every time I saw I'm an (Indigo, Starseed, Rainbow)!, but I have come to realize it is mostly young people (teens and young adults) who identify with these words over and over again. That is just how youth is. They use labels as a method of learning. That's why high school is so cliquey. You have preps, goths, nerds, stoners, etc. They're just words, and most people outgrow them when they come to realize that.

Overall, these words may cause separation, but they also promote individuality. I have also come to realize that there is no single word that can possibly describe any individual. There are always many words.
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Old 19-02-2015, 08:38 PM
OctoberSky OctoberSky is offline
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Originally Posted by l o t u s
They're dumb terms, I know... I used to be bothered every time I saw I'm an (Indigo, Starseed, Rainbow)!, but I have come to realize it is mostly young people (teens and young adults) who identify with these words over and over again. That is just how youth is. They use labels as a method of learning. That's why high school is so cliquey. You have preps, goths, nerds, stoners, etc. They're just words, and most people outgrow them when they come to realize that.

Overall, these words may cause separation, but they also promote individuality. I have also come to realize that there is no single word that can possibly describe any individual. There are always many words.

This is exactly is what I have been trying to explain to people but they just don't get it..
Magnetic eyes revealing my soul;
mysterious mind with secrets hidden,
psychic intuition makes me a wise predator
eyes ablaze with intensity,
a labyrinth of her deepest emotions.

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Old 19-02-2015, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by VikingWarriorOnWheels
I'm having a hard time with these terms: Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow...
After recently becoming intrigued by the notion of naturally gifted individuals being born with an extraordinary role in this life... Can't this be true of anyone? What if, for example, an Indigo is born into a conservative, Christian family that expected academic success, following rules, doing what you're told, etc. and these natural abilities are stifled and deterred before the child can even develop nonconforming thoughts or intuitive abilities? What if they don't discover spirituality until later in life? Does this make them any less of an Indigo than a child who's family raised them in a spiritually supportive environment?

In the world of conformist perfectionism the one who stands out isn't welcome. Most people don't even notice those who stand out, but they DO notice those who care about standing out... so stop caring. If you don't like being called indigo (or whatever) person, that's fine, just call yourself the second of part of that designation, call yourself a PERSON.

Guess what? I'm an indigo... term coined to me by closed minded individuals as a desperate attempt fit me in and to compartmentalize and structure a decaying decadent society.

Guess also what? I don't care, moving on!

Let me tell you something else, You were always an indigo, the only thing that has changed is whatever you are personally actually has a name. Ask yourself... what is that, that is really different about me? What has changed? Did I suddenly stop caring? Did I become an axe murderer in defiance of the designation I discovered about myself?
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Old 20-02-2015, 07:19 AM
athribiristan athribiristan is offline
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Originally Posted by VikingWarriorOnWheels
I'm having a hard time with these terms: Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow...
After recently becoming intrigued by the notion of naturally gifted individuals being born with an extraordinary role in this life... Can't this be true of anyone? What if, for example, an Indigo is born into a conservative, Christian family that expected academic success, following rules, doing what you're told, etc. and these natural abilities are stifled and deterred before the child can even develop nonconforming thoughts or intuitive abilities? What if they don't discover spirituality until later in life? Does this make them any less of an Indigo than a child who's family raised them in a spiritually supportive environment?

First, let me say that I don't buy it. I do think that some people come here with a greater purpose than simply living the human experience. Does this make them any of those things? I think no.

Second, a being such as this, one whom we might be tempted to label as one of these things, or who might label themselves such, would not incarnate to a conservative family as you described. You are forgetting that we have a choice in the matter. Further, such an individual would not need to be exposed to spirituality, they would be the ones doing the exposing. Such people don't need to be taught, possibly gently reminded of what they already know, but they already know what they need to know when they get here. That's part of what would qualify them to be Indigo, or whatever trendy title they are using these days.
With Love,
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Old 22-02-2015, 02:42 AM
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In my personal belief I think that everyone is a starseed or an indigo or whatever. We are all products of the universe and we're all made of stardust at the end of the day. I also think the terms and labels came about for people to feel like a 'special snowflake'. It's easy for people who defy conventions or maybe don't 'fit in' (especially young people, teenagers etc...) to sometimes feel confused and like somone else pointed out, it's a way to make things easier to understand and bring a sense of control and purpose to a conflicting and confusing world that sometimes doesn't appreaciate your quirks etc...

Honestly, some people are more spiritually conscious than other people and that's something we can all see for our selves. I think everyone has the potential to be spiritually aware, psychic and empathetic it's all a matter of how you choose to be conscious about it.
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Old 17-03-2015, 11:04 AM
LadyMay LadyMay is offline
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Originally Posted by VikingWarriorOnWheels
I'm having a hard time with these terms: Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow...
After recently becoming intrigued by the notion of naturally gifted individuals being born with an extraordinary role in this life... Can't this be true of anyone? What if, for example, an Indigo is born into a conservative, Christian family that expected academic success, following rules, doing what you're told, etc. and these natural abilities are stifled and deterred before the child can even develop nonconforming thoughts or intuitive abilities? What if they don't discover spirituality until later in life? Does this make them any less of an Indigo than a child who's family raised them in a spiritually supportive environment?

I was born into a family like this. Worse even. Didn't deter me. I just ignored them all lol.

Indigo intuition is stronger than the circumstances they/we find ourselves in. That's kinda the point.
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Old 21-03-2015, 05:32 PM
Chris Rofot Chris Rofot is offline
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Couldn't help but smile at this-

Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
I was born into a family like this. Worse even. Didn't deter me. I just ignored them all lol.

Indigo intuition is stronger than the circumstances they/we find ourselves in. That's kinda the point.
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