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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Spirituality & Beliefs > Dreams > Lucid Dreaming

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Old 12-09-2022, 10:02 PM
AstralTraveller AstralTraveller is offline
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When I was younger, puberty age, I would get horrible Sleep Paralysis Fits I would call them. They would go on for hours and hours of my night. Paralysis after Paralysis. I could not fall asleep without being hit with Paralysis. It would go on for a few nights a week. But never back-to-back, thank goodness. It would go on for years. Note, my family was poor, so we didn't have the internet, and I hated the library. Anyways it got to the point I was no longer even scared, and thought it was part of life. And then it happened. The moment that changed my life forever. As I grew older, I experience less and less sleep paralysis. But I still get them every once in a while. And they are always important and memorable.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
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Old 28-09-2022, 10:23 AM
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Interesting Topic and fun to read how everyone has different feelings and experiences with sleep paralysis.

In 2004 i had what i think of as a spiritual awakening. This started in december, but i think that subconsciously something was changing months earlier i guess.

Earlier in that year i had my first experience with sp. I remember how i woke up and found out i couldn´t move at all. Remember how terrified i got and tried to scream, but couldn´t make any noise. Finally i woke up. This happened 2 other times. When the ´spiritual awakening´ started, that is to say when i started to read and read and read about everything i suddenly started to see, feel, dream etcetera. Then i also read about sp and found out that when you are in sp, you should try to move a finger, which might wake you up. The fun part for me was that when i experienced one again that i really remembered to move a finger...it worked.

During my ´awakening months/years´ i started to remember so many dreams from each night...4 or 5 was pretty normal...and all in detail. It all started after i had decided to try and meditate...in my own way...Because so much new started soon after a few meditations i stopped meditating rather soon too. Because all was so new, weird but also interesting and beautiful what happened.

One of those ´things´ was that from then, every night when i went to bed i always lay ´awake´ for about 2 hours. But not awake like normal. Only now i think about it as also having been sleep paralysis. I called it ´a space between waking and sleeping´. My body always was very relaxed. My mind was ´on´...I heard things being sad. As soon as i closed my eyes there never was darkness, but i saw lots of things...faces, colours, shapes etc.

Several times when i would be almost asleep i would feel my blanket getting up, feeling like several invisible people were lifting it ....knowing that i was almost getting out of body. There were also a few times where i felt a shock go through my body, like i was struck by electricity/lightning...(Kundalini...?)

I have read back then that when having SP this could be stress related. I don´t know...for me there was no stress. I can imagine though that one can get stressed when having many SP´s.
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Old 28-09-2022, 04:00 PM
AstralTraveller AstralTraveller is offline
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Yes, a very interesting and fun topic. I notice a lot of people experience there awaken via SP. And I notice many have projected while SP as well. My life was forever changed. I became the AstralTraveller from the AstralSleeper.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
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