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Old 28-03-2012, 01:37 AM
Posts: n/a
I think Vishnu may have appeared to me, in a way.

Okay, so, I'm not really sure where to start, other than the beginning. I am a recently devout Wiccan who recently had something strange occur. My boyfriend is a recently converted Hindu whom is still finding his way, so to speak, and has recently become very comfortable with the Hindu faith. While we have many similarities in terms of faith, we recently hit a new high.

I normally converse with Goddess and God on a daily basis when I wake and when I am ready to settle in to bed for the night. I've made this part of my daily habit as it seems to bring peace and oneness to my life (and they seem to provide guidance and assistance almost immediately while conversing with Them). My boyfriend's been experiencing issues that have caused him elevated anxiousness and being relatively upset more often than normal. So, during my recent conversations with Goddess and God, of course I expressed my concerns for him and want him to feel safe/protected/calm/etc. While I was assured that everything would be fine and that he would be safe and protected, I had heard a separate (third) voice from Goddess and God. I hadn't thought anything of it immediately since, when I heard it, I was dozing off to sleep.

Last night some things occurred with my boyfriend (and his situations that left him feeling anxious and extremely upset again) and, again, while conversing with Goddess and God before my slumber, I was assured yet again that everything would be alright and that he would be safe and protected. But, this time, I heard that third voice again. I definitely know it was male and I had seen a blurry distorted figure and that voice said "Everything will be alright. I am watching over him and caring for him. We are watching over you both for you are one." and the voice (and vision) disappeared. This is one that I couldn't shrug off or explain away as I'm just falling asleep.

I found out today that amidst my boyfriend falling asleep last night, he felt a warming calm wash over him and someone appeared to him (he described a man who was blue in coloration and had four arms), touched his back and said "everything will be alright, you are safe and protected, son." when he asked "Vishnu?" the Being replied "it is I."

He and I don't live together and have no reason to have had similar a piece of a vision that both seem to indicate a Vishnu appearance.

I guess, my question is: is it possible for there to have been such a link and for the possibility of Vishnu having appeared to us both on the same night reassuring us both that my boyfriend is, in fact, protected and being looked after?

When I meditated and sought clarity from Goddess and God, what I received was guidance to not focus on the third voice but, what seems to be the instruction of focusing on my boyfriend and to help him find his inner peace (which, I can only piece together as him finding his religious belief structure that is comfortable for him).

And I just realized how insane this all sounds but I didn't know where else to search for answers. Any ideas or input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Blessed Be <3
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Old 17-08-2012, 03:39 PM
Posts: n/a
What a fascinating happening! It's very interesting how he came through your interaction of the Goddess and God. I've had similar interactions with him myself but I've never heard him speak. Though my visions weren't always easy to understand, I just felt blessed to have them.
Best of luck to you and your boyfriend. :)
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Old 15-10-2024, 03:18 AM
smukti smukti is offline
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wow . such an experience this. Keep at your path 🙏
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Old 18-10-2024, 09:23 AM
ajay00 ajay00 is offline
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These kind of experiences happen when there were worship of the deity in past lives. A certain connection is bound to be there.
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Wholesome virtuous behavior progressively leads to the foremost.~ Buddha AN 10.1

If you do right, irrespective of what the other does, it will slow down the (turbulent) mind. ~ Rajini Menon
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Old 19-10-2024, 05:16 PM
Sw. Vandana Jyothi Sw. Vandana Jyothi is offline
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One of the greatest mercies (among many), of God/Goddess is that a vision of or communication from God leaves ZERO doubt in its wake. ZERO. Trust the Masters on this. God-experience transcends the five senses, transcends wakeful, dream and deep sleep states. Yes, there are "divine dreams" but even these are not ordinary and one is aware of it at the time. One does not "wonder" or "think" he might have had that experience when it's over. True God-experience leaves no doubt whatsoever. Thank God.

That said, using one's imagination to climb the ladder of spiritual endeavor is encouraged. Knock, knock, knocking on God's door in one's sacred heart (hrit padma) using prayer, mantra, visualization, etc. is valid. God, residing in the sacred heart alongside soul, is aware of the effort. And every thought or image of God one entertains means your attention is directed towards That and not toward That's creation. That's a good thing.
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