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31-10-2023, 03:38 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 3
Sleep paralysis encounter
So I have been experiencing sleep paralysis on and off for 30 years. The first time I experienced it I was 10 and woke to a woman floating over me. I did not keep my eyes open long since I was so scared. The second time I experienced it at 22, my dog Cody was barking and it woke me up. It was weird for him to bark since I never heard him bark before and only my other dog Abby would bark. Anyways I though maybe someone was in the house and tried to get up but was unable to. Then out of the corner of my eye I see what looks like a demon in the corner of the room. Back then I always thought his eye sockets were hollowed out because his eyes were so black but more recently I realized it might have been large eyes. He was probably 4.5 to 5 feet tall, his skin was like a ash grayish with a light green hue to it. I don't remember much about him other than his skin color and what I thought to be hollow pits for eyes. When I was finally able to move it looked like he vanished into the wall.
I went about 3 years or so without another sleep paralysis episode. Then I started having about 2 to 10 episodes a month consistently for years. I would usually be facing the door and would have a feeling that there was another presence in the room. But I would never see anything... Then about 10 years after seeing the grayish light green guy I started seeing things again. I woke up to what looked like someone in a green flight suit with a bunch of pockets on the front. I couldn't see the face since he was standing so close, and during sleep paralysis I seldom can move any part of my body more than a tiny bit. Upon being able to move it looked like he dissipated into thin air. Then within a couple of weeks I woke around the same time as the last. And there was what looked like the outline of a man but I could see through him. It almost looked like the stealth that the Predator has but it looked more like transparent static like you would see flipping through channels back in the 80s/90s. Upon being able to move it dissipated like the previous one.
On the fourth encounter I had I never was able to see what was in the room with me. But that night I had 8 to 12 episodes of sleep paralysis in one night. Every time I would wake I would feel a presence like the other times before. After each episode that night I would get up and walk around to try and walk it off. Only to find myself back in sleep paralysis each time I would fall back asleep. On the last episode I had that night I woke to a woman talking to me. She said "Stop resisting" She kept talking but I cannot recall exactly what she said since I was in a panic that something was talking. But she said something would happen to my children if I don't stop resisting. Shortly after she said that my head was covered with something and I could no longer see. I must of fallen asleep right after this because I have no recollection of anything after my face was covered.
Something that is interesting to me about the last episode was right around this time my oldest daughter started having sleep paralysis. I don't believe it was a coincidence that the first time I have multiple episodes in a night and also the first and only time I hear something that my daughter starts to have sleep paralysis also... There was also a time I woke without sleep paralysis to what looked almost like spider webs but it was more symmetrical throughout and the closer I got to it the further it would go from me. My wife asked my what the hell I was doing since I was standing on the bed at 3AM trying to touch something only I could see. Anyways fast forward roughly 8 years to currently I have had roughly 200+ episodes of sleep paralysis. I had almost went the past two years without an episode, but I was talking with my daughter one night about sleep paralysis. And I mentioned that I would be open to having another episode because I wanted to try and communicate with what had been causing these episodes. Well as it turned out that very night I had my first episode in two years. This was the second time I heard anything during an episode. I woke to something standing in my door way, I thought my daughter was taking her dog outside. The only reason I thought something was there was something was distorting the noise from the exhaust fan that I have in the living room. I could hear it start to walk towards me and it made a noise kind of like a zombie or something choking on something. I could not see it because I was facing the other direction, but eventually it disappeared. Then about 3 days later I started seeing things outside of sleep paralysis. I woke up to something about 3.5 to 4 feet standing in front of the window. I could not see what it looked like. But I grabbed a pillow to smack it and it disappeared through the wall.
About 3 nights after that I was having a dream and woke up into sleep paralysis again. Upon waking I felt really emotional for some reason enough to almost be crying. I felt something put its hand on the top back part of my head to comfort me maybe?. Then I thought in my head if something is in the room with me for it to put its hand in my hand. I was somehow able to position the palm of my hand facing up. Then about 10 seconds later or so I feel a arm set into my hand. I was very surprised that it could hear my thoughts. But more surprised to the fact that it wasn't a spirit I thought had been causing sleep paralysis but some kind of being. It's arm was cold, my bedroom was probably 60 something degrees and it felt very close to the temperature of the room maybe a little colder. It's skin was very moist and very smooth. I would compare it to if you had silicone caulking on your fingers then you wiped it off. Then rubbed your fingers together it would be very similar. Well anyways I think I was holding its forearm, I couldn't tell because the position the being was in. Then it slowly started pulling its forearm across my hand until its hand was within mine. I was surprised to only feel 3 or 4 fingers in my hand. The beings hand was more narrow than mine but the fingers felt longer. After feeling the beings hand I wanted to see its face and I could see something poke out beside my headboard. When I seen it I really couldn't comprehend what I was looking at. But it looked like a tan color, small mouth, big eyes but not as big as the beings eyes I seen at 22. The skin was wrinkly, I only got a glimpse then I passed out.
Then about 3 nights later I wake up to go to the bathroom and just before I shut the bathroom light off I seen the same colored being under my bed. I don't know why I did not investigate it further, probably because I was too afraid to encounter it I am not sure. But when I got back into bed I almost went straight into sleep paralysis. But this time I was in an incredible amount of pain. It felt like six different points but in the shape of a rectangle on the back of my neck was drilling or electrocuting me. It was kind of a throbbing pain also. I immediately said in my mind your hurting me but it did not stop. Then after about 20 seconds I was able to yell out my dogs name. After I did that the drilling/ electrocution stopped. When it stopped the sleep paralysis stopped and I went straight to the bathroom to look into the mirror. But there was not even a red mark on the back of my neck. This happened two nights ago, now I am afraid to go to sleep. Last night I literally had my eyes closed for 9 hours and got maybe an hour of sleep. Now I start to feel the same presence that I felt during sleep paralysis but in the woken state... Also I should mention that I was telling with my daughter that it seemed like something was trying to send me a sign and right when I said that the smoke alarm went off about 20 feet from us. And shortly before writing this the smoke alarm went off twice as I was trying to take a nap since I was unable to get any sleep last night... Anyways I was wondering if anyone can give me an idea on what kind of being/beings this is?

15-11-2023, 07:57 PM
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 67
It just means you havnt fully returned to your body yet, I wouldn’t worry to much, just try to relax and allow yourself to reconnect, if you try to fight it you will cause the restrain. What you see is out of the body.

15-11-2023, 09:35 PM
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 436
@Butters25 - That was a long read. Too much going on lol, so I'll probably miss some stuff. But those little beings sound a lot like Grays. They usually are sent out to update DNA or other procedures. But I really don't know for your case. Sleep paralysis usually go hand and hand with them. Well at least for me. I wouldn't worry too much about the little ones. It's the bigger ones you should be concerned about. I wonder what they want of you...
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

16-11-2023, 07:07 AM
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 3,470
In my opinion I would suggest you have absolutely NO communication with Greys either big or little!

10-01-2024, 06:43 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 3
I just wanted to give an update. I have been sleeping on the couch ever since my first post in October. I tried sleeping back in my bed a couple of weeks ago and on literally the 4th day back in my bedroom I woke to the same pain I experienced around October that made me leave my room in the first place. It did not last as long as the first time maybe 10 seconds or so. Also I experienced a weird type of sleep paralysis about a week before I tried sleeping in my room again. I woke up and couldn't move like normal sleep paralysis and I could hear something in the kitchen. So I was struggling to stand up and walk into the kitchen. But while I was walking I still had the feeling of being in sleep paralysis. Like super exhausted and the more I tried to walk the more exhausted I became. Anyways when I finally made it into the kitchen I was instantly back laying on the couch being in sleep paralysis. And so I struggled to stand again and walk into the kitchen and I reached for something on the floor that looked like it was moving "I couldn't see that well since the house was in complete darkness" and the next thing I know I am back on the couch in sleep paralysis again. This happened either 3 or 4 times in total before I finally passed out from being exhausted from the sleep paralysis. Has anyone experienced something like this?

13-01-2024, 03:38 PM
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 3,470
I had a bit of that many years ago, when I was under a hell of a lot of stress.
Have you got a lot os stress in your life right now?

13-01-2024, 09:53 PM
Newbie ;)
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 3
Thank you for the reply, no actually its been years since I have been stressed. But I do think you are right about stress and sleep paralysis. I had around 8 episodes of sleep paralysis in one night about 10 years ago or so. And I was under a lot of stress then.
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