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29-08-2023, 06:43 PM
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 60
I'm a medium in trouble
As I said on my presentation I'm a very bad medium (no profesional).
I've been having paranormal perceptions all my life. Most of them are related with the future. I also can perceive entities.
Only very few of my perceptions are simple to the point I know what's going on instantly. The rest of them are quite complex or ultra complex. They leave me all confused thinking "what was that". I have to reflect on them for days or weeks before I can make any sense of them.
I can perceive entities but I can't see them or hear them. Therefore, I don't know what they are.
There is one exception. I can hear voices when I'm asleep. When I go to bed and I pass out, there is something that comes to talk to me. Please note that I live alone in an empty house.
I only can hear that voice for a fraction of second when the sound wakes me up. I did some research about sleep stages and it turns out that I can hear the voice during hypnopompic state.
The first time this happened to me it was terrifying. I could hear the voice of a woman, talking to me very fast, to my right ear, in whispers, non stop, in a strange language I couldn't understand. When this letany finally woke me up, the voice went on for a while, until that thing realized that I was listening. Then it stopped abruptly.
Ok, no problem. After this episode, I'd go to bed with ear plugs. Problem solved, at least for a while.
Last night, I was sleeping until I realized that something was screaming to my right ear. That thing probably got bored and shut up but it finally managed to wake me up despite the ear plugs.
For a fraction of a second, I could hear a female voice yawning. And then I really got annoyed. So you wake me up yawning at me? Seriously? Without saying what is it what you want? No mystical revelation?
So this is my current paranormal problem. I would like to find out what that thing could possibly wants from me or how to get rid of it once for good.
Any suggestion or thought from any spiritual point of view?

29-08-2023, 08:54 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 11,815
Firstly you are to open you need to Ground yourself and visualise yourself in a bubble of pure white life, this is protection.
You need to go to a spiritualist church there will be mediums there that can show you how to connect in other words ready to connect.
And to close down you have to have Boundaries'
The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind

29-08-2023, 09:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 60
Originally Posted by Native spirit
Firstly you are to open you need to Ground yourself and visualise yourself in a bubble of pure white life, this is protection.
As an experimental occultist, I have tried banishing rituals and I have adopted a symbol of protection. I can visualise myself inside that symbol, surrounded by sphere of white light.
After experimenting, my opinion is that banishing rituals and other guards won't work with these things.
I've been doing a banishing ritual every day for several months.
Since my background is Christian, I've been praying the Lord Prayer on a daily basis. I have not ended up being very Catholic, anyway.
I casted a protection circle around my bed. That thing that comes to me doesn't even notice.
Originally Posted by Native spirit
You need to go to a spiritualist church there will be mediums
I'd love to get myself involved in a group of real mediums. Unfortunately, I don't know any. This is the reason I joined this forum, I guess.
Originally Posted by Native spirit
And to close down you have to have Boundaries'
My only no-go zone right now are demons and left hand. Reason being, because I can perceive attachments in other people and what they do to them. Nothing good, believe me.
Originally Posted by Native spirit
Namaste, my friend :)

31-08-2023, 06:50 PM
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 223
Hello BadMedium,
I had your EXACT issue between 12 and 6 months ago. Almost always in hypnopompia.
I opened up. I simply intended, and asked one time to “hear my spirit guide’s voice”. Within a couple of days, whilst in a hypnopompic state, I was awoken first by static energy all around my torso and head, then a male voice talking in my right ear. Though I found it unbelievable, it was too far away to hear his words, but close enough to know he was a well spoken English man with a fairly local accent to me. I sort of put it down to some kind of hallucination. It didn’t spook me. I was intrigued.
It happened several more times, increasing in frequency, until it happened about once per week. Each time I’d feel auric static, sometimes light, sometimes heavy, sometimes around my head, other times along my arm or around my torso. Then I’d hear a voice in one ear or the other. It was always male, I think the same one, but I’d never quite make out the words. Always wore earplugs my whole life too. Every experience would last about 4 or 5 seconds before melting away. I did make the words out once – the only time I ever heard them in the hypnogogic state, as I drifted from meditation into sleep. It was extremely clear, and the most authoritative sounding “Hello!” I’ve ever heard. This was also the only one which was in both ears, and not just in one ear. I’d intentionally asked for it before the meditation.
Anyway, after a few months of this, and it not bothering me, (sometimes I’d just hear wind or buzzing with no voice, or a distant voice as if shouting through a storm) I was awoken one day by the usual auric static, and a voice in my left ear. I felt the pressure in my ear change, and could feel something like breath. The voice was deeper than any human by about a factor of 3. It was growling it’s words, and I don’t think it was a human language. It petrified me, and I knew enough was enough. This was either a demon, or a non-human entity from the astral plane.
My solution was to immediately buy grounding and protective crystals, and to ask Archangel Michael, my guardian angels and guides, and even God for protection, and to imagine myself entirely surrounded in divine white light before going to sleep. It took about a month before I could sleep easy, but it never happened again. Well, one or two smaller half-baked quick auric buzzings, but no voices. On the advice of a personal friend who is also a very gifted medium, I used to meditate with a huge piece of black tourmaline and visualise my base chakra extending into the ground and eventually reaching and connecting with the core of the earth. I'd say hello to the earth, then slowly retract it. I believe this helped me ground myself. I used to sleep with the black tourmaline by my side too, in the belief it warded off negative entities. Whether that has any objective reality I don't know, or whether my consciousness believing this was enough to change or influence reality actually made the changes, I don't know.
Six months on, and my vibe is much higher, and I’m now part of a development circle. I wish to connect with these entities in my sleep once more. So I’ve set an intention. Now they don’t come ha ha.
I ask for them again, because I believe if I get anything negative, then I’ll show them love and empathy for choosing their path of darkness (learn to love Hitler and all that). Apparently negative entities feed on the fear they put into you. But if you show no fear, they get bored. If you show love and offer them a gift of divine white light, they’re repulsed, because they don’t exist on that vibrational field. The belief is they'll slowly leave.
I hope my experiences and potential solutions help or resonate in some way.

31-08-2023, 07:38 PM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 3,183
I was an heavy drinker for years so likely damaged my aura/protective shell and often got attempted attacks,repeated chanting and focusing on that protected me-eg if you follow Christ the chant his name when in desperate situations and also concentrate on the image you have of him in your mind,I also burn incense regularly.

01-09-2023, 02:25 AM
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 60
Originally Posted by Bluto
Hello BadMedium,
I had your EXACT issue between 12 and 6 months ago. Almost always in hypnopompia.
I opened up. I simply intended, and asked one time to “hear my spirit guide’s voice”. Within a couple of days, whilst in a hypnopompic state, I was awoken first by static energy all around my torso and head, then a male voice talking in my right ear. Though I found it unbelievable, it was too far away to hear his words, but close enough to know he was a well spoken English man with a fairly local accent to me. I sort of put it down to some kind of hallucination. It didn’t spook me. I was intrigued.
It happened several more times, increasing in frequency, until it happened about once per week. Each time I’d feel auric static, sometimes light, sometimes heavy, sometimes around my head, other times along my arm or around my torso. Then I’d hear a voice in one ear or the other. It was always male, I think the same one, but I’d never quite make out the words. Always wore earplugs my whole life too. Every experience would last about 4 or 5 seconds before melting away. I did make the words out once – the only time I ever heard them in the hypnogogic state, as I drifted from meditation into sleep. It was extremely clear, and the most authoritative sounding “Hello!” I’ve ever heard. This was also the only one which was in both ears, and not just in one ear. I’d intentionally asked for it before the meditation.
Anyway, after a few months of this, and it not bothering me, (sometimes I’d just hear wind or buzzing with no voice, or a distant voice as if shouting through a storm) I was awoken one day by the usual auric static, and a voice in my left ear. I felt the pressure in my ear change, and could feel something like breath. The voice was deeper than any human by about a factor of 3. It was growling it’s words, and I don’t think it was a human language. It petrified me, and I knew enough was enough. This was either a demon, or a non-human entity from the astral plane.
My solution was to immediately buy grounding and protective crystals, and to ask Archangel Michael, my guardian angels and guides, and even God for protection, and to imagine myself entirely surrounded in divine white light before going to sleep. It took about a month before I could sleep easy, but it never happened again. Well, one or two smaller half-baked quick auric buzzings, but no voices. On the advice of a personal friend who is also a very gifted medium, I used to meditate with a huge piece of black tourmaline and visualise my base chakra extending into the ground and eventually reaching and connecting with the core of the earth. I'd say hello to the earth, then slowly retract it. I believe this helped me ground myself. I used to sleep with the black tourmaline by my side too, in the belief it warded off negative entities. Whether that has any objective reality I don't know, or whether my consciousness believing this was enough to change or influence reality actually made the changes, I don't know.
Six months on, and my vibe is much higher, and I’m now part of a development circle. I wish to connect with these entities in my sleep once more. So I’ve set an intention. Now they don’t come ha ha.
I ask for them again, because I believe if I get anything negative, then I’ll show them love and empathy for choosing their path of darkness (learn to love Hitler and all that). Apparently negative entities feed on the fear they put into you. But if you show no fear, they get bored. If you show love and offer them a gift of divine white light, they’re repulsed, because they don’t exist on that vibrational field. The belief is they'll slowly leave.
I hope my experiences and potential solutions help or resonate in some way.
Wow! Thank you for your input Bluto. The first time in my life that I don't feel alone in this
Right now, I'm dealing with my trouble by sleeping with ear plugs and blasting ASMR.
The fact is that I'm a bad medium, but still a medium and I can perceive negative entities. I don't feel negativity in this one.
My gut tells me that she knows that I can hear her and she's trying insistently to make herself listen. I also suspect she has passed the word to other entities, " hey, this guy can hear us".
I really appreciate your solutions. I've never worked with crystals, not my thing. And the concept of grounding myself is totally new to me. I have too much to research and try yet.

01-09-2023, 02:37 AM
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 60
Originally Posted by Podshell
I was an heavy drinker for years so likely damaged my aura/protective shell and often got attempted attacks,repeated chanting and focusing on that protected me-eg if you follow Christ the chant his name when in desperate situations and also concentrate on the image you have of him in your mind,I also burn incense regularly.
Thanks Podshell  My aura must be quite ok because I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I don't do bad reputation women, I don't hang out... I don't even do restaurants
This entity picked up the most boring target ever. And the worst medium she could ever find too.

01-09-2023, 05:24 AM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Past Pluto in the vastness of space and time
Posts: 13,956
As a Medium and a Psychic that was born open to it all and that has no down or off time from it I can tell you that the more you fight it the worse it will be.
You have to step up and accept you as being more open to things others might dismiss. You have to Ground and work with the White Light. To do things like Banishing Spells will only be a temporary solution in some cases.
More you have to claim your space and keep your space. Things like Sagging will bring in that energy of protections. For yourself grounding and loosing the ear plugs will go along ways.
When you hear someone simply ground and claim your space. Let them know you do hear them and accept them being there but that you too need your rest. Keep a journal around you so that you can make random notes.
We are never alone even those that feel they are not on any level open sense things and feel things. Just that not all open up to things.
I know that I am never alone and I suffer that lack of sleep a lot. Yet I embrace me being me
You are not alone here. I came here too looking to fit in someplace. To be understood.
If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.

01-09-2023, 07:22 AM
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 3,468
Bluto…….”I ask for them again, because I believe if I get anything negative, then I’ll show them love and empathy for choosing their path of darkness (learn to love Hitler and all that). Apparently negative entities feed on the fear they put into you. But if you show no fear, they get bored. If you show love and offer them a gift of divine white light, they’re repulsed”
Bluto I have done this as well and found it to be VERY successful!

02-09-2023, 12:48 AM
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 223
Originally Posted by BadMedium
I really appreciate your solutions. I've never worked with crystals, not my thing. And the concept of grounding myself is totally new to me. I have too much to research and try yet.
You're welcome.
Sounds like an earthbound spirit.
I wonder if instead of framing this as a problem and getting somewhat frustrated, which she probably needs to energetically feed off, you could perhaps gently nudge her towards the light - tell her you empathise, then suggest she goes to the light, and that there's nothing to fear by doing so. Treat it in the same manner that a rescue circle rescue souls stuck in the earth plane. Perhaps that's why you have these sensitivities: to help souls in this way.
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