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07-04-2017, 05:38 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Canada
Posts: 7,818
Originally Posted by Silver
Baile, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill...I didn't see anything particularly offensive in the brief statement that Lucky 1 made.
And I deleted my comment didn't I?

07-04-2017, 06:06 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 562
Yeah, I have experience with it, stay far away from it, it's very dangerous, nearly died, with permament damage done to my body. Your body IS capable of surviving on nothing for a very long time but it causes great internal damage and can even kill you, it copes through starvation by giving you the euphoria, that is beautiful and can mimic a spiritual intoxication, which is why people think they are closer to god, or becoming angelic, but it's actually your brain cells dying and the body releasing feel good endorphins into the body to help you through starvation. It's a well documented thing, that's how people with anorexia are able to starve themselves for many years.
But it's obviously not healthy.
Look it up actually. Breatharianism is a terrible cult that has killed many people. Some of the leaders have also died.
If you're being led this way spiritually, be warned... eating disorders are not spiritual. They sometimes disguise themselves as that, and you'll hear this voice or something telling you "soon, soon to perfect" that you can perfect your body and soul by starving yourself, but it's not true. it's a mental illness

07-04-2017, 06:12 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Canada
Posts: 7,818
Originally Posted by keokutah
it copes through starvation by giving you the euphoria, that is beautiful and can mimic a spiritual intoxication, which is why people think they are closer to god, or becoming angelic, but it's actually your brain cells dying and the body releasing feel good endorphins into the body to help you through starvation.
Interesting, makes sense.

07-04-2017, 06:28 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 254
Hello lilith,
I have experience with breatharnism. By the end of 2011 I’ve done a 3 week transition process, that should have enabled my body to live only on cosmic energy ("light"). In the first week I felt very tired and exhausted, but after some time the hunger feeling vanished and made room for an internal increased energy flow, especially within my spine (nearly by the end of this process). In this time I couldn’t however get rid of the desire for good food. And I started exactly on new years eve eating food again.
I didn’t drank anything for 3 straight days and boy, I can tell you, the first sip of water made me sweat like crazy, because of the dehydration. I wouldn’t recommend to anyone this process. It is dangerous and not to be taking lightly. Fasting for some days/weeks is fine in my opinion and good for cleansing, aswell as for spiritual growth.
I didn’t stick with it after these 3 weeks and started eating normally again. So I don’t know what could have been after this time. Despite of the tragic passings of some, there are many succesful stories about this process and people who haven’t eat for months or even years afterwards. If you’re interested, there is a documentary about this topic, called "In the beginning there was light" (Trailer).
I didn’t suffered any internal damage from it. I think living on cosmic energy alone is definitely possible, many great saints and mystics such as Therese Neumann of Konnersreuth lived for 35 years only on light.
I would personally take my focus on meditation and merging with my inner core (soul) and let God do the rest. If by chance one evolves back into oneness with God, such things as living on cosmic energy alone becomes childsplay or suddenly even uninteresting, in my opinion.
Joy to you,

07-04-2017, 06:28 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 20,099
Originally Posted by Baile
And I deleted my comment didn't I?
ok I just deleted mine as well....obviously didn't delete it before I made the post.


25-04-2017, 05:28 PM
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 157
It is quite possible under the correct training. Check out Ray Maor.
He went 8 days without food or water
The key is that you go through the initiation first in one of Ray Maor's 10-day process workshops (or anyone you understand will help you through the process).
I completely get people's fear about becoming breatharian. They have certain beliefs that assume food intake is a requirement. And for most of us at most times, this is true. If you believe you must eat, then you will die if you don't eat.
If you can change your beliefs and go through a breatharian process, you will probably be able to experience a glimpse of that particular vibration and will be able to intake much much less food, and live off entirely fruitarian diet.
Most breatharians still drink a bit of juice or water every day, but they don't lose weight and gain most of what they need from prana. No doubt true breatharians exist as well, but they are few.

17-06-2017, 01:07 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 1,664
'Breatharian' Couple
"A 'Breatharian' mom and dad of two have barely eaten for nine years as they live off “the universe’s energy."
"For three years, Akahi and I didn’t eat anything at all and now we only eat occasionally like if we’re in a social situation or if I simply want to taste a fruit.”

22-08-2024, 02:28 PM
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 212
The closest I've been to being a breatharian was when as a young boy I'd refuse to eat my greens, but I don't think this is comparable. Still, the topic interests me enough to want to share a few comments, most of them appropriately critical of the practice...
It is said that so-called 'highly evolved' yogis are the primary practitioners of breatharianism. As someone who considers asceticism a perversion, frankly what any yogi has to say means diddly. Still, if you listen to the food-abstaining pseudo-sage tell it, breatharianism is practiced, based on the notion that materiality is an illusion. These lotus-eaters believe that inedia is a way to peek behind the curtain so to speak, to see through what they consider to be our illusory realm ('maya') and into a far more inedible otherworld.
To each his own, but the way I perceive it, if such an otherworld exists -- one absent the need for food -- I could care less. As someone who enjoys fine cuisine -- hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken; you know, all that good tasty stuff -- the thought of going about surviving on air and/or water alone, without ever savoring all these delicious culinary gifts from the gods, doesn't appeal to me in the least. It is one of the reasons why I dread the thought of there existing an immaterial afterlife. A food-free hereafter? No thanks.
Mystical bunkum aside, there may be more down-to-earth reasons for why the inediate does what he does. In today's somewhat easternized Western culture, fasting is not practiced strictly by those who long to escape corporality, but by many a practical-minded, health-conscious person as well. The acts of urination and defecation notwithstanding, it is intermittent fasting that is thought by some to cleanse the body of impurities...with some fasters taking the concept to the extreme.
As to whether breatharianism is even theoretically feasible is, for me and to reiterate, beside the point. Even if such a thing were possible and healthful (which science and commonsense tells you it isn't), the question of why someone would willingly choose to live a life absent cuisine is downright anathema to me.
We were born with taste buds and alimentary canals, after all. It is why many an appreciative soul comprised of holy flesh and sacred blood offers thanks upon sitting down to a meal.
Me, I would not practice this breatharian sacrilege for all the pretty women in the world. (Dear Zeus, care to put me to the test?) To the sensualist, the ingestion of highly aromatic & flavorful delicacies & nectars is quite often an orgasmic experience, and arguably more so than its sexual counterpart.
Somewhere in the world, a delusional starveling is seated in the lotus position, thinking himself spiritually developed for passing on the curry. Personally, I pity the poor sensorial ingrate.
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