I'm going through these stupid upper stomach issues again. Last night during meditation an angel came to me, showed me an image of a trumpet (a sign of ae Gabriel?) and told me to "rejoice". I've been guided to find joyful things in my life many times before but I always forget it when my stomach feels better. I often live with quite negative emotions: anxiety, depression, sorrow, anger... It's very difficult for me to find joy. I may be stressed because I have a lot of "duties" or work to do and not enough time for everything.
I also think I should do some long-term work to learn to think more positively.
Let's list here things that make us feel real joy! What kind of things make you laugh?
I can start with the first thing that came to my mind: find some funny youtube videos that make you laugh. Maybe create a playlist of them so you can easily return to them when you feel like it.