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Old 02-06-2024, 11:44 PM
marcin458 marcin458 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2023
Location: Warsaw,Poland
Posts: 45
Healing with energy (school by Ascended Masters)

After around 18 years of real spiritual path of Ascended Masters i ve learned from them how to change matter with energy and body is also built from matter so also to heal the diseases=any imperfect matter.

It requires maybe more things but few which i want o point out.
First very strong energetic power of chakras. Second using affirmations(repeated thoughts) to lead energy as we want it to use it.
Third is as Saint Germain teach in Study of Alchemy high level of consciousness.

Theory is that our thoughts and feelings are made of the same energy as matter and thats why we can model matter with our minds actually with our thoughts.

So if you raised your consciousness worked enough with raising power of your chakras to have more power you can use your thoughts to model matter and also change imperfection of the body which is disease.

Then make good affirmation like to heal problem with leg:
I AM(teachingues of Ascended Masters) heals my leg.

If you want to have an effect be aware of thing of time.If you repeat that affrimation one time it has 1x power if you repeat this 300x it will have 300x bigger power. Some things are easy take 10x some may take 10 hours or days. More repeating more energy more power.

So very shortly thats how Ascended Masters have teach me to heal with energy and change matter.

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Old 03-06-2024, 08:03 AM
OldChap OldChap is offline
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Hi Marcia, that’s a great post.

Indeed we are much more powerful than what we have been told or conditioned out of believing.

As Nikola Tesla had uncovered, to find the secrets to the universe think in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency.

Amazing benevolent things happen when our body’s cellular structures vibrate at a higher frequency.

Take for example diseases are low vibration energies and they can not attach to a human body vibrating at a higher frequency.

Behind what we call spirituality and miracles is advance multi-dimensional quantum energies and physics.

And interestingly parts of the human body are multi-dimensional quantum energy receivers and transmitters.
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Old 03-06-2024, 10:18 AM
marcin458 marcin458 is offline
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Location: Warsaw,Poland
Posts: 45
You are perfectly right.Lets add that many diseases are caused ALSO but not only it may be a biochemical cause but many indeed are caused by cumulated toxic energy in the aura.

Filling aura with positive high energy be it mechanical cleanse or by feeling good emotions like love and other positive ones make your body work better and perfect.

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Old 28-07-2024, 02:50 AM
JohnMcClaine JohnMcClaine is offline
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Imagine we're made up of billions on particles/crystals etc and we have the power to do with them as we wish, all is needed is correct guidance on how.
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Old 22-11-2024, 02:11 AM
Adgee Adgee is offline
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Great Post Marcin, I'm very interested to learn more on healing, working with angels, ascended masters etc.
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