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Old 17-10-2022, 01:05 AM
PMPM71 PMPM71 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 84
Strange thread going since...forever?

About how all seems tied and connected and one thing leads to another. Maybe. Or maybe it does not mean anything just a trippy coincidence?

My best friend is this girl I know ~20y She is like a baby sister to me. When we first meet one of her older friends gave her a joking nickname. I asked her why is he calling you that, what does it means? She brushed it off saying oh, it's some cool chick name...some singer or something. He was calling her like that because her true nickname at the time (my friends nickname) was actually part of a bands name that singer was a part of. I guess it was like an inside joke for him...whatever. She never liked that band; We have different music tastes.

Years later I remembered that band because I remembered they made some music for one movie that left an impact on me as a kid...kind of remember a scene at the end of a movie like it was yesterday when I was 10 just losing myself in thoughts. So, I searched for their music and really dig it, became one of my fav. bands and definitely my fav female performer.

Then I remembered that actually someone (I don't know who) in late 90s, who was living in apartment above me, use to put almost every weekend one of their more popular songs over and over and over. I could hear it from above. Back then I didn't know what band it was. And then even later I remembered that as a kid when I was like 3-4 I actually saw one black-white picture of that singer (I assume on TV) and just lost myself in thoughts as a kid in that moment.

And the strangest part come 2 years ago. I got an e-mail from Pinterest. Don't remember why I even had an account, was lazy to delete it, easier to just delete e-mails they were sending. Left side of it pic. of that singer, looking left to right. Right side some to me unknown girl looking right to left. It was randomly generated like they are having a stare contest and kind of similar vibe and expression. I found that funny, so I look her up, also a singer and kind of similar music also liked it.
Then again, I started retroactively like with singer 1 to remember actually memories of seeing singer 2, in her case just her pictures for like 7 years prior. In totally random places on the internet, in profiles or avatars of people I interacted. One in billion events of everyday life you forget. Never knowing it's a same person or even someone in public. At first it scared me, why would I remember these totally random moments in time? or I must be tripping. I even remembered an exact thought I had seeing one of those pictures. Then I think to myself maybe this is normal and similar things happens to everyone. Do they?
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Old 19-11-2022, 04:44 AM
Sacred Sacred is offline
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Lately I have been experiencing some synchronicities and thinking about it I was surprised by how far back in memory my mind can trace these things. I think it does happen to other people, but the more interesting question is asking what your subconscious and conscious mind is trying to tell you.

For example: The music from this artist, does the lyrics address a certain problem you are currently facing, or do they elicit an emotional response that you are lacking or need currently?
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