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Old 10-03-2023, 04:22 PM
marcin458 marcin458 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2023
Location: Warsaw,Poland
Posts: 42
Healing with energy

Through last around 19 years of spiritual path Ascended Masters have teached me how to use energy to change matter and also material body which is also built with matter.

You use power of your thougths to direct energy to specific cells to bring perfection again of those cells or change them in some way which you want.

I used through years of path energy hundreds of times and healed many diseases but mostly i used that on my own body because many people are sceptics and dont want and believe in that kind od healing so i dont do it.

Is here someone who also grow those abilities of using energy to heal ?

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Old 26-03-2023, 09:46 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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I don’t know about me growing these abilities so to speak, but I have used this way before. Years ago, I got mugged and got three cracked ribs as a result. I was going on a big holiday about 3 weeks later and needed to get fully fit for it, so I began to channel healing. I began using many affirmations, some of which were directed towards the injury, and in doing that I became a conduit for my own healing process.

With frequent repetition, the healing process became a lot quicker than it would otherwise have been, and the actual healings came in increments. First I could get out of bed easier, then I could walk further, then I could run, then I could go back to work on light duties, then I could lift heavy things and so on. Each time, the pain in the ribs was getting less and less. After 3 weeks, I went on holiday, lifting my case of luggage carousels and sprinting across airports. Then after 4 weeks I was able to roll over in bed without any discomfort. That was when I decided that I was healed. The hospital doctor said that it would take 8 weeks.
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Old 10-01-2024, 12:57 PM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is offline
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I have some training and experience with healing through energy. I agree that it is a matter of using your energy to affect the patient, but I suspect it is all about using your energy to affect the patient's energy to work with its physicl shell. A form of empathy. And certainly the best healers I have encountered have all been empaths.

I have to be careful about which of my examples to pick. But this is one of them. My dad was having a worse and worse knee, to the point where he had to walk with a crutch. He was on painkillers too. Doctors had determined the whole thing was worn out and had to be replaced. That's a pretty rough operation for someone in my dad's age group. However a day or two before he was going to operation I was visiting and got a chance to touch the knee, and I did my little rite. On operation day he went to the hospital - and was sent home. They had a look at the knee and determined it didn't look like it needed any operation. Since then he has walked on that knee for years without further issues.

On a skiing trip with a young close relative, she started getting burning pain in her foot blade. She sat down, took off her ski and shoe and sock, and it kept hurting. Then I touched it, with just a finger. I swear I heard a spark. And then she said 'Hey, it stopped hurting completely, what did you do'? I had no answer. She put on her gear again and we moved on.

I think that for a minor healer, the closer connection you have with your patient the better. Relatives, friends, lovers. And physical touch is king. But for a major healer and/or empath, it can literally work from the other side of the planet.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
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