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Old 24-06-2020, 07:23 PM
SapphireShoes SapphireShoes is offline
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Shamanism & White Magic

Newbie here I'm currently researching these two areas, for a few reasons, and was hoping that some of you lovely mystics could point me in the direction of reputable books, YouTube videos... any solid resources, really. Thank you so much!
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Old 25-06-2020, 11:37 PM
sentient sentient is offline
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'White' reminds me of ‘magical notation’.
For example the fate/destiny of Saami is tied to the reindeer with the special spiritual notation with the White Reindeer.
So the albino reindeer is a taboo animal as it is believed to be personification of the Deity that looks after the well-being of all reindeer …. hence people ….


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Old 24-08-2020, 07:22 PM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is offline
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White magic is to me the spiritual things I do to do positive things; help, protect, give strength. Other than that, the whiteness as such lies in the purity and color of the energy.

Shamanism is the path of achieving contact with the other side to achieve one goal or another. The classical roots to this seem to lie in eastern european and asian cultures, and involves drumming and visions and rites. Not so much physical healing and that sort of thing. I have been poking into shamanism for a while and once you strip away the cultural connections it seem to come pretty close to mediumship. One opens the window to the the other side, looks and talks, ask for help or advice, then comes back and passes the message on if there is one. I have indeed found that drumming is a powerful tool for shamanism to help me focus and pray, but I do it my way.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
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Old 24-08-2020, 08:13 PM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Originally Posted by SapphireShoes
Newbie here I'm currently researching these two areas, for a few reasons, and was hoping that some of you lovely mystics could point me in the direction of reputable books, YouTube videos... any solid resources, really. Thank you so much!

You can find aspects of shamanism and white magic in virtually any religion's holy books.

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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Old 28-08-2020, 11:51 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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An older topic, but alas.
It is near impossible to point another in a direction with that little information.
For instance, what do you consider to be shamanism?
If you could give more clarity and direction in that, e/g is it Nat. Am. Indians? Witchcraft? African?
Shamanism is a very broad thing.

The same goes for white magic. Most everything is white magick unless it is specifically designed to harm other people. That would be black magick. Manipulating is ALSO black magic. Which include manipulative love spells in which someone tries to make someone love them.
So anything out to harm and take away others' free will and free choice is black magic.

As for what or who resonates with you... it's very personal. It's best to just browse the net based on what it is that has your interest now. It'll grow from there.
Like I grew into witchcraft at the time for a few years via an interest in Paganism and the Celts. I simply began reading about that, searching online to find info that resonated, and the ball began rolling from there.
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Old 28-08-2020, 07:10 PM
Altair Altair is offline
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From my understanding, any ''magic'' that's based on human vices is black magic. This is not just violence but also greed (praying to win a million euros/dollars) or vanity (love potions for instance). White magic is supposed to be selfless and not with any reward in mind.
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Old 30-08-2020, 10:11 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by Altair
From my understanding, any ''magic'' that's based on human vices is black magic. This is not just violence but also greed (praying to win a million euros/dollars) or vanity (love potions for instance). White magic is supposed to be selfless and not with any reward in mind.
Praying to win the lottery doesn't have to do with greed. It can be sheer desperation or lack of shortage. That's not greed.
Love potions can be white magick provided you don't try a specific someone to fall in love with you. If it's to help you yourself get on the right vibration it's perfectly fine and selfless.
I've done love things, not potions as I don't do potions, but absolutely beautiful and leaving it up to the Cosmos and absolutely 'white' magick.
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Old 10-09-2020, 04:34 PM
Being Being is offline
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i have been exploring these areas for a number of years.

A Treatise on White Magic
Book by Alice Bailey

White Magic: A Holistic Guide to Self Initiation

Last edited by Native spirit : 10-07-2022 at 02:07 PM.
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Old 10-09-2020, 04:42 PM
Being Being is offline
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Every time & culture has it's Magickal traditions. i have found it more suited to me to look more into the traditions of my own culture - English Shamanic / Celtic Druid - Vedic - Gnostic - Gothic - Traditional Folk Magick - High Magick.

However it's all relating to the 'same things'.
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Old 26-06-2021, 03:31 AM
astralwanderer astralwanderer is offline
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I have found Spells, Ceremonies & Magic by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler extremely helpful in providing a broad (high-level) overview of a variety of magical topics, including those you nentioned. The author recommends several books throughout the text for further, more in-depth reading. There is also a hefty bibliography.
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