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Old 29-07-2024, 02:45 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Starman…….” It has been my experience that to truly embrace who you are it might become necessary to let go of all of the identities, how we identify ourselves and how others may identify us”

I have believed this for many many years now. I feel that if we get rid of all our “labels” we are then more open to “what is”. Labels restrict us imo
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Old 29-07-2024, 08:12 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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I would agree with the last two posts it fits my Belief also

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 29-07-2024, 10:14 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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I don't have a problem with labels at all nor do I feel it is restricting.
If nothing else it is clarifying, both to other people as to yourself.

I actually feel that in the current time where some don't even know what gender to identify with it is more important than ever to "identify with".
Look at the effect of that entire happening. It's moving towards no longer being allowed to say you're a woman or a man?!
How are we to raise children and offer them healthy emotional development if they cannot even say "I'm a boy" or "I'm a girl"?

The Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine are crucial to our ascension process and then the ones in power come up with forbidding gender defining names, labels, and looks of dolls etc. etc.
Disaster for the ascension process of humans! Which the ones in power want to come to a halt.
No longer being allowed to use the word "mother" but having to say "person that delivered a baby" or something.
That's going to make conversation easier! And it also kills off the emotion & affection that automatically is felt with the word "mother".

That's one example of what happens when labels disappear, or are no longer allowed.
It breeds confusion, kills emotion & feelings, makes life difficult and vague.

And like 'mother', for me "Lightworker" also comes with feeling, Love, and Light.

Everything becomes stale and flat without so called labels.
I wouldn't want to live in a world without. But maybe most haven't learnt/felt to use & receive them from the Heart.
When you do, you sense & feel they're not restricting at all, they do the opposite: bring things to life.
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Old 29-07-2024, 06:20 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Labels, in my opinion, can be hurtful or helpful, they are part of the dual nature of creation. I have been called so many names in my life and have held all kinds of titles, personally I can do without them. Living in the silent moment there are no labels.

Labels are normal in this physical world but in my experience they are not natural to our deeper being. A new born baby has no labels until we humans, parents, etc., impose labels on that newborn baby. A new born baby does not think in words until it learns words in the spoken language from its parents or caregivers.

There are about 7,000 spoken languages on earth and about 300 writing systems, each with their own labels or designations which they give to things, people, etc. The language of Toki Pona only has one hundred words in its vocabulary.

Sophisticated societies are frequently adding new words and labels to their language, and generations sometime change the meaning of certain words. The younger generation today use many words which I as an older person have no understanding of what they are saying.

I find peace and clarity in silence more than I do in words. Over the course of my life people have tried to attach hurtful words to me, racial slurs, etc., labels that mean more to them than they do to me. When I am quiet inside the words of others pass through me as my thoughts are not there to grab hold of them.

Words, for better or worst, bring with them a vibration. When a person changes their name they change their vibration. If someone curses and uses foul language at someone else they are hurling a vibration at that person, but being silent inside a person can practice verbal self defense and not embrace those vibrations.

The purest word is in the experience of silence; it is the silent spaces between spoken or written words which allow those words to make sense. Without the silent spaces between words, words and sentences would run together and be as gibberish.
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Old 29-07-2024, 07:10 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Your post Resonates a lot to me Starman

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 30-07-2024, 06:57 AM
hazada guess
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A new born baby does not think in words until it learns words in the spoken language from its parents or caregivers.

I,m afraid i have to dissagree with this comment as I Thought in words.It wasn't until i was able to learn to use my mouth to speak them until i spoke.
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Old 30-07-2024, 07:59 AM
Starman Starman is offline
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hazada guess, no need to be afraid to disagree, nonetheless I do appreciate your politeness in doing so. Thank you for expressing your personal experience as a newborn. But I am curious, as a new born baby what language did you think in? Did you learn English in your mother’s womb? I do not mean to be sarcastic only trying to understand how you acquired language in thought as a newborn.

People think in their native language, that is the language they were taught from birth. Even a person who is multi-lingual usually only thinks in their so-called native tongue. I used to speak five different languages myself but I have always thought in English because that is the language I was taught from birth.

I hear what you are saying, that you always thought in words which you understood and it was the learning of how to move your mouth and express those words is what I think you are saying. Babies do have their own language but it is not the language of their parents or caregivers in my opinion. Where does the spoken language which we have today come from if not from our parents and caregivers?

What language do you feel is spoken in the afterlife, when your physical body dies? If a person only speaks German do they go to a place where everyone speaks German? What about other languages. Babies come from the afterlife, in my opinion, very pure in thought. When I was a nurse I helped to bring babies into this world, later studied pediatrics. Babies do think but not in any earthly language, in my opinion.

Although I will defer to your personal experience and not discount or devalue it.

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Old 30-07-2024, 08:54 AM
hazada guess
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I know what you mean Starman,but funnily enough when I first incarnated, i tought that speaking was such hard work and why didnt they communicate telepathically.
As for thinking in English,I dont know.The only thing that happened with me is I was thinking in that language.Perhaps the language you think in is the one most likely you are used to,i don't know.
Mindyou I have read that there is no language difference in the afterlife,It's a mystery.
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Old 30-07-2024, 09:22 AM
hazada guess
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Another thing is,all language has the same meaning,it is the way it is spoken that's different.
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Old 30-07-2024, 04:06 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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hazada guess, thank you for your response. I often quote the Taoist saying that “nothing in the universe is what we call it here on Earth.” We assign names to forms when everything is spirit, spirit taking form and different qualities, in my opinion.

Language goes beyond thinking or the spoken word; there is body language, sign language, etc., and even silence speaks. There is no way that we can not communicate. I am of the impression that in the afterlife intuition is the universal language.

How we define something is how we will approach that something, and how we define ourselves is how we will view ourselves. Identity is how we point to ourselves, it is an objective endeavor. There is me and then there is how I see myself. People give their own meaning to words regarding what those words were meant to mean. Its’ like “bad” used to mean bad then Michael Jackson came out with a song where bad meant good.

In my opinion on an intuitive level everything is communicating with everything else, that includes our environment, our body, emotions, etc., and the first rule of communication is to listen. I listen better when I am not thinking.

Peace and Good Journey To You
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