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Old 24-07-2024, 09:25 AM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is offline
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in your search for identity, did you use metaphorical names?


Looking deep into my identity, I usually name myself certain words or embodiments which describe more than a part of me. I usually also use mythological methaphors.

How did you identify who you were, as in your various evolutions? Or how exactly did you discover the self image you have?

I usually see myself as something very "out there", just stepping into the world, ready to mystically disappear. I give names that match up with my way of doing things and my set of lessons I carry. I dont feel I lost any older me, while they may die, they incarnate into the next me. Becoming more evolved and beyond.

Kind regards,

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Old 24-07-2024, 12:48 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Hi CosmicW, well, I've said this before here and it still is the same. And i do know many can not relate at all.
My unshakable , rock solid identity , embedded in my subconciousness now is that I am child of my Father God,
Creator - The All That IS that surrounds me and is so within me, comical to me actually.
Cuz its like having a best Friend inside me guiding me , teaching me , laughing ..lifting me up to be
lighthearted and carefree 99.999% of the time.

And a big thing about this identity is that my Father is what Christians refer to as a King, so that makes me
the daughter of a King...that is loved, doted upon and all that that means in a loving Dad, child relationship.

Am I also part of this Light, this Divine Intelligence;
allowing me to know I am and will always be safe?
You bet.
My Dad and I, holding His hand for eternity...see why most can't relate? lol...
My identity is intermingled with the Creator, by any name.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 24-07-2024, 12:59 PM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is offline
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Hey Miss H,

I believe thats actually really powerful. I feel your lessons in life have brought you to the point of embracing him so deeply. I can not speak for you, just my impression based on my current knowledge. However I do feel he is the father of all human incarnated life, which I appreciate as he is a great lord to have watch over us. I began to see him too as a father, however my path is different in that.

Kind regards,

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Old 25-07-2024, 03:27 PM
hazada guess
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We are all children of God.God is pure infinate awareness,with no form.
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Old 25-07-2024, 05:22 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Various things during my growth and learning.
Before I set foot on my spiritual path someone told me I was an oracle. Can't recall who it was now, but throughout the years of my growth I've often come to the conclusion he was right. I wasn't too chuffed about it though.
Being an oracle is like the one from Delphi: everyone comes to you for advise & help, then they bugger off. They don't stay with you.
It was and is how it goes for me and took me years to realise the same thing occurs in my love life.

Anywho, I started with intuitive development, at the time I thought I was a healer.
Then moved on to training with a UK hedgewitch.
Now I never fully considered myself a hedgewitch, partly though I did.
At the time I was very busy with the Celtic and esp. English history. Avalon as well.
I preferred to call myself a Pagan.

A few years later I felt the hedgewitch training & path was not for me as it was limiting and limited. There was more, but -much like religion- witchcraft didn't really grow with the time so it renders itself obsolete. It wasn't complete, my Inner Knowing told me that much.

I did all kinds of everything after that, not really knowing what to call myself, although I had discovered I wasn't really a healer -although I am a trained & qualified Cosmic Healer- but more a reader.

Now I call myself Lightworker. I Am Lightworker. So not "a Lightworker", no, it has to be "I Am Lightworker".
My specialty is what also comes through strongly in my Human Design chart:
being a teacher, an inspirational speaker/teacher, spreader of knowledge and wisdom.
Unfortunately it is exactly as Human Design describes:
I come across a lot of resistance as it takes time for people to embrace the new and unfamiliar.
Story of my life.

So I Am/am Lightworker, specifically an inspirational speaker and teacher (of the Light).
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Old 25-07-2024, 05:29 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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One more thing that intuitively popped into my head after posting the above:

I AM part hedgewitch, healer, a Pagan for sure, a crystal & energy worker, Lightworker, inspirational speaker & teacher, but...
I have recently also become an acolyte of Merlin.
That literally popped into my head.
I have a Merlin Healer course that I've done, and last week was part of Merlin's Codes of Magic-part 1 by Diana Cooper.
I received Merlin's Codes then, but working with Merlin wasn't entirely new to me as I've done that course.

I would not have thought of using the word 'acolyte'. I am familiar with the word, but it's not an English word I use myself, but one I know when hearing or reading it. So it's part of my passive English vocab, not my active one.
Yet, it is how I am to phrase it. Made my jaw drop, still does to be honest, hihi.
Pretty much wow, an acolyte of Merlin's teachings.
That feels SO good!
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Old 25-07-2024, 07:59 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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It is more difficult for myself to say What I call myself as I was born with a knowledge of medical matters I was born hearing and seeing spirit
I have been called many things,
by different people depending on how they feel
I am very aware of my spiritual side and how to use it.
The only way to describe it is I am myself what you see is what you get
People cant look me in the face as they say my eyes are looking into their soul's

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 27-07-2024, 11:16 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
How did you identify who you were, as in your various evolutions? Or how exactly did you discover the self image you have?
In this life the main archetype I’ve reigned under, has been healer, also being born highly sensitive and highly empathic, predominate intuitive processor, all these things might have once had me believing they meant something else. Nowadays, i am more aware of myself living as a more clear true state. So all of me as those parts, mentioned, are integrated into just being myself. ( I think learning individual aspects of you, is important stepping stones of building deeper acceptance of ‘all of you’)

As for other lives, I’ve tapped into lives where by prophetic wisdom and healer existed in those lives.
The universe is made up of experiences that are designed to burn out your attachment, your clinging, to pleasure, to pain, to fear, to all of it. And as long as there is a place where you’re vulnerable, the universe will find a way to confront you with it. - Ram Dass
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Old 27-07-2024, 03:14 PM
lostsoul13 lostsoul13 is offline
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Really I knew who I was when my kids and tf showed up- I could see my future laid bare .

I can tell my images of my soul by listening to the choices and energy of my soul.

For instance I have strong attitudes towards certain things - definitely no I’m not interested or don’t desire it ~ or I do..

Really I’m concentrating on the things we can do through evolution- or the fact we vibrate on every possibility- I’ve had a few magical experiences also so I have a lot of hope for my truth at least magic wouldn’t be for everyone ..
Vampire speed..

Arabic first language (English)—- bear with me and please be patient)
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Old 28-07-2024, 08:24 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Identity for me has been a changing image, something on the surface in the way which I see myself or how others see me. A passing image sometimes lingering and at other times quickly fading. Deeper below the surface I view myself as an expression of the One being, that which I call God. An expression which is projected into this existence and will be withdrawn from this existence. Yes, a child of God. But it took time for me to come to this conclusion.

I used to facilitate workshops on identity, and it amazed me how much we humans pile on top of ourselves, the different identities which people may cling to. Religious identity, political identity, gender identity, economic identity, family identity, racial and ethnic identity, national identity, and so forth; for most people their self identity changes over the course of their life, It goes on and on, today I see myself as this but tomorrow I may be something else. Women change their name when they get married and then again when they get divorced, men also change their name.

I am not the name which is on my birth certificate. It has been my experience that to truly embrace who you are it might become necessary to let go of all of the identities, how we identify ourselves and how others may identify us. That which is at the core of my being has no name, no identity, as Moses said, and is written in the Bible, “I worship a God which has no name.” yet there are so many names given to that which we call God, so many identities for that which is beyond identification. Identity can be so limiting.
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