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Old 28-12-2020, 04:49 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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zorkchop - stop by a thread - it's getting interesting.


Even if just to read and not post.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

Old 29-12-2020, 04:01 PM
zorkchop zorkchop is offline
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Replies and Clarifications Six …

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It has been months since I have felt it necessary to put in a “Replies and Clarifications” post. The last time was just about two months ago.

I have tried to be very careful in what I put into this series and how I word it. I have tried to stay out of discussing specifics of any teaching. My primary attempt has been to offer a very generic outline … a continuous linear portrayal of the evolution of LIFE … how so many of the specific approaches, religions, and philosophies build off each other.

Yes … I follow a certain set of teachings … one that I have been following for lifetimes … but I am not here to promote it. I am not here to even make it public … not in the open part of the forum at least.

It is more than just being secretive. It allows to show how all comes together … and again … how each set of teachings and beliefs builds off each other.

One of the demanding prerequisites that allows an individual to “discover and advance” into a clearly broadening step is that they have learned what is required of them to learn before given the opportunity. If our educational systems in the world were actually true to its system of education … one would not advance to the next grade unless and until one has clearly learned the current grade they are in.

One of the detriments of the internet is that people can uncover information and begin to use it before they are ready to do so. That is like handing a box of dynamite to an individual and letting them choose whether to use it beneficially or detrimentally. Or handing a ten-year-old a loaded gun.

Understandably … most would misuse such a “discovery” if all preliminary “lessons” had yet to be learned.

Such is the case with the Sound Current.

The Sound Current is one of the true aspects of Pure Divine Spirit that is rarely known about and even less taught. When one begins to deal with the Sound Current … they are truly advanced. This is one of the clear and definitive examples of … “When the student is ready … “

To uncover and explore what the Sound Current is all about before one is ready … that is precisely a road to personal destruction. The damage one can do … to themselves … if not to many layers and levels of Life around them as well … can take dozens of lifetimes to balance out. There are incredible safeguards to the misuse of this level of knowledge. The damage they can personally do … let alone to more broad facets … is protected for a reason.

And certainly … when it is their time to discover … the same knowledge can be used for great advancement and increased responsibility. They will have earned the right … and will be led in that direction.

The vast majority of people as they even approach the deeper teachings are still clearly intellectuals … mentalists … based in the mental realms. Given such advanced knowledge … they will use it to their own destruction … they will use it for “power over” rather than “power of.”

A *huge* difference.

Mentalists read books and websites and then claim personal experience through the reading of others information. They misinterpret their own stance and mislead others in their preference to be better than someone else. The world … and this board … is full of them.

This is NOT a critical judgement. This is to be expected … and is expected … and is certainly a part of the overall advancement.

It is also exemplary of the benefits of having a personal yardstick … so one can determine who and what is around them. Those who are engaged in learning the Letter of the Law … the written aspect of knowledge … reveal their stance if questioned or just conversed with. To advance to the Spirit of the Law … the true definition and understanding of the deeper facets of Life as they work and fit together … takes time. There is no shortcut.

Many reading this … will take this as a bunch of hogwash.

It isn’t. I learned the hard way.

If and when someone has vivid and actual experience with the Sound Current … they have their work cut out for them … and they should get to it. The time for simply collecting experiences … “I can do this … “ and “I have done that … “ … are over. The great majority of people are experience collectors … happily displaying them in some kind of personal scrapbook and telling them to the world.

Another lesson I have learned the hard way … this does NOT work in your favor. And the “why” of that … becomes very clear … in time.

I do not mean to preach. I said that at the beginning … and I say that now.

I will continue to post in a generic fashion. Hopefully that will be enough for most people and the board. If someone wants specifics … they can PM me. Feel free.

Enough said.

On we go.

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Old 29-12-2020, 05:08 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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I have a hard time talking about the Sound Current --I get giddy and smile too much.
Heavenly, to me.

I discovered it accidentally in '72, I think, when a guy, named Guy, :)
told me to walk around on the moonlit Atlantic beach with my fingers in my ears and that it was like walking on the Moon.
Hahaha, he was so cute and younger then me.
Next, on my own - I would place my fingers in my ears at every red traffic light...
to see how long it took to notice it in the background in my head --always there, but unnoticed (back then).
But, like the clock in the other room you never noticed till someone mentioned it ---that's all you hear now, , tic tic tic.

Back then I related it very much to The Tao - always there, always present...with a 'knowing, a sense', you could be
in another galaxy in a spacesuit it would be there, too. :)

I could be a rock concert and still hear the Sound Current, I call Music or Harmonies,
Divine harmonies, more often. Music of the Spheres is a good name. To me.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

Old 29-12-2020, 08:11 PM
Posts: n/a
I do enjoy your style of writing in a general way.
That way we in kindergarten can grasp ahold a bit better.
Old 31-12-2020, 03:29 PM
zorkchop zorkchop is offline
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Considerations Thirty-Seven …

Back to Basics …

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To all who read these posts … please understand that I have tried to go out of my way to stay generic … to stay outside of heavy analysis and logic … to not promote from one “religion” and to bring all aspects together … to discuss just the basics … which most people love to believe they are beyond the basics and want the flash and fluff.

Remember … that as one goes back towards the Center of Life … awareness does not become more involved, deeper, more detailed, more specific. It becomes more basic … applicable to all … to the Whole of All … the fundamental … the common aspects that would apply to everything as IT radiates outward to sustain Life beyond.

If one wishes to apply the word “deeper” to the experience … then it might apply to a “deeper” understanding of and within the Whole of LIFE … and eventually … of the Core Creator God.

Just as God simply IS … so “consciousness” simply IS. Consciousness … is being conscious of anything and everything one can be aware of. There is an external, outermost consciousness … perceived through the physical body and the inner psychic bodies … and the limitless, spiritual consciousness that works of and within Divine Spirit Itself. This is not perceived through the physical or psychic bodies, and consciousness is not the Whole of Divine Spirit IT-self.

If one simply considers how incredibly vast just the physical universes or the physical plane is … and then accept that this entire physical plane is an outgrowth of the astral plane above … which then means that the astral plane is absolutely incomprehensibly huge … and that the astral is an outgrowth of the causal … which is an outgrowth of the mental realms … which then reconstitutes itself into the true Home of Soul … poetically known as the 5th Plane and certainly other names … now without the “energies” of the atom and the negative impulses … and then on … and on … back to the Center … all of this simply means that “consciousness” in its entirety is beyond comprehension … but we can get clues to it because we have selected, refined, grouped, given life to … a particular set of beliefs, values, precepts that we call our own individual consciousness … through focusing and internalizing through our viewpoint.

Just what our viewpoint is … how narrow or broad … how specific or comprehensive … how inclusive or exclusive … how intelligent or spiritual … how perceptive or myopic … is what this entire journey is all about.

Feelings … is an aspect of consciousness. Love … is understood within consciousness. If God IS … then IT would come before consciousness and the initial formation of Divine Spirit would be the birthplace of consciousness itself. If the CCG is at the very Center … giving off Divine Spirit ( certainly different than the Spirit we would know of in the psychic worlds because of the incorporation of the negative element in the latter ) … then all else would follow these two fundamental … Divine Spirit giving rise to the entirety of consciousness … and all below / outward.

Here is a nice way to get a better understanding of the planes and dimension … however you wish to them them. Let’s just say … that there is a massively bright spotlight … powerful … radiant … equal to a million of our suns in brightness. ( In a true sphere … this would radiate outward in 360 degrees … but I am going to use a beam or ray to help portray this example. ) This beam would be blasting a ray of light from where it is stationed. Maybe twenty feet away … someone drops a layer of sheer, see-through netting … cheese-cloth … and this dims the light by an incredibly scant proportion … but it does dim the light nonetheless. This would be a “next dimension.” The beam is somewhat focused and “limited”by that layer of cloth. Then another layer is added twenty feet from that … then another … then another … until you would get to the physical plane … which by then certainly has enough light to “form” or “manifest” it … but it is much more dim than that above … let alone on into the Center.

Another way of portraying this … is to use speed … although “speed” would not be applicable to the pure God Worlds … yet there IS an expansive movement to the LIFE Force. Nonetheless … if I am allowed to use the concept of “speed” … then the core spotlight exudes its light at 100 mph … ( yes I know the speed of light is faster than that … roll with it ) … the speed would slow to 90 mph to form the subsequent lower dimension … then to 80 mph … and so on … until the physical dimension would be down around 10 miles per hour … simply because the light would lose its impetus over distance.

And within all of that … is consciousness. Layers of it. Levels of it. Dimensions of it. Visual … audible … hearing … sensing … absorbing.

Consider it. A discovery one makes on the more distant steps on the path is to allow for strong “possibilities” to work for you.

My next post … soon … will lightly get into the whole “feelings” aspect of the upper worlds. I know it is of interest to many.

More later.

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Old 31-12-2020, 03:44 PM
hazada guess
Posts: n/a
As i am in virtual lockdown again here in the UK,I will read this thread closely tomorrow and take it all in.I admire zorkchop and can only praise him and thank him for taking the time to post this for us all.
Old 31-12-2020, 03:50 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by zorkchop
Replies and Clarifications Six …

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It has been months since I have felt it necessary to put in a “Replies and Clarifications” post. The last time was just about two months ago.
What exactly do you mean by sound current? I'm not asking you to tell me the secret details just specifically what belief system holds that concept? I just need a specific Direction to walk and I'll do the leg work myself thanks
Old 31-12-2020, 06:15 PM
zorkchop zorkchop is offline
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Replies and Clarifications Six …

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Todays actual post is #106 … above.

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Maya El …

I was hoping to sidestep this entire topic … but it seems the forum is pressing forward for at least some basic clarification and information.

Even in the Bible … and in a few other organized religions and teachings … it is clearly stated that “In the beginning was the *Word* … using whatever words they wish to use to convey the principle. Not … Light. Not the written word. But the *Word* !


Called by various names within the VERY few sets of teachings that even offer scant information … such as the Shabda … the Bani … but generically known as the Audible Life Current or Stream.

This is a Sound that is exuded by the Core Creator God … which gives birth to the entire Life Force that expanded and sustains all of Life from that “point” on. Light … is a “slower” offshoot of the Sound … or the Shabda.

There are various sounds that can be heard with the trained spiritual senses. It takes almost a superhuman degree of effort to even get hooked up to the Shabda … or Bani. One earns that privilege. It is not handed out easily.

As the Light takes on various hues as it “drops down” into the lower psychic worlds … so does the Audible Life Current change the sounds that one can hear. These sounds are *not* imaginary. They are distinct … and clear.

One does not earn the right to hear these Sounds until they have fulfilled all the pre-requisite knowledge through their own person experience … and have learned what must be learned.

This Sound Current makes up the elemental components of all known existence … including the aspects of Soul Itself. The twin aspects of Sound and Light makes up all Existence that will ever be known. Sound … is where we initially get actual “vibration.” Sound is also the basis for all mantras … and chants … and certainly for all spoken or audible sounds heard in the objective worlds. These … and other examples … are NOT light … made audible.

VERY few sets of teachings offer any real working information on or about it … save for the few vague references such as the Biblical one above.

One cannot … and will not … be granted the right and privilege of becoming aware of the Sound Current unless and until it is granted by a true Master. Not only does this help the individual to discern just how esoteric the set of teachings they are following at the moment truly is … since very few know of or mention it … but it is clear determination of just who a true and viable Master is.

This is NOT just some merit badge that one can pin on their sleeve.

Many claim to have heard it … and haven’t. I don’t even want to discuss the karmic implications of that.

Many will work for lifetimes … literally … to hear it even once. And once IT’s heard … the responsibilities of that individual will increase dramatically … whether they know it or not.

The references I have mentioned in these posts that refer to Divine Spirit … are in actuality the Audible Sound Current … Audible Life Force … Shabda … Bani … choose your own name for it. When you actually have heard it … the demand for using an actual specific word for this or that becomes less gripping … because from that point on … you understand … which is beyond … knowing.

Just to know it is an actual aspect of LIFE … a real viable experience that one can undergo and hear … is relatively little known.

I’ve said enough.

On we go.

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Old 31-12-2020, 09:33 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

Old 01-01-2021, 01:21 PM
hazada guess
Posts: n/a
zorkchop...........I've read through your posts, initially just briefly as my concentration wanders after a while, But now after reading them. I am drawn to studying them again and again. Truly fascinating and very knowledgeable to the point that I can't stop re-reading them and look forward to future posts.

Once again, thank you.
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