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Old 05-10-2015, 02:21 AM
Starpixie Starpixie is offline
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Anniversary of a death day-question

I would like to do a blessing ritual for a friend that passed away, this will be the third anniversary of her death day but I'm having trouble coming up with something that I feel is satisfactory, I'm fairly certain it is because I am still emotional over it, but I think it would help me to do this for her. Any info on this subject would be greatly appreciated as I am struggling with this subject.
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Old 05-10-2015, 03:06 AM
BuzzCap7 BuzzCap7 is offline
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Originally Posted by Starpixie
I would like to do a blessing ritual for a friend that passed away, this will be the third anniversary of her death day but I'm having trouble coming up with something that I feel is satisfactory, I'm fairly certain it is because I am still emotional over it, but I think it would help me to do this for her. Any info on this subject would be greatly appreciated as I am struggling with this subject.

Starpixie, that is ever so nice. Hat's off to you my friend.

Here are some thoughts.......keeping in mind, there is no right or wrong if you fee it is right.

1) Is her grave (if she has one) nearby to visit?
2) Did she have a special song? Poem? Other?
3) Is there another special location that is meaningful where an annual ritual may begin?
4) What annual activity (big or small) do you think she would like to see you involved with for her?
5) Sit totally relaxed (meditate if you wish) and think.........what would make her happy. Whatever comes to mind (not forced) is likely the right thing to do.

With a loss of someone close, it is likely nothing you do may make you feel like you have done enough. So do not be hard on yourself. Do you best, the love will come through to her, and nothing can be more fulfilling in my opinion.

Keep in mind too Starpixie, the fact it is 3 yrs now and apparently this person was pretty meaningful in your life is in and of itself a blessing. Such that it is great you had such a relationship. Not meaning to get off topic either but....you still do.

Hopefully the above will at least give you an idea or two or confirm whatever you do, it will not be enough when there is/was such caring/love between two of you.

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Old 05-10-2015, 03:29 AM
Posts: n/a
Look up Samhain ritual. You might find something you can adapt to your preferences. Samhain is all about honoring the dead and there are a number of rituals for that you could probably use. I usually burn a candle for some of those I loved who have passed, play a song they liked, sometimes go somewhere that meant something to them. I like to keep it pretty simple...
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Old 06-10-2015, 12:03 AM
Starpixie Starpixie is offline
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Thank you Ravenspirit I will look look into that, it hadn't occurred to me to to look to Samhain.
Buzzcap7, yes her grave is near, actually only about a mile away, when I find a stone or piece of jewelry that I think she would like I take it to her and tuck it in next to her stone and visit with her. I'm just wanting to formally address her and send her blessings and warm fuzzies. I think of her often and see her in dreams and I swear when I'm driving and her favorite songs come on it feels like she is with me. Thank you for your kind words!
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Old 06-10-2015, 01:04 AM
BuzzCap7 BuzzCap7 is offline
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Posts: 76
You are ever so welcome. It sounds like she is with you more than you realize.

For what it is worth, I ride a motorcycle every day. 9 out of 10 times when I get a "feeling" to look down at the odometer it is "0". In that feeling I know it is my brother who has passed on. There is no, none, no doubt it is my brother.

It is his way to communicate with me.

It seems your friend is closer than maybe you think. ?? And being close in heart is as close as it pretty much gets.

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