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17-03-2024, 08:12 PM
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Posts: 22
Greys: my first negative experience with them was in 1973 or 1974. They stopped the car I was riding in. I was fully awake, but the other 3 people in the car were frozen. I could see the craft in the field to my right. I am screaming, then the car door opens. I see a grey and he telepathically says; "stop screaming, you know why we are here for you". I immediately stopped screaming but resisted the walk. I don't remember anything after that. That was the first visit for my participation in the hybrid program. A few weeks later I could feel movement in my stomach, like a fluttering. Many weeks later I noticed a 1" scar below my naval. I was also trained to forget, so I did not dwell on the scar.
Family: My brother was driving the car in the above experience. He doesn't remember anything. He has only talked about it a couple times, after I brought up. One time the question about how humans were created, came up at a family gathering. We were watching something about evolution. We are all Christians, so everyone said, of course we are created by God. I said, hum and maybe it was aliens that changed our DNA? There was a gasp in the room and my brother laughed and said, yep, she might be right.
Waking people: The funniest one was when I was able to wakeup 2 men sitting near me. I told them we are going to run off in different directions so they can't catch us all. I showed them a back door in the room that wasn't guarded. We all took off running. When they caught me, the head honcho of security came out, a tall Reptilian. I am 5'5" and had to look up to see his eyes. He is maybe 6' tall and the color of camo green/brown. We had words and I told him it was his problem not mine.
Whites: The whites I've seen are not much taller than the greys, maybe 5'. They have dark blue eyes and the greys have larger black eyes.
Family: No, I have never seen family. In the 90's I was part of an group of experiencers. We would meet once a month and trade stories and if we saw anyone in the group. Sometimes we did. Oh, and I saw Whitley Streiber once in a hallway. He was fully awake and walking freely.
Planets: Have you seen other planets? I saw one that had a lavender/purple sky and sand-colored buildings. It looked deserted like no one lived there for many years.
21-03-2024, 11:47 PM
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 152
So sorry for not responding right away, I use public computers and sometimes it's hard to get to them.
Wow, that's something else being taken when you were in a car! Did they take anyone else besides you?
Gosh, you saw a scar? Whenever I've had scars, they've healed them right there on the ship. (One time they didn't heal a scar, but that was because I asked them not to heal it because it would help me remember the ETs. And for once, they agreed.)
In my 20's, since I didn't want to have kids in my Earth life, I told them they could have all my ovaries, except any that my body might need to keep it balanced and functioning.
Have you seen your children and/or grandchildren?
Holy cow -- you told a reptilian "it was his problem not mine." I'd be scared to death to say that! And I haven't even seen a reptilian on a ship. (The reptilian in my bedroom -- I was too scared to even think! No way could I even talk.)
Thanks for saying how tall the whites are. I'm not sure if the one I'm thinking of was around 5' tall, and I don't remember his eyes being a different color (though there's lots I've forgotten about them and the ships).
You saw Whitley Streiber walking around freely! Did you mean at the experiencers group or on a ship? Whenever I've seen Earthlings walking around on a ship, they always had an ET escort or two. (Except for the ETs that look like humans -- they'd walk around freely.)
Gosh, no I haven't seen other planets. Did the ETs show you the planet on a screen/monitor, or in person? Did they tell you anything about the planet?
(In meditations, I've seen other planets, but not on ET ships.)
24-03-2024, 06:32 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 22
Reply to Klaatu
No need to apologize for not responding right away, just when you have time. And I know what it’s like to use a public computer. I’ve used them at the library in the past.
I’ll respond in the order of the paragraphs you wrote. So much to talk about and I don’t want to get lost in it all. And I’ll enter my questions at the end. Plus, I’m looking for a reason to not do yard work. 😊
First negative experience: I was the only one taken that night, from what I remember. We all saw the craft in the field to the right of the car. We were on a gravel road in the middle of farmland. The friend we were bringing home, lived in a farmhouse across the field. We were all talking/screaming at the same time saying: omg it’s a UFO, drive faster to my house, what if they got my family, no we need to go back to town and get guns, guns won’t work against a UFO, take me home, my family my family, I can’t start the car.
After I was brought back to the car and we went on our way, no one was speaking. It was like my memory of the past hour, maybe less than one hour, was gone. I remember only the quiet, how everyone in the car was quiet. After we dropped off our friend, we went back to town, to the group of friends we were with in a parking lot. I do remember someone saying, hey what took you all so long?
Something strange/tragic did happen that same night. One of the people who was in the car with me was standing between two cars in the parking lot we were all in. I can’t remember exactly what happened, he got caught between two moving cars and damaged his leg. I can remember later people were wondering why he did not move when he saw the cars moving. It was like he was frozen there and couldn’t move. It was so bad his leg was amputated. To this day, I wonder if what the ETs did to freeze them, is what made him freeze seeing the headlights of the car.
Many years later I asked my brother about that night, and he didn’t remember anything about the ET’s.
Scars: So good that they healed your scars. I had a friend once who would come back with scoop marks in his legs. The only other mark I have is a 1” square inside my right elbow. When it was fresh in the 1990’s, I asked a Dr. about it. He said it looks like a laser mark. It has faded a lot and over the years. Now I only notice it when I get a blood dot/scab from when they inject me there.
Children: Yes, I’ve seen my children, a few. Only one after she was grown. She was happy, has my personality and my hair. Her eyes are like the white ETs, but a little smaller and her body is like theirs. She sneaked into a waiting area I was in. She was smiling and said, I’m not supposed to be in here, but I had to meet you. She hugged me and said, I’m leaving and going far away, and I won’t have the chance to meet you again. Thank you. She then left waiting area. I don’t have earthly children, so it was nice to know at least one hybrid is doing well.
Reptilian: They don’t scare me, and I don’t know why. This was the only time I remember seeing a Reptilian. This is how it went; from the open area, I start to run down a hallway and see a reptilian blocking my way. He is so close I could reach out and touch him, maybe 12” between us. I look up at him to see his eyes are amber color with horizontal pupils. It’s been many years since this happened, so hope I can remember it correctly.
Rep: You are not behaving properly, you must behave.
Me: Who are you?
Rep: I am your father, and you must listen to me.
Me: I know you can’t physically harm me.
Rep: You must listen to me.
Me: Well, I guess YOU have a problem now, don’t YOU? I emphasized the YOU. Your problem, not mine.
Rep: Very loud sigh, take her back and watch her closely.
The Whites: The last memory I have of the Whites, was a few years ago. I am standing in a room that looks like a control room. There are screens along a wall and Whites sitting at what looks like a desktop and there are controls built-in to the desktops. Hard to explain, just think Star Trek helm. Anyway, I am talking with two Whites and a human. Then I turnaround to leave the room, I leaned down next to one of the Whites at the desk, and said, I think I’m one of you. She looked shocked and didn’t say anything, just stared at me. I smiled and kept walking.
Many years ago, before this memory, I woke up one morning fully expecting to see the reflection of a White ET in my mirror. I was scared to get out of bed and look in the mirror. I even formulated a plan for how I was going to get in my car without anyone seeing my ET eyes. And where I was going to hideout.
Whitley Streiber: yes, saw him walking with a White ET on ship. When I say walking freely, it’s because the ET was not holding on to him, like they do with me. I was being walked by two greys. This one time I remember for other reasons, than seeing Whitley. I knew it happened because the next day, I had the 3 tiny fingerprint bruises under my upper arms. When I saw him, I stopped walking and they had to grab on tight. When I turned my head to look again, he turned his also and looked at me again.
It was around this same time that I went to the Secret School with Whitley. During this time, I was writing a book with Constance Clear. She had met Whitley and I think he lived in the area at the time. Constance was just getting started working with Experiencers. He invited her to see where his Secret School is, the one he wrote about in one of his books. She asked if I could come along, and he said yes. He swore us to secrecy, never tell anyone where it is. I was okay with that and respected his privacy. I don’t remember if I saw him on the ship before or after seeing the secret school area.
After seeing him on the ET ship, I saw Whitley at a house party. At one point during the evening, I found myself standing next to him. It wasn’t intentional, just mingling and moving about. We both look at each other at the same time. I smiled and was about to say, nice to see you again. Then suddenly, he quickly moved away. I immediately thought about the ET ship and how he’s in cahoots with the ET’s. I laughed to myself the remainder of the evening.
Planet with purple sky: I don’t remember if I saw it on a screen or it was planted in my mind. There were times when I would go into a theater of sorts and watch whatever was on the screen or listen to talks. I’ve spoken with others who have seen same planet.
My questions, if you want to answer:
Do you ever remember the transport part? I love feel weightless while floating in the beam of light.
Have you ever been taken with others?
Do you have children there?
Have you ever seen the lab with the babies in the glass containers?
Have all your experiences been positive? Mine are mix of positive and negative.
Have you ever had dreams about ET hybrids living openly on Earth?
Have you any experience with spiritual matters? I have a little bit of remote viewing, dream about something that will happen in future, can feel when there will be a mass loss of life somewhere on the planet, go ahead of myself in time, feel what people are thinking, have a knowing about events, speak a language I don’t know, had NDE, can feel Earth changes. Oh, and crows tell me when someone I know will be passing on.
24-03-2024, 08:07 PM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 2,903
Having read quite a few books and articles on the subject this is my take on it.
World governments have some deal with select types of aliens, they allow them to take embryos and hybridise, they have to do this as they tampered with their own genes and are attempting to put the genie back in the bottle, in return the government's get mass chipping and some new technology knowledge, the really benevelant aliens are kept away from Earth but occasionally get through and try to deliver messages, some may be able to time travel.
I may go and look through cases to find those where I think the benevolent type have manage to get through, I was going to link to one in Wikipedia re a TV interupion from years back but I see it has been altered to make it look more like an easier hoax to commit.Last time I read it , it seemed as if it was impossible to do in the day.
Here it is if you wish to listen,need to scroll down a little
24-03-2024, 09:09 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 22
I listened to the audio clip and they are correct, humanity won't evolve until the fighting stops. And yes, there are human organizations that know all about the ET's and have exchanged info for us.
Recently I saw this video on Youtube you might find interesting. It's about a man, Paul Amadeus Dienach, that went to 3906. Everything he said, is what I've know my entire life. Did I get the info from the ET's? Yes I think so. They are interdimensional, so I'm thinking they can move thru time also.
I tried to put a link here, but it wouldn't let me. On youtube its, The Why Files and the title is, He Spent a Year in 3906 | This is what Paul Amadeus Dienach saw.
28-03-2024, 07:25 AM
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 152
CassandraApollo, thanks for getting more in-depth about the time you were taken from the car. And so sorry to read about the person who froze seeing the headlights of the car. That's so horrible to have that happen, especially after an ET experience!
That's so cool about having the 1" square scar -- I think scars from ETs are fun and special, though others might have an opposite reaction. I'm not sure how you feel about it though.
OMG -- your child sneaking into a waiting area you were in -- SOOO sweet that she risked seeing you! When she said "I'm not supposed to be in here" her charisma reminded me of you, when you'd wake people up and wonder off and had words with a reptilian. Hmmm, like mother like daughter?
I leaned down next to one of the Whites at the desk, and said, I think I’m one of you.
Some people remember past lives as ETs. Do you have any memories?
I'm not sure if I had one or not (though I hope so). In this Earth life, decades ago, I woke up in the middle of the night, with two beings staring at me from the window (I'm two floors up). They were flooding me with so much love -- I've NEVER felt so much love before! They faded away after about a minute. After they were gone, I realized they were grays and they sure felt like a mom and dad. While typing this, I can't say for sure if they were my mom and dad in another life. But whatever relationship we have (if there is one), their love sure blew me away!
Many years ago, before this memory, I woke up one morning fully expecting to see the reflection of a White ET in my mirror. I was scared to get out of bed and look in the mirror. I even formulated a plan for how I was going to get in my car without anyone seeing my ET eyes. And where I was going to hideout.
So scary! Sure sounds like an ET was there, since you've had so many experiences, I'm sure you're used to the way it feels when they're in the same room.
Once, I looked in a mirror shortly after waking up and standing up. Suddenly had a memory of standing in that same place the night before, looking into the mirror, only two grays were standing on both sides of me, and we were all looking in the mirror. It wasn't scary though. Which is weird because whenever they do show up, I still get scared of them, even though I've known about the grays for so long.
Gosh, that's so wonderful being able to see the Secret School with Constance and Whitley!
My questions, if you want to answer:
Do you ever remember the transport part? I love feel weightless while floating in the beam of light.
I don't remember a beam of light. But one time I woke up at night, my eyes stayed closed as a man grabbed my hand. I knew it was really important that I do not take my hand away from his. Then we lifted up through the air at about a million miles an hour. Just going up and up and up. The whole time, all I felt was the air being incredibly strong and rushing all over me, and that our hands were still attached. It lasted maybe half a minute. Then I don't remember anything else. I think that was the only time they took me through the air like that. But two other times, I remember floating out the window along with ETs. I don't remember all the other times.
Have you ever been taken with others?
Not that I remember. (Although with the one memory of my sister being on the spaceship, it's possible I was taken along with her and just don't remember.)
Do you have children there?
Sure. I know three, but I think there's a lot more. Have also seen four grandchildren.
Have you ever seen the lab with the babies in the glass containers?
Nope. I've read about them though. Have you seen them?
Have all your experiences been positive? Mine are mix of positive and negative.
A mix. When I was a baby and toddler, they were positive. When I was 6, it turned scary. There were other races. Some seemed to like scaring me. But when I was around 26 or 27, I realized the grays could've killed me a long time ago, if that's what they were going to do. And realized that I was more scared of some humans than I was of them. So, I started thinking of the grays with a lot of love, and then a lot of abductions started to happen with the loving ETs and the clinical ETs. I started recognizing more of them and gave some of them nicknames.
Have you ever had dreams about ET hybrids living openly on Earth?
Nope. But I've read about them.
At a pop culture convention about two years ago, in a large ballroom with standing room only, there were lots of cosplayers (people dressed in costumes). I was looking around and spotted two similar cosplayers standing together next to a wall, in full-body Power Rangers costumes. Since the cosplays were full-body, head to toe, you couldn't see any part of their real bodies. Could not take my eyes off them for a few minutes. They seemed really friendly and talked with each other once in a while. It really seemed like they were ETs "hiding" under the cosplays. I could've been wrong. But it was the same feeling I get when ETs are around. If they were ETs -- that'd be an excellent way to have fun with a bunch of humans around though, eh? To hide inside cosplays. If I was wrong though, it sure was a cool fantasy!
Have you any experience with spiritual matters? I have a little bit of remote viewing, dream about something that will happen in future, can feel when there will be a mass loss of life somewhere on the planet, go ahead of myself in time, feel what people are thinking, have a knowing about events, speak a language I don’t know, had NDE, can feel Earth changes. Oh, and crows tell me when someone I know will be passing on.
Amazing you can do all that! Yes I've had lots of spiritual things happen, and have had an NDE, but not as skilled as you are. Hopefully, I'll get as skilled someday!
Sorry this post is so long.
31-03-2024, 11:38 PM
Newbie ;)
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 22
Hello Klaatu24
Scars: they don’t bother me. The scars and bruises gave validation to what was happening.
Past life as a ET?: I like your experience about feeling the love, that’s a good memory. For myself, I don’t know for sure. I have memories or know things. Like I had a vision once and I was sitting next to a round fountain, with lots of flowers everywhere. I looked to my right in the distance and see a marble pavilion. There is a table in the middle of the pavilion and a white ET standing next to the table. There is a someone on the table getting a limb regeneration procedure done. I don’t think it was Earth or if it was Earth, it was before recorded time.
Babies in glass tubes: yes, once I saw a lab that had babies in glass tubes. I was standing at the bottom of a flight of stairs. They are wide stairs and look like light oak. There are other people standing with me and I asked who these people are. As we are walking up the stairs, the ET says, they are the youngest and brightest in their fields of science. There were both men and woman in the group of about 6 or 8. When we get to the top of the stairs I look to the left and see a room with glass walls. There are glass and metal containers with babies in them. Then the ET said, here take him to the room down the hallway, pointing to my right. I looked at the ET and said, why am I taking him to the room? The ET said, this is important, it’s your job to keep him calm and quiet. I looked at the babies again and then walked the guy to a room. When I opened the door there was a sofa, so I sat him on it. Then I sat down and put his head on my lap hoping that would keep him asleep. That was all I remember about the visit.
This is something you may find funny. The first time I saw Elon Musk on a video interview, a few years ago, I immediately thought of this visit. When this happened, he would have been in college and the right age to be in the group. Now, I’m wondering if there are little hybrid Elon’s running around the universe.
ET’s in public: Sounds like fun you had at the convention. Have you ever attended at UFO conference?
NDE: do you feel that after your NDE your spiritual door was flung open wider? Before my NDE, I had a little bit ability, after the NDE it was more, but not as much as some people have. The older I get, I can feel it lessoning. If you want to share, what happened during your NDE?
I like your sharing, it’s not long and I’m enjoying talking with you.
Spring visit: this past week has been my Spring visits going on. Last night I slept well, so hope they won’t come back till fall. That is their usual routine, Spring and Fall. I did get an extra visit at the start of COVID. They were upset about COVID, that much I remember. And they gave me a extra shot of something. I didn’t get COVID and wonder if that’s why.
COVID: At the beginning, I can remember people at my job getting sick. This was before anyone knew what was happening. My first thought was, it’s airborne and dangerous whatever this is. It was around the same time when I got a early visit and was injected. I remember that clearly, because it was the first time in many years that I was awake during the transport part. I also remember a co-work looking at me suspiciously and said, why didn’t you get sick when we all caught it? I smiled and said, I take supplements to boost my immune system.
Tests: Have you ever had the scan that lights up your body and you can see inside your body like a 3d image? I loved that test.
Protection: Have you been protected from physical harm? I have had near misses with harm and wonder if it’s Angels or ET’s that protect me.
And one more question for now. Have you ever been monitored by the MIB? I have, my computer, phone calls and by car. I have this recurring thought sometimes, of them pulling up to my job or house or wherever I am, and they tell me, it's time to go. I would probably say something like, is there pizza where we're going?
08-04-2024, 03:48 AM
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 152
Many apologies for leaving this for so long! I had some sort of block against writing anymore. It was strange because I've written a lot about it on this forum a long time ago. Some spirit friends must have helped me last night I think, because when I woke this morning, the block was totally gone. Sorry about that.
Wow -- the pavilion and limb regeneration procedure sure was fascinating! I've had a very, very, vague sense that they can put limbs back together again, so when you mentioned the regeneration, it sparked that vague, vague memory.
This isn't regeneration or anything, but I remember sitting on a table with my legs dangling over the side, while they were cutting my legs a few times -- just a thin, straight cut about 1-and-a-half inches long. When they cut, it didn't hurt, it felt like a tiny buzz on the skin. They said it was to see how toxic the environment was. (I assumed they could study the sample to see any toxins in it.) They healed the cuts almost instantly.
At one point, the gray in front of me was looking towards his left, and I used that time to bend down and touch my forearm against the little gizmo he had been cutting my leg with. Just by touching the gizmo lightly with my forearm caused the buzz feeling and the cut. The gray looked at me and asked, "Why did you do that?"
That's when I asked him not to heal it, because the scar could remind me of them. The scar never got infected, and I still have it today. But I don't think anyone would be believe me, because it's just a straight, thin line.
Amazing about the babies in glass tubes and Elon Musk. You sure remember a lot more than I do. I really like your posts! They help to trigger my memories.
Yes, I've gone to a few UFO conventions. Feels so great to be with people who have seen UFOs and ETs (as long as they're not coo-coo about it)! But am so sad sometimes because some people have always had bad or scary times with them. Don't know what I did to be lucky to have the loving ones, most of the time. Because the scary ones are really scary.
Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
NDE: do you feel that after your NDE your spiritual door was flung open wider?
Yes. In fact, somehow I was getting stuff in the mail from the Edgar Cayce people shortly after the NDE, and they had some weekend speakers / workshops a short distance from where I lived (via the subway).
Edgar's information that they talked about really helped. When we'd break into little groups to do psychic stuff with each other, I was really embarrassed that I couldn't psychically pick up anything from anyone. And the others were picking up true things about me.
It was years later (and lots of Edgar Cayce seminars), when I calmed myself enough when they'd have us break out into little groups (I get nervous around people). I felt like I was invading the person's privacy, and suddenly thought to ask the person's angels if it was alright to do this because I don't want to invade their privacy, and at the same time, I felt a lot of love for the person. That's when I started getting glimpses of things, most of the time.
Like one person I saw standing next to a bright red car. (Afterwards, she told me her car was red, and that she had always wanted a red car and she really loved the car.) With another person, I saw a beautiful green lawn along a narrow road, and a red farmhouse. (She told me that's where she grew up.) Both these people were from different weekend seminars, and both of them were reluctant to tell me what they picked up from me. ETs were far from my mind when they were doing this, and both of them said they saw me as an ET. They both described what the ET looked like, and they described the same ET. That blew my mind -- but also made me sad because both of them seemed a little upset and really didn't want to tell me what they saw, at first.
Maybe an ET was nearby when they were trying to pick up anything from my life, and they just picked up on the ET. A lot of people have had lots of lives on other planets.
You know, ETs remind me of diversity -- they have different personalities just like we do, only they've experienced a lot more than we have, and they just happen to be in different looking bodies.
Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
Before my NDE, I had a little bit ability, after the NDE it was more, but not as much as some people have. The older I get, I can feel it lessoning.
Some people find that meditating automatically reminds the body about spiritual stuff. Like it starts fine tuning the body or something. Sometimes it can take a while, like I've heard some people get really bored with meditation in the beginning. But after a while almost all of the meditations start taking off, giving terrific feelings, and other places start appearing and universes start opening up. That happened when I started pouring out love towards the universe. Gosh, I've gotten out of meditating regularly, it'd be fun to start it up again.
Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
If you want to share, what happened during your NDE?
That'd take a really long post. I might have already posted here about it a long time ago, but the main points would be, things seemed very weird, like I had fallen into a deep sleep with my eyes open. But finally I realized I was physically dead -- that's when cool stuff started to happen.
But after a while I felt stuck, no more cool things were happening. It seemed like I'd stay stuck in my body for eternity. And I got really scared.
Since I couldn't move my lips, I yelled "Help!" inside my mind.
Instantly after yelling for help, a man appeared and, long story short, they gave me a choice to get back in the physical body or stay on the other side. I said my friend needs me.
Immediately, I was slammed back into my physical body (it really hurt being slammed back), and then a huge bang happened in my back (opposite my heart), and my heart beat so hard I thought it was going to burst. But I tried to calm myself down, and in a minute or so, my heart calmed down and started to beat regularly again. And I was back. And I hated it -- I wanted to go back to the other side. My friend didn't really need me (we'd grieve for each other, sure, but she didn't need me).
But in about one month, my friend really did need me. She lost her job and I was supporting her for a while financially. If I wasn't there, she would have been homeless, since she had no one else.
That's cool about your Spring and Fall ET visits, and getting a shot of something when COVID was around! Your intuition sure was running overtime when your first thought about COVID was it's airborne and dangerous. Wow!
I hadn't noticed if their visits were mainly in the Spring and Fall. The only thing I noticed was that quite a few times they visited on Thursday nights.
Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
Tests: Have you ever had the scan that lights up your body and you can see inside your body like a 3d image? I loved that test.
No, I don't remember that. That must've been really awesome for you! When I was young I used to fantasize a lot about laying on my back on an examination table and the grays surrounded the whole table. And using light from the whole table-top under me (or a wide light up above?), they could see inside my whole body, and saw my thoughts and dreams.
Gosh, I'd totally forgotten that fantasy until you mentioned the scan. Cool!
Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
Protection: Have you been protected from physical harm? I have had near misses with harm and wonder if it’s Angels or ET’s that protect me.
I think so. There have been a few times where it seemed more like a miracle that I wasn't hurt. Usually, it's more of a strong feeling of: don't take that bus, or get into the next subway train -- things like that. Then I learned later there was a huge delay on the bus, and the subway train was stopped because of a police incident on the train.
There've also been times where I actually heard someone say, or had a really strong, sudden thought: "don't get in the car" or "don't speak." And both times I didn't listen and got trouble.
But there have been plenty of times that it's turned out to be really fun -- like an urge to go down a different hallway during a convention and suddenly there's something really fun going on down that hallway. But usually with day-to-day stuff, nothing extraordinary happens.
Am not sure if it's angels or ETs. If it has to do with day-to-day stuff, it's probably angels or other spirit team members.
Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
And one more question for now. Have you ever been monitored by the MIB? I have, my computer, phone calls and by car. I have this recurring thought sometimes, of them pulling up to my job or house or wherever I am, and they tell me, it's time to go. I would probably say something like, is there pizza where we're going?
MIB -- OMG -- what an invasion of privacy! (I love pizza!) I'm not sure if I've been monitored. But a speaker at a UFO convention mentioned differences between an ET abduction and a military abduction. Some of which was that they'd be interested in abducting you if you have been taken many times by the ETs (especially since childhood). And the military abductions would involve giving you an awful tasting drink. I do remember being forced to drink something a few times, it was gross tasting.
I've tried to remember the speaker's name. Joe something (I think), and lived in Florida. Stupid me, I didn't write down his name. I think he's on the internet and he's done a lot of research about abductees.
Well, many apologies again for taking so long to type this.
Are there other things you remember from your adventures with the ETs? Or anyone else on the forum would be welcomed too!
08-04-2024, 09:27 PM
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 152
Oops -- figured with the long post above, there'd be typos:
I meant to say "The gray looked at me and asked via telepathy, "Why did you do that?"
Originally Posted by Klaatu24
When I was young I used to fantasize a lot about laying on my back on an examination table and the grays surrounded the whole table. And using light from the whole table-top under me (or a wide light up above?), they could see inside my whole body, and saw my thoughts and dreams.
I meant to add to the quote above: Maybe part of the fantasy was actually true and I didn't realize it, back then.
Thanks for reading all this!
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