Great to see a recent video of Dr. Greer!
I'm inclined to agree with what he says. Because ages ago I saw him talk twice at UFO conferences. The last time I saw him, there were two ETs over on the left from where I was sitting. They were standing against the wall of the conference room. A third, a young ET was going around sitting quietly on different people's laps! The people seemed like they didn't notice him at all. (In Earth years, he was probably around 6 or 7?) He'd sit on their laps for a few minutes then walked really quickly and switched to someone else's lap. It was so hard to focus on Dr. Greer, because I kept glancing at the young ET.
Then the young ET looked at me and
thought "I remember you." And he sat on my lap! (I didn't remember him though.) I wanted to put my arms around him, or at least rub his back because he seemed so sweet, but I didn't because I was sitting in the audience and thought it'd look too strange to anyone else who might see. So, I tried lifting my right arm astrally and rubbed his back softly a lot, but I don't know if this worked or if he felt it. But I definitely kept glancing at him a lot and kept smiling at him. Hopefully, he caught my good vibes for him. He seemed very quiet in his mind and just sat there looking ahead, I assumed at other people. After sitting with me for a few minutes he went to someone else.
The two ETs over on the left -- one was tall (maybe around 7 feet tall -- am not exactly sure) and seemed to be a male. The other one seemed to be female and was smaller (maybe around 4 feet), and had a lot of gorgeous white hair. Got the feeling that they worked with Dr. Greer (but I'm not 100 percent sure).
I really like seeing Dr. Greer talk. He described in one of the talks about how he began working with the ETs.
Since I saw the ETs there at his talk, I'm very inclined to believe what he says.