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Old 29-05-2024, 09:41 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Human Design: manifesting generator

A while ago someone pointed out Human Design to me and I had my chart calculated online.
That way I found out I am a Manifesting Generator.
I didn't really dive into it beyond that until my son asked me about my birthtime so he could calculate my HD chart.
He knew a lot more about it than I and after that I decided to find out a bit more about my chart.

I was blown away! The depth of it, what it came up with, wow!

You basically get a chart that is drawn over a human form with lots of lines and numbers, like this:

I found a website that gave information on all that:
The coloured sections are the energy centres.
The numbers are called "gates" and they represent options, qualities etc.
There are 64 total, but you won't have all of these activated as that would be too much of a good thing.
I counted mine, I have 23 activated.

From what I could work out (I didn't read everything as it's a complex system) you have a line running from 1 gate to the next, representing a specific learning path. What that path is about depends on the numbers of the gate (the quality/options/theme of both).
If I got it right, when a path has been mastered, it's fully coloured. If not, then you're busy with it.

Now there are red & black lines. Red is subconscious, black you are aware of.
I have one longer path/line that is totally mastered, but it's red. So I guess I'm not fully aware of that.

I also have a few lines that are totally filled but both black AND red. Not sure what that means.
I did read that some themes/qualities can have been activated during previous lives, colouring the gates both black & red. I'm guesstimating it's the same for a line like that.

In any case, I can totally recommend doing your chart (free online) and reading up on the meaning.
There's much more to it than the Gates & lines, you also have your Incarnation Cross, inner authority and so on.

I had one explanation that brought tears to my eyes as it was so accurate and hit a bit of a sore spot.
A number of other things were both eye-opening and confirmation of what I already knew.

there are 5 types, although some online stick to 4:

- generator
- reflector
- projector
- manifestor
- manifesting generator

And if you know more about it, feel free to share.
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Old 01-06-2024, 03:53 AM
Clio_86 Clio_86 is offline
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Hi FairyCrystal, do you have a link to share where one could try this out?
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Old 01-06-2024, 11:57 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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You can Google it, there are tons of sites.
But yesterday I came across this one and found that it gives wonderful extra info without having to go to other sites.
You can of course still do that but I liked the info given here :)


If you want to know more in depth I would recommend this site. It gives explanation of each Gate, also of what Gates are, the Incarnation Crosses etc.
I do recommend to look up the meaning of your Incarnation Cross as it is the broad purpose of your life.
Also explained on the site.
You find your Inc. Cross when you have your chart calculated.

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Old 01-06-2024, 05:32 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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If it really tickles your fancy I can recommend to read up on the ins and outs of your chart as it is unbelievable interesting, many eye-openers, confirmation and so on.

I've spent the entire afternoon looking up & reading about it and then my chart, and holy cow!!

Find a site that elaborates on all the aspects of it, the circuitry, the channels, the centres and so on.
I found such a site, but it's in Dutch so no use in sharing that.

One thing I discovered is the meaning of the white parts in the chart. I kind of dismissed those at first or thought that it meant I was lacking stuff.
But exactly the areas (the centres) that are white are where your personal lessons are!
That's because you do not have energy there yourself to rely on so you rely on the external for that energy.
That comes with a risk of getting overwhelmed and filled up by another's energy, convictions, beliefs etc.
But... if you can work with it properly it offers a wealth of wisdom and strength!

The circuitry also was very interesting. Turns out mine is mostly the individual and the explanation of that all is 100% correct for me.

It is really worth spending time on this subject.
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Old 02-06-2024, 05:43 PM
Clio_86 Clio_86 is offline
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Oh wow, thanks. I did a quick look at my chart but will have to sit down and explore with more time to read up on what everything means.
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Old 02-06-2024, 07:04 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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You can also directly Google for info on your profile numbers, always 2 numbers for instance 1/3 or 4/6 etc.
The same for Googling your Incarnation Cross, Human Design Circuitry etc. etc.
Sometimes that's the fastest way to find the info you're after, and that way you often also find a great site that offers all info

If you spend a bit of time on it here and there you already learn an awful lot.
It truly is worth the time, provided it interests you of course :)

I simply started with a few things, not really intending to go much further. But then I got so intrigued as the info from these few things was so spot on and sometimes news to me -still accurate though- that I kept looking things up more and more, hihi.
It's addictive, beware! Lol.
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Old 03-06-2024, 04:13 AM
Clio_86 Clio_86 is offline
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Googling the results directly is much more informative. I haven't looked into too much but I am 3/6, "the human contradiction" or "martyr/role model." Just from reading, it is kind of interesting how the description sort of aligns with my numerology life path which is 5. I'll keep looking into my chart. Thanks for sharing!
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Old 03-06-2024, 09:13 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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You're very welcome!
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Old 22-06-2024, 10:55 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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So interesting:
If you look at the image in my OP you see the squares & triangles that connect the lines.
Those squares & triangles are called centres.
As said above, the white ones mean you have no energy there so you rely on the external concerning the themes of the resp. white centre.
However, if you do have active Gates -the numbers- in a white centre there's still some of your energy there.
An active Gate is a number in a circle, in the image in my OP these are white. Numbers -Gates- without such a circle aren't active.

From what I read everyone has a number of white centres, also a few without active Gates. That's normal.

But... the other day I calculated my daughter's Human Design and ... she has not a single inactive centre!!!?
Yes, she has a few white ones, but then they still have active Gates!!

I'm not sure how rare this is, but I really did read that people always have inactive white centres without active Gates. My daughter doesn't.
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Old 29-06-2024, 08:52 AM
PinkFlower PinkFlower is offline
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Hi FairyCrystal, I did my chart and I'm a projector. I found it very interesting and accurate. It definitely aligns with me and my personality. I want to explore the Human Design a bit more now. Thanks for bringing it up :)
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