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Old 15-07-2024, 05:57 PM
charly233 charly233 is offline
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Sport and spirituality

Sports such as soccer and athletics are often portrayed as being compatible with spirituality. But for me this is far from the truth. For me sports are a training ground which prepares people for warfare. Sports, with their flags and emblems and militeritistic vibes, are associated with the glorification of nationalism

The basic teaching of spirituality Is to do no harm to others, to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself.

Sport is all about harming others. It is about getting one over ones opponent, about winning rather than losing. Sport is fundamentally competitive.

Spirituality on the other hand is fundamentally cooperative. Sport is a win-lose scenario. Spirituality Is a win-win situation. Under sport nobody really wins. Under spirituality everyone is a winner.
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Old 15-07-2024, 11:06 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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charly233, I understand where you are coming from. Sport has many features like warfare, and there are some military people who consider warfare to be a sport. In the days of the Roman Empire gladiators killing each other in an arena was considered sport. Today we still have violent sports, like boxing, mixed martial arts, American football, etc.

Sports are mostly about competition, one person or team being better than another, and often that person or team represents a city or country. I guess a lot of people want to be number one, or the best at something. This is often accomplished by destroying or putting down an opponent. In my opinion, whether it is done in fun or not, it is an ego trip.
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Old 16-07-2024, 02:31 AM
Podshell Podshell is offline
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I think we have had a similar thread some months back as I recall making a post about some sports replacing warfare and battle, we see something similar in the animal kingdom to avoid conflict the animals take part in some sort of show of bravado where one backs down, indeed at school it was much safer to challeng someone to an arm wrestle than to have a fight.
I don't think battles or wars should be automatically frowned upon as some are essential to for instance bring a bully down, you could claim that being a pacifist whilst a murderous dictator carries on killing is a form of violence.I mean it's common sense, if some bully was coming along the street hitting children and I was the only adult with the power to stop him it's likely some sort of force would have to be used, if I just stood there and let him carry on then the victims would plead 'why aren't you doing anything' and how crazy would it sound for me to reply 'I'm a pacifist I don't involve myself in that type of thing, I did try talking to him '
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Old 16-07-2024, 11:14 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Sorry guys but I have to disagree with the above comments especially about it harming others but perhaps boxing and wrestling maybe the exception.

There are two points of view regarding this topic and I have to ask, are you coming from the participants or spectators point of view? I’ve been on both sides of the fence so I understand what is actually going on.

I am a die hard fan of my home team (soccer) and been to quite a few of their home games and have felt the camaraderie, sense of belonging, excitement, joy, singing together and total acceptance of other people who you’ve never met before all hugging each other feeling the same as me and all wanting to see their players do well. It’s absolute magic being with 60,000 people all feeling the same as me and all wanting the same thing.

Sport also provides fans with stress relief, social connection, emotional release, escape from their humdrum boring lives and something to look forward to every week.

So you have to ask, does spirituality/religion/church do this for people?

However from a participants point of view it’s a whole different scenario. On a positive note we all know the health benefits to our body but from an emotional/psychological point of view it creates improved mood, bonds with others and self confidence, to name a few.

Yes sometimes ego is involved, especially in the men’s sports and being number one becomes an obsession but is that so bad? I don’t see a problem with someone wanting to be the best as long as it’s done fairly and without causing deliberate hurt to another.

Social media is what damages our athletes more than anything else in my opinion.
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Old 16-07-2024, 11:29 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Charley……” Spirituality Is a win-win situation. Under sport nobody really wins. Under spirituality everyone is a winner”

Totally disagree with this statement Charley.

Spirituality doesn’t always have a win win. You just gotta look at the damage spirituality/religion has and is doing around the world. Do people come together with respect and acceptance of others of a different belief. No, not always. There’s not a win win in Middle East right now is there.

I’ve also read about different gurus putting each other down behind their backs and followers getting into fights with different followers and neighbours doing nasty things to each other because they had different beliefs. We only have to look into our past at the Crusaders, Spanish Inquisition and death of millions of indigenous people who have been slaughtered because of their different spiritual beliefs. I can’t see that as a win win.
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Old 16-07-2024, 02:06 PM
Podshell Podshell is offline
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At first I thought the slaughter of natives say was nothing to do with religion, it was economics, getting control of land and getting rid of any rebels, but then I thought the oppressors usually have the money god Mammon to satisfy so yes lots can be related to religion in that way.
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Old 16-07-2024, 03:35 PM
lemex lemex is offline
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Certainly obvious. Literally everything, every act, even being relates with learning spiritual and afterlife (spirit) and so in that regard is compatible spiritual learning, experiences, and doing. A reflective thought you have to be sure. I really like the basic spirit tenet you made. But don't forget this is how the lower realms are set up. For instance attachment of money to sports, etc. Very advanced observation I thought. Maybe learning what spirituality is.

Last edited by lemex : 16-07-2024 at 04:15 PM.
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Old 16-07-2024, 05:37 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Podshell……. At first I thought the slaughter of natives say was nothing to do with religion…..”

I think it was partly to do with religion. Perhaps things might have been different if the Indian chief had welcomed the white man with a bible in his hand and talked about Jesus. Could you imagine that scenario ha! They would t be able to justify their war then by calling them barbaric, savages, inferior and laughed at them for their beliefs in spirit.

Ultimately they believed, at that time that they were far more superior than indigenous people and deserved to take their land and resources, because they would make much better use of it than the non believers would. And of course, they also believed that “God was with them” and not with the natives.

It was the same thing here in Australia with our own Aborigines. Their kids were taken off them and put into missions to indoctrinate them with Christianity and their women forced to be maids and also indoctrinated. Their men were killed and their land was stolen for farming for the white man. They thought it was their Christian duty to bring these people to THEIR god.

Me thinks spiritual beliefs have a lot to do with it.

However, after saying all that things have now changed for the better, a lot of people are starting to be more respecting of others beliefs but we still have a long way to go.

Sorry got off the topic of sport a bit there but felt I needed to respond to what Podshell said.
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Old 16-07-2024, 05:53 PM
Altair Altair is offline
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Originally Posted by charly233
Sport is fundamentally competitive.

Almost everything in this world is. Resource gathering is also competitive. Achieving something or getting good at something is competitive. Dating and mating is competitive.

Arguing, discussing, and convincing other people about something on an internet forum is also competitive. You made this thread, you wish to convince us with the argument you make.

If we don't want any competition then we have to withdraw completely and when it comes to getting our resources, food etc. I guess we should be kept in the dark about where they're coming from, which means ignorance is required.
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Old 16-07-2024, 07:28 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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How has the slaughter of Native people come into this post it is nothing to do with it,
For myself I detest sport It is pointless its just putting one person against another,
Sport is not spiritual in any way,

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