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Old 08-04-2024, 07:22 AM
Baile Baile is offline
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Hi again lamb. I looked, and I see you've been having struggles going back at least a couple of years.

A love lost and relationship shattered, it seems. Dark night of the soul. Etc.

"The issue at the core, when (one) hasn’t dealt with (their) own aloneness."

That wisdom is from JustBe, and I suggest you check her post history and read everything she's written. She talks about how we make the mistake of looking for the answer in someone else -- "wanting someone, waiting for someone" -- when we are the only ones who can complete us.

You are wanting you. You are waiting for you. When you understand this, that is when your real relationship-discovery journey starts.

That's all you truly need. Yes, it's lovely having someone in one's life, and that's a good thing too. But making someone else responsible for your happiness doesn't work; is unhealthy and leads to illness; and at its core is dysfunctional, meaning it is not an authentic and worthwhile relationship in the first place.

All the best lamb. Love yourself. Eckhart Tolle, YouTube site, start listening to his talks, that would be helpful as well.

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Old 08-04-2024, 07:44 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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It's only victim mentality if you allow it to be.
We all yearn for the "one".
But in real life it will either happen or it won't .
In the meantime we can't make it "fit" ...like putting the wrong piece of jigsaw into a puzzle.
But I know how hard the hurt feels when it's doesn't happen...

When it DOES happen ...( When least expected ) ...it was always worth the wait...
And after that nothing can compare ....
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Old 23-04-2024, 10:56 AM
lostsoul13 lostsoul13 is offline
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I have no choice but to wait-

I don’t mind I’m working on my self-

It gives me peace and quiet- I know in the future that will be hard to come by -

Really no one is perfect apart from your ideal : we build them up inside and nothing can compare when relationships break down because they could never be your ideal in your mind- that’s just your twin flame.. they will come once your ready. We are all still young in this reincarnation journey- hundreds and thousands of years to go until we are ready with experience and all the right factors to reunite..
Vampire speed..

Arabic first language (English)—- bear with me and please be patient)
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Old 27-04-2024, 10:58 PM
Elements Elements is offline
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There are three mirrors you look in, the first one you see yourself as I am! The second mirror you judge! You judge yourself as you do others. The third you see the missing.. parts of yourself you gave away in your past, or were taken from you, then you find a connection with someone, why? Because we see within them the parts we are missing! We know they will make us feel whole! Yet if only we can identify within ourselves the parts missing, only then we can reclaim this.
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Old 03-05-2024, 02:52 PM
lamb1 lamb1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Elements
There are three mirrors you look in, the first one you see yourself as I am! The second mirror you judge! You judge yourself as you do others. The third you see the missing.. parts of yourself you gave away in your past, or were taken from you, then you find a connection with someone, why? Because we see within them the parts we are missing! We know they will make us feel whole! Yet if only we can identify within ourselves the parts missing, only then we can reclaim this.
Good one.

Can someone help me a little? I have tough time with deciding my life Path. The best would be private message. I almost forgot about this person and then he wrote and i'm in the different dimension. I feel responsible (in some way) for both of us. Like my decisions affects his and his state of being etc.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

Forgive me mistakes! Still learning English
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