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Old 13-05-2024, 05:32 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 3,482
Rage against the feminine

Mothers arms, she holds you close
You feel and sense her, the most
As the infant learning through
The wisdom, chained and broken view

Her wintery eyes, spring held dreams
Fall becomes her broken seams
Summer lights her warming smiles
Winter holding all her lies

Her dreams untold yet opened wide
Realised for a time inside
Since time began of her own life
As an infant, child, mother wife

The infant held by her hands
Infuses the child with all her plan
How she cares, how she is,
Through all her songs
She can only give

The child immerses
Learns through her eyes
Her touch, her feelings
Her heartfelt strides

How warm, how cold
How afraid and bold
How she the source
Of her feminine strong hold
Moves through the child
In every way
Each and ever other day

The mother source
Reflects the course
Of how the infant
Receives her force

Entwined as one
They forge a path
A creation born
Through her part

A foundation strong
In every way
We see and feel
Senses at play

If the course you see as her
Still remains or just a blur
The power in her motherly ways
Forms the ‘one’ as you each day

Until of course you reclaim those parts
Of the mother broken inside your heart
Until you do, your heart will break
Hurt you so, so much at stake

As the mother as myself and you
Put in place as your view
Until you end her broken ways
Embrace your heart
Another way

She lingers there inside so long
Breaking through your hidden song

The universe is made up of experiences that are designed to burn out your attachment, your clinging, to pleasure, to pain, to fear, to all of it. And as long as there is a place where you’re vulnerable, the universe will find a way to confront you with it. - Ram Dass
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