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Old 09-08-2022, 04:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Shouldn't we meet when we're ready?

I believe in the whole idea that we have a soul group of other souls and come on this earth together to work things out, to grow, to help one another.

However, what I do not understand is why are we being reborn with spirits (that I think come from it's own souls, our higher self) that we have already unfinished business with and once this life time is done with we have even more so because either neither of us or one of us has not evolved enough to fix that?

Would it not be better for everyone if we met once we, or I or the other person/spirit, are evolved enough?

I know already as a young child I was later told and I knew it too being that young I did not like someone and through regression later I knew why and it did not change a thing because that person (spirit) was still real immature spirit wise and well human wise, so the only thing that I think happened there was that things got even worse than before.

Or are we seriously being thrown on this earth to have the same fight if not the even worse fight than before because the other person is not getting it or I'm not getting it - someone's not getting it that's for sure?

Should one not be able to detect "up there" that hey, you know, it's a real bad idea if the two of us get together this time around too? We better wait.
No? (you're not gonna get a dawm thing, or either am I).

I sort of now land in the thought that we just get shipped out together whether we like it or not, pretty much like people with a ticket on a ship, and should not bother but avoid those other passengers who ain't behaving right according to us, and stay and chat some in the corridor with those that it feels right with?
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