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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Spirituality & Beliefs > Affirmations > Manifesting, Creating, & The Law of Attraction

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Old 15-11-2024, 04:06 PM
WantToBeHappy WantToBeHappy is offline
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Help me stop these accidental manifestations !!

Help me !!! I understand with the tremendous power or “gift “ that I possess I can solve complex problems within my family , friends and the world. But this power has not been helping me, and instead it’s torturing me !!!

I’m scared !! I need to turn it off. This power could have been used to cure my father’s heart problem, my sister’s schizophrenia and what not. But it has NOT.

And instead it is causing all kinds of weird heart drenching situations and incidents.

A few months ago, I was having fun with a person who I just met and made me happy, was exciting to be around and was very kind. After I met him on the way back home I was soo happy to have talked to him. I was like he is my next best friend !! And I was like I would never wish him any bad or harm. And the next second I was like … I will not.. jinx !! Then I started to panic that something bad would happen to him because I met him. Please do not ask me what happened to him. Bit something dangerously bad happened to him that week. I don’t want to make someone else mentally sick by telling you what happened to him.

HELP ME!!! If this power is not causing anyone any good, what use is it. You are right, it is a tremendously powerful “gift” if used for the right purposes. But I am not able to use it in that way. Help me !! Before some more bad things happen !!! Paleeeeeeease!!

I don’t have time to explain the other incidents that happens but there are too many incidents that have happened to brush this power off as a coincidence

Help me!! Well not me, you will be helping the innocent world by helping me turn off these manifestations !!

And do I not have the right to feel or think anything ??!!! Do I not have the right to feel emotions like anger ??!! If I am mad at someone does that mean that person is doomed !! If I am jealous at someone does that mean that person is doomed. ??!!! Help me !!!!!!!!
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Old 15-11-2024, 08:27 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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The power of Affirmation are not Responsible for what is going on in your life
bad things happen to people all the time.
this happens to everyone at some time in their lives.

What has happened is not down to Affirmations, at all

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Old 22-11-2024, 05:25 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Firstly , you are not responsible for these "happenings".
It's just a sad fact, as Native says , that bad things do happen to all of us.

They are not "affirmations" either, unless you are consciously trying to affirm them.

You are not responsible for any of it.
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Old 11-12-2024, 11:24 PM
WantToBeHappy WantToBeHappy is offline
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How do I use my powers for things that are useful?

My powers are not helping me or others. If I think something, it accidentally manifests. But why can’t this power be used to help me and others around me in times of need. No matter how hard I pray, it is not helping me.

It has caused accidents, deaths, illnesses but no matter how much I try it is not curing or solving any problems or helping people cure their problems. Help me !

I am not able to clearly explain my problem. Hoping someone can help me !!
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Old 11-12-2024, 11:36 PM
WantToBeHappy WantToBeHappy is offline
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It seems to be causing things I don’t want. And bad things. No good things at all !!
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Old 12-12-2024, 08:33 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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None of this is down to you.
The only way you could cause such events is if you indeed are evil, and I'm certain you're not.
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Old 12-12-2024, 11:19 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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These occurrences are not down to you, things happen in life that you can find no reason for but they happen all the same.
I don't know why you started blaming yourself,
but rest assured these are nothing to do with you.

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Old 12-12-2024, 06:05 PM
saurab saurab is offline
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You are responsible for everything that happens to your life and others are responsible for their lives. No one has deaths or accidents happen to them because you are trying the laws of manifestation. Also, the law of manifestation is ultimately in the hands of the compassionate divine and not in your hands.
Be good, be strong, be helpful, and understand!
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Old 30-01-2025, 03:20 AM
WantToBeHappy WantToBeHappy is offline
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It looks like this is happening to a lot of people. However, I can’t find the solution !!

And I need a solution !!

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Old 30-01-2025, 10:13 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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It seems that you may have psychic abilities and you are confusing this with Affirmations,
I would suggest that you visit A Spiritual church things might become clearer to you then.

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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