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Old Yesterday, 01:28 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
Posts: 3,049

What would an ideal lifestyle be like for you? I do not try to live
a spiritual life even though I constantly feel spirit in my life. I do
edit my thoughts because I feel our internal life is just as important
as our outer life. I do quiet my mind and meditate daily.

As someone who is retired I have a lot of freedom and I go
camping in the great outdoor at least one week every month; no
internet, T.V., or cell phone service. Being out in nature energizes
me, and when I return to my house in so-called civilization
I am completely energized and spill a lot of that energy in
volunteer work and here on social media. This lifestyle works
for me.

So I was wondering about the lifestyle of others who are here.
Is it working for you? Hectic or relaxed, time consuming or
lots of time on your hands? Ideal for you or wanting to change?
A spiritual life can have many different involvements or no
involvements at all.
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Old Yesterday, 02:40 PM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
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Yes, I suppose each experience and footprint is unique. In my case, as we speak, I do not form any agenda but simply embrace and release each offering life brings forth. All doings are done but I am not doing them, even though it may outwardly appear to others that I am.

There is no seeking, only being, in a continuum of present moments, wherein I look neither backward nor forward.

Perhaps this is owing to the fact that I am suffused with bliss in permanence, pulsating within magnetically by day and night.

Spiritually too I seek nothing but if I may say so as egolessly as am able, everything as ordained has been enabled, optimised for assimilation in accordance with the slow dissolution of ego and past tendencies.

To the outer world, I have a business (which I am trying to exit because I no longer identify with it) and socialise with others, both with and without my spouse, as the occasion may demand, in agendaless vibrance.

I do not seek any siddhis (powers) wherein I may perform any esoteric type of service bit know others who do. I am not averse to serving but I do not desire it either. It hardly matters since I am not the doer anyway.

I indulge body-mind in accordance with affinity and see no harm in it, yet recognising it for what it is, as offered by the universe in this immersion. In Hindu terminology we call this Mukti (freedom) with bhukti (liberation).
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
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