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Old 08-04-2020, 08:43 PM
robhr robhr is offline
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It worked for my mother, she uncovered repressed memories.

I don't have personal experience, I worry I may be the kind of person who just can't get hypnotized.
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Old 08-04-2020, 09:09 PM
inavalan inavalan is offline
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Originally Posted by robhr
It worked for my mother, she uncovered repressed memories.

I don't have personal experience, I worry I may be the kind of person who just can't get hypnotized.
It is a myth that there are people that can't be hypnotized.
Everything expressed here is what I believe. Keep that in mind when you read my post, as I kept it in mind when I wrote it. I don't parrot others. Most of my spiritual beliefs come from direct channeling guidance. I have no interest in arguing whose belief is right, and whose is wrong. I'm here just to express my opinions, and read about others'.
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Old 08-04-2020, 09:15 PM
robhr robhr is offline
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Originally Posted by inavalan
It is a myth that there are people that can't be hypnotized.

I kinda figured, I guess it just means when I saw a hypnotism show and some of them had to get off the stage it was just 'cause the hypnotist wasn't very good.
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Old 28-04-2020, 10:20 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Many moons ago myself and my friend went to a hypnotist for past life regression, he tried to hypnotise me I just started Laughing,
it didn't work for me but my friend who was sitting to the side of me. started saying things .she had been hypnotised instead.
it came out that she was a child born to farmers and they had 10 kids,her name was Alice and she was the fourth child.
in this life she is an only child. he told me my guides wouldn't let him come near me

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Old 08-09-2020, 12:39 PM
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Years ago.. at school sports day, I got talking to another mum who had booked a session to stop smoking. I told her "" ooohhh that sounds interesting""".... As I myself thought I should really stop smoking . At this she showed interest and said "" well I've booked... But if I bring a second person we both get it a lot cheaper"""....so before I knew it, I had agreed to go with her...... We went..... And all the time, I'm thinking ""well I can still hear everything , the birds outside the window , the guys voice" ... Etc .... I didn't think it was working. When he told us to open our eyes , it did feel like my eyes were heavy ......but it hadnt worked for either of us.... The first thing she did when we got outside was light a cig, and she never stopped !!!! In the other hand, I DID stop... Why??.... Because after paying the sum of £80 .... I could not afford to carry on smoking... Went through hell and cold turkey to stop on my own, having to ring a helpline every two days in order to stay off them..... I stopped for 2 years but then started again when I was going through a divorce...
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Old 08-09-2020, 03:11 PM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Originally Posted by Elfin
Years ago.. at school sports day, I got talking to another mum who had booked a session to stop smoking. I told her "" ooohhh that sounds interesting""".... As I myself thought I should really stop smoking . At this she showed interest and said "" well I've booked... But if I bring a second person we both get it a lot cheaper"""....so before I knew it, I had agreed to go with her...... We went..... And all the time, I'm thinking ""well I can still hear everything , the birds outside the window , the guys voice" ... Etc .... I didn't think it was working. When he told us to open our eyes , it did feel like my eyes were heavy ......but it hadnt worked for either of us.... The first thing she did when we got outside was light a cig, and she never stopped !!!! In the other hand, I DID stop... Why??.... Because after paying the sum of £80 .... I could not afford to carry on smoking... Went through hell and cold turkey to stop on my own, having to ring a helpline every two days in order to stay off them..... I stopped for 2 years but then started again when I was going through a divorce...

One session will very rarely do it. Generally, numerous sessions are needed.

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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Old 15-09-2020, 06:52 AM
Feathers777 Feathers777 is offline
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I don't believe in hypnosis, until I experience it myself. In hypnosis TV shows people are just acting to not embarass a show host.

I would like to try it, however, if there would be some hypnotist willing to try me. Maybe hypnosis could cure my chronic fatigue? "Look at this pendulum...you feel energetic and fresh...you fall to sleep easily and you get refreshing sleep..."
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Old 23-09-2020, 05:05 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Originally Posted by Feathers777
I don't believe in hypnosis, until I experience it myself. In hypnosis TV shows people are just acting to not embarass a show host.

I would like to try it, however, if there would be some hypnotist willing to try me. Maybe hypnosis could cure my chronic fatigue? "Look at this pendulum...you feel energetic and fresh...you fall to sleep easily and you get refreshing sleep..."

Can you imagine being an athlete in a race and then using hypnosis while you are running so you will run faster?

This scenario is played out in many races.

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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Old 10-02-2021, 09:09 AM
Heightend-Awareness Heightend-Awareness is offline
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I had tried hypnotherapy for a physical recovery (stroke). However, I felt I did not benefit from it even though I was assured that I would benefit from it. I'm not saying it doesn't work, just that it didn't for me. I found that through positive affirmations that I got the most positive outcome.
'The two most important days in your life; the day you were born and the day you find out why.' - Mark Twain

Ha ezek lennének az utolsó szavaim, minden jót kívánok az élet során. Ahogy mindent megtettem, hogy figyelmeztesselek. Béke és szeretet mindig - HA

Yes, I spell my alias incorrectly on purpose. To prove I am not perfect. Yet.
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Old 17-02-2021, 06:26 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Originally Posted by Heightend-Awareness
I had tried hypnotherapy for a physical recovery (stroke). However, I felt I did not benefit from it even though I was assured that I would benefit from it. I'm not saying it doesn't work, just that it didn't for me. I found that through positive affirmations that I got the most positive outcome.

I went to an introductory to hypnosis once.
The instructor asked for a volunteer. Nobody raised their hand but me. He kept asking the question while at the same time pretending he could not see my raised hand. Later he would tell me, of those in the room, I was the least susceptible to hypnosis. Great.

He had me come over and stand in an aisle. He had some students stand behind me. Instantly I could feel my body being invisibly bound and I leaned backwards and was 'caught' by the people behind me. Next my feet were picked up and my feet were put on one table any my head and shoulders were put on another table. I was belly up with nothing supporting my back. My back should have bent but it didn't. I remained rigid. I was amazed because I had 2 fractures in my back and I felt nothing in pain. Shortly afterwards, the show was over, and I was hooked on hypnosis.

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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