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Old 21-10-2017, 09:11 AM
moonincancer moonincancer is offline
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Thanks Tealily you are right. I really need to look out for myself.

How is Tealily doing in her efforts to switch off after work?
Sacrifice/Hanged Man and 8 pentacles (positive movement forward)
You are doing a lot better than before but you still need to let go the need to control outcomes: they are not always in your hands. Also, rewards for past work coming your way.

My q. What is it best for me to focus on right now?
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Old 21-10-2017, 09:16 AM
tealily tealily is offline
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Ooooh rewards?? Any idea what kind? and yes, I need to continue working on letting go of things outside my control (a big thing in my industry; although I’d like to think I’m better than some).

8 of pent, 6 of swords rev

“Work harder on staying put” - this makes no sense to me but hopefully does to you?

Q: suspect unlikely, but will I hit enough targets to qualify for a promotion before the end of 2017?
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Old 22-10-2017, 08:21 PM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by Clover
7 of pentacles and The Moon

Q. Is it likely my son will ring me in the next couple of days? (I've been waiting for him to ring to say when he's coming for dinner, lol)
He's thinking about it, it's in the back of his mind. I see a lot of waiting/stalling/hoping from your end. I think you have a better chance giving him a jingle to remind him! I am not comfortable saying no, maybe its too early right now I see a lot of thinking, no action

Feedback for Clover

My son didn't ring me, but he did pop in after work instead one day last week. He was extremely busy at work (he manages a nursery, which made me think of him at work when I saw 7 of Pentacles) and being spring over here, it's really busy, so he doesn't leave work until after 7 each night.

Next question for tealily: Q: suspect unlikely, but will I hit enough targets to qualify for a promotion before the end of 2017?
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Old 26-10-2017, 02:22 PM
moonincancer moonincancer is offline
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6 pentacles/physical reversed; Tower/Disruption
You almost get there but at the moment the cards say unlikely: Some disruption of plans, maybe at the last moment, however you will still be at peace and happy. (The first card had distinctly happy vibes)

Next Q : What is the likely outcome for my preparations for a future trip ?
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Old 28-10-2017, 11:44 PM
tealily tealily is offline
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Sounds about right - to qualify, I'd need to hit a certain benchmark by end of this month and I think I'll juuuust be out. Despite this, I'm feeling quietly confident the next two months will be good ones, so I'll be pretty happy (plus should be on track to qualify early 2018)

Your Q: High Priestess rev, 10 of Pent
* Happy Tarot

I feel like you're going to have to use your head and problem-solve on the go; it's as if it'll cost more money/effort than originally anticipated to get where you want to go, and you may have to postphone some decisions until you're actually there.

(side note: I'm feeling a city with a lot of history, particularly something with a Spanish or Moroccan flair... something with heat, and a bit exotic!)

Q: How am I going with my meditative practice?
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Old 04-11-2017, 06:45 AM
moonincancer moonincancer is offline
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Ace swords/triumphant success
New beginnings, exciting challenges and faster progress than you expected but simultaneously, since such a powerful energy has been unleashed be careful and control it when needed.
My question: Is my essay on crystals being published in the wrong book?
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Old 04-11-2017, 06:48 AM
moonincancer moonincancer is offline
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Sorry I did not pick a second card but two swords or mental conflict kept falling out Tealily. I shall stick to my reading above:)It came out strongly.

My question: Is my essay on Crystals being published in the wrong book?
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Old 05-11-2017, 01:46 PM
fire cat pickles fire cat pickles is offline
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Originally Posted by moonincancer
My question: Is my essay on Crystals being published in the wrong book?

Lovers + Queen of Pentacles

You have made the right decision, if making money was the goal.

My question: Will I be transferred to the 24-hour shift?
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Old 07-11-2017, 12:38 PM
tealily tealily is offline
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yay a new player! Welcome fire cat pickles, love your name

Happy Tarot
8 of Wands rev, The Sun

I'm seeing a gigantic "PAUSE" button flash through my head when I see 8 of Wands rev so I'm thinking not... plus, I think you'll be pretty happy about this!

My Q: Why have I felt so tired lately, despite plenty of sleep?
Please do not pm me with a reading request
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Old 10-11-2017, 01:58 PM
Leighqt Leighqt is offline
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M Rakel

6 Pentacles and 10 cups

Ground your roots as you transition to the next phase
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